
单词 imposes
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔arbitrary〕The diet imposes overall calorie limits, but daily menus are arbitrary.食谱规定了总的卡路里限制,但每天的菜单可据爱好自定美国传统〔bind over〕This imposes a duty on courts to bind over parents when they have no control over their children.这就使法庭有义务在无权控制孩子的时候命令其父母具结保证。柯林斯高阶〔burdensome〕These adjectives all apply to what imposes a severe test of bodily or spiritual strength.这些形容词都适用于将体力或精神的繁重考验强加于人的事物。美国传统〔externality〕Pollution is a negative externality that imposes a cost—reduced happiness—on the victims.污染是一种负面外部效应,使部份人的幸福被牺牲而成为受害者。牛津高阶〔homology〕Mathematics A topologic classification of configurations into distinct types that imposes an algebraic structure or hierarchy on families of geometric figures.【数学】 透射:通过拓扑分类把图形分为不同种类,从而对几何图形的无穷集施加代数结构或层次美国传统〔house〕Part III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities to house homeless people.1985年《住房法》第三部分规定地方当局有责任为无家可归者提供住处。外研社新世纪〔house〕Part III of the Housing Act 1985 imposes duties on local authorities to house homeless people.1985年《住房法案》的第三部分要求地方政府为无家可归者提供住所。柯林斯高阶〔impose〕Everyone imposes on Dave's good nature.大家都欺负戴夫脾气好。牛津高阶〔impose〕He imposes his personal beliefs on his employees.他把自己的个人信仰强加给雇员。韦氏高阶〔impose〕Military spending imposes a huge strain on the economy.军费开支给经济带来沉重的负担。朗文当代〔impose〕This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people.这个制度给很多人增加了额外的经济负担。牛津高阶〔kicker〕A condition that imposes an automatic increase, as in a pension plan.催化剂、刺激物:引起自动增长的条件,如抚恤金计划中美国传统〔limitation〕The new law imposes limitations on campaign contributions.新的法律给竞选捐款规定了限额。朗文当代〔loading〕High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart.高血压会给心脏增加额外的负担。柯林斯高阶〔load〕High blood pressure imposes an extra load on the heart.高血压加重心脏的负担。外研社新世纪〔neglect〕The law imposes penalties for the neglect of children.法律对疏于照管儿童有处罚措施。牛津高阶〔quota〕The agency imposes strict fishing/hunting quotas.这家机构强制实行严格的捕鱼/狩猎限额。韦氏高阶〔regimented〕The school imposes a very regimented lifestyle on its students.学校将非常死板的生活方式强加给学生。牛津高阶〔regulation〕The act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.该法案对大气污染作出更为严格的规定。牛津搭配〔same〕Members of his staff learn to work the same 13-hour days that he imposes on himself.他的员工学着和他一样每天强迫自己工作 13 个钟头。柯林斯高阶〔structure〕Some people like the sense of structure that a military lifestyle imposes.一些人喜欢军事化生活方式所特有的条理性。剑桥高阶〔taskmaster〕A man who imposes tasks, especially burdensome or laborious ones.给人分派任务的人,尤指繁重的或累人的活美国传统〔taskmistress〕A woman who imposes tasks, especially burdensome or laborious ones.给人分派任务的女人,尤指繁重的或累人的活美国传统〔tyranny〕An artist's need for money imposes the tyranny of popular taste.艺术家需要金钱,就不得不服从大众的趣味。牛津搭配〔view〕He never imposes his own view on others.他从不把自己的观点强加于人。牛津搭配Some people like the sense of structure that a military lifestyle imposes.有些人喜欢军事生活方式要求的组织意识。剑桥国际The government imposes import duties on tea of up to 30 per cent.政府对茶叶征收多达 30% 的进口税。牛津商务

