
音标: 英 [blɒt] 美 [blɑt]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


n. 污点, 墨水渍
vt. 乱涂, 使模糊, 吸干
vi. 弄上墨渍, 吸墨水

n. an act that brings discredit to the person who does it
v. dry (ink) with blotting paper


1. I blot and blot, and it just keeps coming.

我一直在擦 它一直在尿

2. We can't have the slightest blot on our record.


3. The blot on the memory of what should have been a perfect day.


4. I call it a blot on a man's property.


5. He was right. It blots out everything else.

他說的沒錯 其他一切都被屏蔽了

6. Listen, this is gonna be a blot on my record.

听着 这会是我记录上的一个污点

7. Sometimes, when something horrific happens, you blot it out.

有时候 当发生了一些很可怕的事时 你会封闭那段记忆

8. Neat, always on top of the line and no blots.

干净 占满顶行 别溅上墨水

9. And should there be no blots, no *udges, no stains, you may go home.

不能有墨点 污迹 墨印 你就可以回家了

10. According to the multitudes of your tender mercies, blot out my transgressions.

我承认我有过僭越 此生罪恶缠身
