
单词 eternal
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ALWAYS〕The possibility of eternal life is a principal belief of many religions. 存在永生是许多宗教的主要信仰。朗文写作活用〔Endymion〕A handsome young man who was loved by a moon goddess and whose youth was preserved by eternal sleep.恩底弥翁:月亮女神所爱的一个英俊的年轻男子,他的青春保持在永恒的睡眠中美国传统〔Tao〕In Taoism, the basic, eternal principle of the universe that transcends reality and is the source of being, non-being, and change.(道家的)道:道家中最基本、永恒、超越物质存在的宇宙法则,是一切万事万物、一切变化的根源美国传统〔ageless〕Existing forever; eternal.永存的;永恒的美国传统〔atman〕Atman The essence that is eternal, unchanging, and indistinguishable from the essence of the universe. Atman 宇宙本质:来自宇宙的本质是永恒的、不变的、难以理解的本质美国传统〔bliss〕Their religion promises eternal bliss [=joy] in heaven.他们的宗教承诺在天堂里会永享快乐。韦氏高阶〔breast〕Hope springs eternal in the human breast.人的内心总是存有希望。外研社新世纪〔chronicler〕The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors.这个系列剧按照时间顺序记述了两个老光棍每天的奇遇。柯林斯高阶〔chronicle〕The series chronicles the everyday adventures of two eternal bachelors.这个系列记录了两名万年单身汉每天的冒险生活。外研社新世纪〔coeternal〕Equally or jointly eternal.永远并存的:相同地或共同地永存的美国传统〔damnation〕He believed that he would be condemned to eternal damnation for what he had done.他相信由于自己的所作所为他会被打入地狱,永不得超生。剑桥高阶〔damned〕Condemned, especially to eternal punishment.被判为永久罪的:被判罪的,尤其指永久的惩罚美国传统〔damned〕Souls doomed to eternal punishment.永受罚的灵魂:注定要永受惩罚的灵魂美国传统〔decree〕My eternal purpose has decreed.我的永恒目标已经确定。21世纪英汉〔elixir〕The therapy is being promoted in some quarters almost as an elixir of eternal youth.这种疗法在一些地区几乎被宣传成了永葆青春的灵丹妙药。外研社新世纪〔endure〕Those myths which have endured convey universal and eternal truths.那些流传下来的神话传递着普遍和永恒的真理。外研社新世纪〔eternally〕In the background was that eternal hum.背景音是没完没了的嗡嗡声。柯林斯高阶〔eternally〕Whoever believes in Him shall have eternal life.所有相信上帝的人都会获得永生。柯林斯高阶〔eternal〕Do you believe in eternal life? 你相信永生吗?文馨英汉〔eternal〕I'm an eternal optimist.我自始至终都是个乐观主义者。外研社新世纪〔eternal〕I'm the eternal optimist.我是个永远乐观的人。麦克米伦高阶〔eternal〕I'm tired of your eternal arguments.我烦透了你们那没完没了的争论。牛津高阶〔eternal〕In the background was that eternal hum.背景的杂音是那种没完没了的嗡嗡声。外研社新世纪〔eternal〕It's the eternal question.这是个永恒的问题。麦克米伦高阶〔eternal〕I’m sick of your eternal quarrelling.你不停的埋怨,我受不了。牛津同义词〔eternal〕She asked him to give up his eternal dark ties.她叫他不要老是戴黑领带。英汉大词典〔eternal〕She has earned our eternal gratitude.她获得了我们永远的感激。麦克米伦高阶〔eternal〕She's an eternal optimist (=she always expects that good things will happen) .她永远是个乐观主义者。朗文当代〔eternal〕She's an eternal optimist(= she always expects that the best will happen).她是个永远的乐观主义者。牛津高阶〔eternal〕The company is engaged in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market.该公司一直在寻找可以引领市场的产品。剑桥高阶〔eternal〕The silence was eternal.寂静似乎漫长得没有尽头。麦克米伦高阶〔eternal〕They became eternal enemies.他们成了永世的仇敌。英汉大词典〔eternal〕When will his eternal whining stop? 他那没完没了的抱怨什么时候才是个头?韦氏高阶〔eternal〕When will we have an end to this eternal noise? 我们什么时候才能听不到这种没完没了的噪声? 英汉大词典〔eternal〕Will you two never stop your eternal arguing! 你们俩永远也争吵不完!剑桥高阶〔eternity〕The state or quality of being eternal.不朽:永恒的状态或性质美国传统〔eternize〕To make eternal.使永恒美国传统〔everlasting〕Eternal duration; eternity.永恒;持久美国传统〔everlasting〕Lasting forever; eternal.永久的,永恒的:持续到永久的;永恒的美国传统〔friendship〕They made vows of eternal friendship to each other.他们发誓做一辈子朋友。牛津搭配〔good〕There is an eternal struggle between good (= the force that produces morally right action) and evil.