
音标: 英 [ˈhedgɪə(r)] 美 [ˈhɛdˌɡɪr]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 头饰, 马首挽具, 井架
[医] 头网, 连轮装置

n. the hoist at the pithead of a mine
n. stable gear consisting of any part of a harness that fits about the horse's head


1. I had braces and headgear and rosacea.

我戴过牙齿和背部矫正器 我还有酒糟鼻

2. I lost the headgear and got laser eye surgery.

我去掉了牙齿矫正器 做了激光眼科手术

3. I refuse to spend my nights picking pieces of meat out of his headgear, no.

我可不想天天晚上 帮他从牙套里剔肉 不行

4. Poor balance made it necessary for him to wear protective headgear.

平衡能力过差 让他必须戴着防护帽

5. I had one of those in high school, but my girlfriend's headgear got stuck on it.

上高中的时候我打过一个 但是我女朋友的头饰卡在上面了

6. This whole town is like high school, only our family has braces and headgear.

这里就像高中 只有我们家戴了牙齿和背部矫正器
