
音标: 英 [ˈsnætʃə(r)] 美 [ˈsnætʃər]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 攫夺者, 诱拐者, 绑架者
[法] 抢夺者, 绑架者

n. a thief who grabs and runs


1. Yeah, you would say that, cradle snatcher.

是呀 你说的轻松 罗莉癖

2. So, no one's challenged this purse snatcher before.

所以 之前都没人反抗过这位手提包抢劫犯

3. It's like the stepfordbody snatchers or something.


4. We take out as many of those, uh, those body snatchers as we can.

我们尽可能解决掉 占用人类身体的人

5. I still cannot believe that you went chasing after a purse snatcher.

我还是难以相信 你居然去追扒手了

6. My days of being a loser, *alltime purse snatcher are behind me.

我当废柴 当偷包贼的日子过去了

7. You try to nab even so much as a purse snatcher, and they'll pounce.

你就算是想抓个抢包的小贼 他们也会扑上来抓住你的

8. Two winters ago, my little sister was abducted by child snatchers.

两年前 我妹妹被儿童绑架犯抓走了

9. Its socalled mythical child eaters, or shape shifters, body snatchers, or body doubles.

就是神话中所谓的吃小孩的人 或者变形者 夺舍者 和双重身
