
单词 infantry
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔B〕Company B in an infantry battalion 步兵营第二连英汉大词典〔Zouave〕A member of a French infantry unit, formerly composed of Algerian recruits, characterized by colorful uniforms and precision drilling.佐阿夫兵:法国的一种轻步兵,原由阿尔及利亚募集组成,以严格的训练和穿华丽服装著称美国传统〔armored personnel carrier〕An armored vehicle, usually equipped with treads, used to transport infantry.装甲兵运输车:通常配备踏板的装甲车,用来运送步兵美国传统〔assault gun〕A turretless armored vehicle having the chassis of a tank but mounting a larger gun, used in antitank combat and infantry support.迫击炮装甲车:带坦克底盘的无炮塔装甲车,但配有大型炮,用于反坦克战和步兵支援美国传统〔assault weapon〕An infantry weapon, such as an assault rifle, designed for individual use.攻击武器,突击武器:用于个人装备的步兵武器,如突击步枪美国传统〔attack〕The infantry would use hit and run tactics to slow attacking forces.步兵团可能会使用打了就跑的战术来阻滞进攻部队。柯林斯高阶〔back〕Armoured cars backed the infantry up.装甲车支援步兵。英汉大词典〔battery〕Abbr. btry.An army artillery unit, corresponding to a company in the infantry.缩写 btry.炮兵连,炮兵中队:部队炮兵单位,相当于步兵中的一个连美国传统〔brigade〕This small body of 500 infantry was brigaded with the guards.这支500名步兵的小部队和警卫部队合编成旅。英汉大词典〔brunt〕The infantry has taken/borne the brunt of the missile attacks.步兵在导弹袭击中首当其冲。剑桥高阶〔chasseur〕Any of certain light cavalry or infantry troops trained for rapid maneuvers.轻骑兵,轻步兵:惯于快速行动的一种轻骑兵或轻步兵部队的成员美国传统〔combat boot〕A boot that laces up the front and has a thick rubber outsole, worn especially by infantry.战斗靴:用带子系紧前面,而且有一个厚的橡皮外底的靴子,尤指步兵穿的美国传统〔company〕The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.这个师将由两个坦克连和一个步兵连组成。外研社新世纪〔company〕The division will consist of two tank companies and one infantry company.这个师的组成部队将包括两个坦克连和一个步兵连。柯林斯高阶〔demoralize〕The continuous barrage demoralized the infantry.连续不断的猛烈炮轰摧垮了步兵的士气。英汉大词典〔detail〕The infantry officer was detailed to another unit during maneuvers.这名步兵军官在演习期间被派遣到另一支队伍中。韦氏高阶〔division〕The infantry division is made up of five brigades.该步兵师由五个旅组成。韦氏高阶〔drive off〕The government drove the guerrillas off using infantry.政府动用步兵击退了游击队员。外研社新世纪〔drive off〕The government drove the guerrillas off with infantry and air strikes.政府用步兵和空袭击退了游击队。柯林斯高阶〔fall back〕The infantry fell back in disarray.步兵仓皇撤退。剑桥高阶〔firefight〕An exchange of gunfire, as between infantry units.交战,火战:如两个步兵单位之间枪火上的交换美国传统〔firepower〕The artillery has more firepower than the infantry.砲兵的火力较步兵大。文馨英汉〔flight〕The infantry pressed home their attack, putting the enemy to flight.步兵部队死攻到底, 打得敌人溃不成军。外研社新世纪〔foot soldier〕A soldier who fights on foot; an infantry trooper.步兵:步行作战的士兵;步兵队伍美国传统〔grenadier〕A member of the British Grenadier Guards, the first regiment of the royal household infantry.近卫步兵第一团的士兵:英国皇家近卫步兵第一团的士兵美国传统〔household troops〕The regiments of cavalry and infantry that escort and guard a sovereign and a royal family.