善恶之争永不停息。剑桥高阶〔gratitude〕His kindness earned him her eternal gratitude.他的友善令她永存谢意。牛津搭配〔heaven〕An eternal state of communion with God; everlasting bliss.极乐:与上帝意念和谐的永恒状态;永恒的幸福美国传统〔hell〕Often Hell The abode of condemned souls and devils in some religions; the place of eternal punishment for the wicked after death, presided over by Satan. 常作 Hell 地狱:某些宗教中被判有罪的灵魂或魔鬼居住的地方;邪恶之人死后永远受惩罚的地方,由撒旦统治美国传统〔incorruptible〕Alchemists believed gold contained a substance that could transmute the corruptible human body into an incorruptible and eternal one.炼金术士相信黄金中有一种物质, 能让本会腐烂的人体永不朽坏。外研社新世纪〔intelligence〕Intelligence Christian Science The primal, eternal quality of God. Intelligence 【基督教科学派】 上帝最初的,永恒的性质美国传统〔kingdom〕The eternal spiritual sovereignty of God or Christ.天国:上帝或基督的永恒的精神统治美国传统〔optimist〕He's an eternal optimist (=he always believes that good things will happen) .他是个永远的乐观主义者。朗文当代〔ostracize〕Rather than ostracizing women, we should accept and honour this eternal renewal of the feminine principle.我们不应排斥女性, 相反我们应当接受并尊重女权主义原则的这种持续不断的修正与改进。外研社新世纪〔perdition〕Loss of the soul; eternal damnation.毁灭:灵魂的失落;永久的罚入地狱美国传统〔predestination〕The doctrine that God has foreordained all things, especially that God has elected certain souls to eternal salvation.宿命论:上帝已经预先注定万物的教义,尤指上帝已经选择给予某些人永久的拯救美国传统〔predestine〕God predestines some to eternal life and others to eternal death.上帝预定某些人永生而另一些人永远不能得救。21世纪英汉〔punishment〕Some religions teach that wicked people will suffer eternal punishment in hell after they die.某些宗教告诫人们说,恶人死后将下地狱永受惩罚。韦氏高阶〔reprobate〕Theology To abandon to eternal damnation.【神学】 摈弃:为上帝摈弃而永世受罚美国传统〔rest〕He was called to his eternal rest.他已长眠地下。英汉大词典〔samsara〕The eternal cycle of birth, suffering, death, and rebirth.轮回,流转:出生,遭遇,死亡和重生的轮回美国传统〔sleep〕She went to her eternal sleep.她长眠了。英汉大词典〔symbolic〕Wedding rings are symbolic of eternal love.婚戒象征永恒的爱。韦氏高阶〔timeless〕Independent of time; eternal.不受时间影响的;永远的美国传统〔torment〕Hell as a place of eternal torment 地狱作为一个永受煎熬之所牛津搭配〔unbegotten〕Self-existent; eternal.自生的,永恒的美国传统〔vow〕They vowed eternal friendship.他们立誓要友谊长存。牛津高阶〔youth〕He looks like a man who's found the secret to eternal youth (= staying young).他看上去似乎掌握了永葆青春的秘诀。剑桥高阶He believed that he would be condemned to eternal damnation for what he had done.他相信他会因为所作的事而永远地遭受谴责。剑桥国际He described himself as a materialist who saw death as nothing more than eternal sleep.他称自己是唯物主义者,将死亡仅仅看成是永久的沉睡。剑桥国际He looks like a man who's found the secret to eternal youth (=being young).他看上去像是一个找到了永葆青春秘诀的人。剑桥国际I don't think I'll get the job, but hope springs eternal.我认为我不能得到这份工作,不过希望总是有的。剑桥国际In some religious views, life is seen as an eternal conflict between the forces of good and evil.在一些宗教观点中,生命被看作是善与恶两种力量间永恒的冲突。剑桥国际She was breathing fire and brimstone, threatening us with eternal damnation of our souls.她怒气冲天,威胁说要让我们的灵魂受到永远的诅咒。剑桥国际The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him. 星体永恒的运行使他著迷。译典通The company is engaged in the eternal search for a product that will lead the market.公司正致力于对一种可领导市场的产品的经久不懈的探索。剑桥国际The wedding ring is the symbol par excellence of eternal love.结婚戒指典型地标志着永恒的爱情。剑桥国际There is an eternal struggle between good (= the force which produces morally right action) and evil.在正义与邪恶之间永远存在着斗争。剑桥国际Will you two never stop your eternal arguing! 你俩老是吵个没完,不知何时是了!剑桥国际

