
音标: 英 [bæd] 美 [bæd]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


a. 坏的
n. 坏
adv. 坏地

n. that which is below standard or expectations as of ethics or decency
a. having undesirable or negative qualities
s. very intense
s. feeling physical discomfort or pain (`tough' is occasionally used colloquially for `bad')


1. It wasn't that bad. It was that bad.

也没那么糟糕 绝对有那么糟糕

2. It's bad for you, and it's bad for me.

这对你不好 对我也不好

3. What is bad for me... is bad for you.

对我不利 也是对你不利

4. This is a bad idea, bad idea, bad idea.

这是个馊主意 馊主意 馊主意

5. You think you're this great mom, but you're bad, bad, bad.

你觉得你是最好的妈妈 但你其实糟糕透顶

6. Cassie, if you don't watch out, you're gonna get hurt, bad, bad, bad, real bad.

凯西 如果你不小心点 会受伤的 很严重 非常严重

7. that would be bad business for you, which is bad business for me, which is bad business for you.

这对你们不利 也就是说对我不利 所以还是对你们不利

8. Why didn't you tell me it was so bad? It's not so bad.

伤的这么重怎么不早说 还好吧

9. And it was bad for work, and it was bad for her, and it was bad for you, and I feel like shit about it.

但对工作不好 对她不好 对你也不好 我对此感觉糟透了

10. He was a bad cop who did bad things and something bad happened to him.

他是个做了坏事的坏警察 遇上了不好的事情
