
音标: 英 [ˈbɔ:bl] 美 [ˈbɔbəl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 美观而无价值的东西, 玩具, 小玩意

n. a mock scepter carried by a court jester


1. Perhaps he'll have a bauble for me as well.


2. Has you run his errands, collect his baubles.

你一直帮他办事 替他收集饰物

3. I said I've no interest in tawdry baubles.


4. Worthless gewgaws and baubles and tourist trinkets.

不值钱的便宜货 小玩意儿 还有旅游饰品

5. and that a dead woman's bauble would seal my fate.


6. Labour and gold, not old men and their worthless baubles.

要的是劳动力和金子 不是老人和不值钱的小玩意

7. But if these greytrade sales lists are legit he's selling a lot more than trinkets and baubles.

可如果这些灰易网销售清单可信的话... 他卖的可就不止是那些廉价小玩意儿了

8. I want you to think of the whole thing the bauble and the string as being the shape of the object.

我希望大家把装饰球和绳子 视为一个整体 视为这个物体的形状
