
音标: 英 [pri'zʌmptʃuәs]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 放肆的, 冒昧的, 傲慢的

s excessively forward


1. I hope you don't think it presumptuous of me.


2. If it's not too presumptuous, perhaps I might escort you.

如果不冒昧的话 或许我可以护送你

3. You are a selfdestructive, narcissistic, presumptuous libertine.

你是一个自我毁灭 自恋 狂妄的登徒浪子

4. Okay, well, I think that's a little presumptuous.

好吧 我觉得你也太自信了

5. Let me ask you a question. I hope I'm not being presumptuous.

我来问你个问题 可能我有点冒昧

6. Frankly, it would be presumptuous to believe that it thinks like we do.

老实说 认为它和我们的 思维方式一样 就太自以为是了

7. You may think me presumptuous but my attachment is sincere.

您可能觉得我冒昧 但我是真心的

8. A little presumptuous of your brother, abridging the law you signed.

你弟弟随便缩短了你签订的法案 可有点放肆啊

9. I hope I wasn't being too presumptuous, but I saw you hiding your hands earlier.

希望我这么做没有太冒昧 我刚才看到您刻意遮掩您的手

10. I mean, sorry, not to be presumptuous, that there would be a next time, but, you know, if.

抱歉 希望不会太冒昧 如果我们还有下一次约会的话
