
音标: 英 [sæl] 美 [sæl]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 婆罗双树, 盐
[医] 盐

n. An East Indian timber tree (Shorea robusta), much used for
building purposes. It is of a light brown color, close-grained, heavy,
and durable.
n. Salt.


1. Sal. I mean, that's not a uniform.

萨尔 你这穿的叫制服吗

2. Sal, I'm good at this, you're good at this.

小莎 咱俩都很擅长这个

3. Sal and I had a disagreement about punctuality.


4. Sal, I don't think you should be messing around with him.

萨莉 你和他应该好好在一起

5. Sal cuts hair and she's gonna tackle yours.

萨尔会剪头发 她准备给你理理发

6. Sal says I'm hoarding all the power, but I need it.

塞尔说我用了所有的电力 但我需要

7. Sal is too weak to move to a car. I won't leave him.

萨尔太虚弱不能移动 我不会丢下他的

8. Sal, you in? I'll give him one week, tops.

索尔 你赌吗 最多一周

9. Sal has both original hips, which is sexy as hell.

萨尔两块原装的髋骨都还在 性感得让我心儿怦怦跳

10. Sal, everybody knows you're afraid of cats.

萨尔 我们都知道你怕猫
