
音标: 英 [ɡrə'tju:itəs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. gratuitous(免费的, 无偿的, 无报酬的, 不收酬劳的)的变形


1. I admit, it's a bit of a gratuitous cameo.


2. Not especially. It feels gratuitous and malegazey.

不怎么喜欢 感觉莫名其妙并且迎合男性

3. And since it's motivated by character, that means it's not gratuitous.

既然这是被角色激起的 那就意味着这不是没有必要的

4. I think what hurts the most is the gratuitous body shaming.


5. Now we are just looking for some gratuitous crashing and *ashing.


6. I dunno, I thought a few of those love scenes were a little gratuitous.

我不知道 我觉得有一些情爱镜头 有些多余

7. That's as good an excuse for a gratuitous drag race as we've ever had.


8. II just don't feel like recording it on some gratuitous legal document.

我只是不想簽這些 無謂的法律文件

9. Hello, hello, rubbish robots from the dawn of time, thank you for all the gratuitous information.

你们好 来自时间之初的垃圾机器人们 感谢你们提供的所有免费信息

10. Well, I'm not one to offer gratuitous advice, but someone should start talking deal.

我一般不需要提供建议 但有人应该开始谈协议了
