
单词 flax
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔boll〕The seed-bearing capsule of certain plants, especially cotton and flax.棉,亚麻等植物的圆荚、钻、蒴:某些植物种子发育的蒴,尤指棉花和亚麻美国传统〔brake〕A toothed device for crushing and beating flax or hemp.剥麻机:挤榨和打碎亚麻或大麻的具齿装置美国传统〔burlap〕A strong, coarsely woven cloth made of fibers of jute, flax, or hemp and used to make bags, to reinforce linoleum, and in interior decoration.粗麻布:一种黄麻、亚麻或大麻纤维制成的结实的粗厚织物,用于打包、加固大油布的承接力和用于室内装饰美国传统〔canvas〕A heavy, coarse, closely woven fabric of cotton, hemp, or flax, used for tents and sails.帆布:一种厚重、粗糙、密织的棉、麻或亚麻织物,用来做帐篷或帆布美国传统〔distaff〕A staff that holds on its cleft end the unspun flax, wool, or tow from which thread is drawn in spinning by hand.(手工)纺纱杆:在杆的开裂的一端夹有未纺的亚麻、羊毛或丝束,手转动木杆,线从中纺出美国传统〔flaxen〕Made of or resembling flax.亚麻的:亚麻制的或象亚麻的美国传统〔flaxseed〕The seed of flax, the source of linseed oil and emollient medicinal preparations.亚麻籽:用于制亚麻油和配制药用润滑膏的亚麻种子美国传统〔flaxy〕Resembling flax, as in texture.像亚麻的:质地象亚麻纤维的美国传统〔fustian〕A coarse, sturdy cloth made of cotton and flax.棉亚麻混粗布:由棉和亚麻制成的粗糙而结实的布美国传统〔hatchel〕A comb for separating flax fibers.梳麻针排:用来分开亚麻纤维的梳子美国传统〔lap〕A continuous band or layer of cotton, flax, or other fiber.柿卷:一层或连续的亚麻或其它纤维轮子的卷状物美国传统〔linen〕Made of flax or linen.亚麻的:亚麻布或亚麻制成的美国传统〔linen〕Paper made from flax fibers or having a linenlike luster.亚麻纤维制成的纸:亚麻纤维制成的纸或具有亚麻织物光泽的纸美国传统〔linen〕Thread made from fibers of the flax plant.亚麻线:从亚麻植物纤维制成的线美国传统〔linseed oil〕A yellowish oil extracted from the seeds of flax and used as a drying oil in paints and varnishes and in linoleum, printing inks, and synthetic resins.亚麻籽油:从亚麻籽中提取的浅黄色油,在油漆、上釉、油布、印刷油墨和合成松脂中用作干性油美国传统〔linseed〕The seed of flax, especially when used as the source of linseed oil; flaxseed.亚麻籽:亚麻的籽,尤指用于制作亚麻籽油的籽;亚麻仁美国传统〔poll〕The boy scratched his flaxen poll.男孩抓抓他那长淡黄色头发的脑袋。英汉大词典〔ripple〕A comblike, toothed instrument for removing seeds from flax and other fibers.粗钢梳:一种梳状带齿的工具,用来除去亚麻或其他纤维上的籽美国传统〔sackcloth〕A rough cloth of camel's hair, goat hair, hemp, cotton, or flax.麻衣:用骆驼毛、山羊毛、大麻纤维、棉花或亚麻纤维制成的布美国传统〔staple〕The fiber of cotton, wool, or flax, graded as to length and fineness.切段纤维:棉、毛或麻的纤维,按长度和精细度分等级美国传统〔thread〕Fine cord of a fibrous material, such as cotton or flax, made of two or more filaments twisted together and used in needlework and the weaving of cloth.线:由两根或多根拧到一起的丝组成的纤维状物质的细丝,如棉花或亚麻丝,用于针织品和编织物美国传统Flax is used for making linen.亚麻用来织亚麻布。剑桥国际

