
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE




1. Peng is too *art to do this out in the open.

彭很聪明 不会大张旗鼓的进行

2. Peng's only destroyer now belongs to me.


3. Peng set you up, tried to wipe us both out.

是彭给你设了圈套 想把我们一并踢出局

4. Peng's been pissing all over their graves, but your cover's blown now.

彭可没打算让他们安息 但现在你的避难所也被发现了

5. I'm moving to every peng ting once we get inside there.

一入场我就要 撩遍所有的辣妹

6. Peng's the kind of man that's going to want to be there to watch that art burn.

彭是那种 想亲眼看着艺术品 被烧毁的人

7. Raising this flag, a marker known as a peng, could only have one purpose, to signal other towers.

举起生烟的桔槔 叫做"烽" 只有一个目的 给别的塔发信号
