
音标: 英 ['tɒpmәust]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 最高的, 顶端的

s. at or nearest to the top


1. Her dappled green plumage camouflages her against attacks from falcons, but even so, she won't dare to venture into the topmost branches until it's dark.

它身披绿色带有斑纹的羽毛 足以令它免受猎鹰的攻击 尽管如此 它也不敢在白天冒险爬上最顶端的枝杈

2. As the retreating tide exposes the topmost branches of the corals, the shark remains in the little pools between them for as long as it can.

当退潮使得顶层珊瑚枝暴露于空气中时 肩章鲨会在珊瑚礁间形成的小水坑中 待到最后一刻

3. At low tide, the water drains away very quickly, leaving the topmost community of creatures dangerously exposed.

退潮时 海水会很快流走 使得珊瑚礁顶端的生物群落遭到曝晒
