
音标: 英 [snɪtʃ] 美 [snɪtʃ]
中考 高考 考研 四级 六级 雅思 托福 GRE


vt. 偷, 扒(不太值钱的东西)
vi. 进行小偷小摸, 告密, 告发
n. 告密者, 告发者

n someone acting as an informer or decoy for the police
v take by theft
v give away information about somebody


1. I ain't a snitch. I've never been a snitch.

我不是告密的 我从来都不是

2. Especially since it's a snitch's relative and not the actually snitch.

特别是这只是线人的亲属 并不是线人本人

3. Pablo's gonna think you're a snitch. I ain't no snitch.

巴勃罗会认为你是告密者 我不是告密者

4. This is not about being a rat or a snitch.


5. I can't have this watch snitching on me.

不能戴着手环 会被时刻监视

6. He thinks I'm a snitch, but I'm not.

他把我当告密的人了 但我不是

7. I don't care. I'm through being your snitch.

我不在乎 我不再任你摆布做告密者了

8. Which means, if you're not the snitch, then I must be.

这意味着如果不是你告发的 那就是我

9. If I was a snitch, the cops would be in here already.

如果我是卧底 警察早就来了

10. But you knew whose it was, and you wouldn't snitch.

但你知道那是谁的 而你就不肯说