御林军,禁卫军:护卫君主和皇室的骑兵和步兵团美国传统〔infantryman〕A soldier in the infantry.步兵:步兵部队的士兵美国传统〔infantry〕He joined the infantry after leaving school.从学校毕业后,他加入了步兵。韦氏高阶〔infantry〕It's a light/heavy infantry unit.这是一个轻/重型步兵团。剑桥高阶〔infantry〕The infantry are coming.步兵部队来了。韦氏高阶〔infantry〕The infantry is coming.步兵来了。韦氏高阶〔infantry〕The infantry was [were] supported by heavy gunfire.步兵由猛烈的砲火支援。文馨英汉〔infantry〕The infantry was/were guarding the bridge.步兵守衞着桥梁。牛津高阶〔infantry〕The infantry was/were sent into battle.步兵团被派往战场。剑桥高阶〔infantry〕The infantry were advancing to attack the ridge.步兵部队那时正向前挺进攻打一处山脊。外研社新世纪〔infantry〕The enemy infantry was hiding.敌军步兵当时正在隐蔽。外研社新世纪〔infantry〕The enemy infantry was hiding.敌军步兵正在隐蔽。柯林斯高阶〔mop up〕The infantry divisions mopped up remaining centres of resistance.陆军各师肃清了残余的抵抗据点。柯林斯高阶〔mop〕The usual solution is to send in infantry to mop up any remaining opposition.通常的解决办法就是派步兵去肃清残余抵抗。朗文当代〔motorized〕A motorized infantry regiment followed up.一个摩托化步兵团随后退进。文馨英汉〔motto〕That phrase 'to the last man' became the motto of the 135th Infantry.“战斗到最后一个人”成为第 135 步兵团的座右铭。牛津搭配〔overrun〕The position of the forward infantry was overrun by large numbers of enemy troops at dawn.这支先头步兵在拂晓时被大举进攻的敌军打垮了美国传统〔paratroops〕Infantry trained and equipped to parachute.伞兵部队:装备有降落伞并经过有关训练的步兵团美国传统〔phalanx〕A formation of infantry carrying overlapping shields and long spears, developed by Philip II of Macedon and used by Alexander the Great.步兵方阵:举着搭接着的盾牌和长矛的步兵队伍,由马其顿的菲利普二世发明,被亚历山大大帝使用美国传统〔pike〕A long spear formerly used by infantry.长矛,长枪:旧时步兵用的长矛美国传统〔push〕The infantry patrol pushed off before dawn.巡逻队于黎明前离去了美国传统〔rank〕They watched as ranks of marching infantry passed the window.他们看着步兵列队从窗前走过。牛津高阶〔rush〕Infantry rushed the enemy after the artillery barrage.步兵团在炮弹烟幕掩护下猛攻敌人美国传统〔transfer〕He has transferred to an infantry regiment.他已调至一个步兵团。英汉大词典A spearhead of tanks led the infantry attack. 坦克先遣队引导步兵进攻。译典通He commands an infantry regiment. 他指挥一个步兵团。译典通He joined the infantry/an infantry regiment.他参加了步兵团。剑桥国际Martial law was imposed the same evening, and light infantry units with automatic weapons and shotguns were everywhere the next day.当晚即实行戒严,第二天到处都是拿着自动式武器和滑膛枪的轻剑桥国际Our infantry is supported by tanks. 我们的步兵有坦克支持。译典通The infantry is/are being sent into the battle zone.步兵团正被派往作战区域。剑桥国际The Greek infantry soldiers are very adept at forming phalanx to deal with enemies when they were outnumbered. 希腊的步兵们非常擅于使用方阵来对付数目强大的敌人。译典通Their son is in the infantry.他们的儿子在步兵部队。剑桥国际They are infantry soldiers.他们是步兵士兵。剑桥国际Troopers in the American First Infantry Division boast that they have led the US army since the American Civil War.美国第一步兵师的士兵吹牛说从美国内战以来他们一直在美军打头阵。剑桥国际

