
单词 knight
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Arthurian〕Of or relating to King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table.亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的:亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的有关亚瑟王和他的圆桌武士们的美国传统〔BUSINESS〕Tim Knight is a high-powered businessman who runs his own electronics company. 蒂姆·奈特是个干劲十足的商人,管理着自己的一家电子公司。朗文写作活用〔GCB.〕Knight of the Grand Cross, Order of the Bath.伟大十字军的骑士,巴思的命令美国传统〔Galahad〕In Arthurian legend, the purest of the Knights of the Round Table who alone succeeded in the quest for the Holy Grail.格拉海德:在亚瑟王传说中,他是圆桌骑士中最纯洁的一位且独自一人找到了圣杯美国传统〔Gareth〕In Arthurian legend, a nephew of King Arthur and one of the Knights of the Round Table.加雷斯:在有关亚瑟家族的传说中,他是亚瑟王的一个侄子,圆桌骑士之一美国传统〔Gawain〕In Arthurian legend, a nephew of King Arthur and a Knight of the Round Table.高文:在亚瑟王传奇中,亚瑟王的一个侄子,圆桌骑士之一美国传统〔George〕A jeweled figure of Saint George killing the dragon, used as an insignia of the Knights of the Garter.乔治十世勋章图案:圣乔治杀龙的宝石图案,用来作嘉德骑士勋章美国传统〔Geraint〕In Arthurian legend, a Knight of the Round Table and the husband of Enid.杰兰特:亚瑟王传奇里的一个圆桌骑士,伊妮德的丈夫美国传统〔Iseult〕In Arthurian legend, an Irish princess who married the king of Cornwall and had a love affair with his knight Tristan.伊索尔特:亚瑟王传说中的一位爱尔兰公主,她嫁给了康沃尔国王却和他的骑士特里斯坦发生了恋情美国传统〔KG.〕Knight of the Order of the Garter.有嘉德勋位的骑士美国传统〔KKt〕King's knight.王翼马美国传统〔KN〕King's knight.王翼马美国传统〔Knights of the Round Table〕In Arthurian legend, the knights of King Arthur's court.圆桌骑士:在有关亚瑟王的传说中,亚瑟王宫殿中的骑士们美国传统〔K〕Or k. Knight. 或 k. 骑士美国传统〔Lancelot〕In Arthurian legend, a Knight of the Round Table whose love affair with Queen Guinevere resulted in a war with King Arthur.兰斯洛特:亚瑟王传说中的一位圆桌骑士,他与王后格温娜维尔的恋情导致了他与亚瑟王之间的战争美国传统〔QKt〕Queen's knight (chess).(国际象棋中的)后翼马美国传统〔REJECT〕Ms. Knight refused to accept the manager's apology. 奈特女士拒绝接受经理的道歉。朗文写作活用〔Siege Perilous〕In Arthurian legend, a seat at King Arthur's Round Table kept for the knight destined to find the Holy Grail and fatal for any other occupant.危险王座:在阿瑟王传奇故事中阿瑟王圆桌旁的一个座位,留给命中注定能找到圣杯的骑士,而对其他居坐者则是致命的美国传统〔Templar〕A Knight Templar.圣殿骑士美国传统〔Tristan〕In Arthurian legend, a knight who fell in love with the Irish princess Iseult, who was betrothed to his uncle King Mark of Cornwall.特里斯坦:亚瑟王时代的传奇中的人物,是一个骑士,爱上了与他的叔叔康沃尔国王马克订了婚的爱尔兰公主伊休尔特美国传统〔achievement〕Rutherford was knighted in recognition of his scientific achievements.为表彰卢瑟福在科学上的成就而封其为爵士。牛津搭配〔allegiance〕Both knights owed allegiance to Bishop Odo and were granted lands in Kent under his protection and patronage.两名骑士都向奥多主教表示臣服, 在他的庇护和恩赐下获得了位于肯特的土地。外研社新世纪〔armour〕In the past, knights used to wear suits of armour (= protective covering made of metal) in battle.在过去,骑士作战时身着甲胄。剑桥高阶〔bachelor〕A young knight in the service of another knight in feudal times.侍从:封建社会中给其它爵士做侍从的年轻骑士美国传统〔banneret〕A feudal knight ranking between a knight bachelor and a baron, who was entitled to lead men into battle under his own standard.方旗爵士:一种封建骑士爵位,其勋位在最低级爵士和男爵之间,有权率领随从在自己的方旗下上阵作战美国传统〔banner〕A piece of cloth attached to a staff and used as a standard by a monarch, military commander, or knight.旗,旗帜:君主、将领或骑士当做旗帜绑于旗杆上的一块布美国传统〔behalf〕Mr Knight cannot be here, so his wife will accept the prize on his behalf.奈特先生不能来,因此由他的夫人代他领奖。牛津高阶〔belong to〕They belong to the Knights of Columbus.他们是哥伦布骑士会的成员。21世纪英汉〔belt〕He was belted a knight.他被授予骑士绶带。21世纪英汉〔break across〕The knight broke across.那位骑士的枪头是横刺而折的。21世纪英汉〔carousel〕A tournament in which knights or horsemen engaged in various exercises and races.竞技比武大会:一种大型竞赛,武士或骑士参加各种比赛美国传统〔cast〕The knight cast the sword far out into the lake.骑士将剑远远地扔进湖中。剑桥高阶〔cavalier〕Abbr. cav.A mounted soldier; a knight.缩写 cav.骑士:骑在马上的士兵;骑士美国传统〔check〕Bishop to king's knight five, check.象走王翼马五, 将军。外研社新世纪〔check〕Your king is in check from my knight.你的王被我的马将死了。剑桥高阶〔chevalier〕A knight.骑士美国传统〔chivalrous〕Having the qualities of gallantry and honor attributed to an ideal knight.武士精神的:具有勇武精神及荣誉感等被认为是理想的武士所就具有的品质的美国传统〔chivalry〕A group of knights or gallant gentlemen.骑士团:一群骑士或勇武的绅士美国传统〔dame〕The wife or widow of a knight.爵士夫人:爵士的妻子或遗孀美国传统〔damsel in distress〕The novel comes complete with a knight in shining armor and a damsel in distress.这部小说里既有身披闪亮盔甲的骑士,也有身陷困境的女子。韦氏高阶〔dub〕The king dubbed him a knight.国王封他为爵士。英汉大词典〔dub〕The queen dubbed him (a) knight.女王授给他骑士爵士爵位。文馨英汉〔editing〕This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight.这本文集是由埃伦·奈特编选的。柯林斯高阶〔edit〕This collection of essays is edited by Ellen Knight.这本散文集是埃伦•奈特编选的。外研社新世纪〔errant〕Don Quixote is not an ordinary knight errant.堂吉诃德不是普通的游侠骑士。外研社新世纪〔espy〕Here, from a window, did Guinevere espy a knight standing in a woodman's cart.吉尼维尔是从这里透过窗户看到了站在樵夫车上的骑士。柯林斯高阶〔esquire〕A male belonging to the gentry in England and ranking directly below a knight.绅士:士族地位次于骑士的或在中上阶层有一定社会地位的男士美国传统〔esquire〕In medieval times, a candidate for knighthood who served a knight as an attendant and a shield bearer.骑士随从:中世纪时的候补骑士,骑士随从,持盾侍从美国传统〔gage〕The knight threw down his gauntlet as a gage of battle.骑士扔下铁手套挑战。英汉大词典〔get into〕It took three helpers to get the knight into his armour.在三个帮手的帮助下, 骑士穿上了盔甲。外研社新世纪〔gird〕The knights girded themselves for battle (= put on their swords and fighting clothes).骑士们披甲佩剑准备战斗。剑桥高阶〔honoured〕Mr Reddy has been honoured by the Pope by being made a knight of St Gregory.雷迪先生被教皇授予“圣格列高利骑士”的荣誉称号。柯林斯高阶〔honour〕Mr Reddy has been honoured by the Pope by being made a knight of St Gregory.雷迪先生被教皇授予“圣格列高利骑士”的荣誉称号。外研社新世纪〔jousting〕Knights joust and frolic.骑士们骑马比武,嬉戏作乐。柯林斯高阶〔joust〕A combat between two mounted knights or men-at-arms using lances; a tilting match.马背长矛打斗:两名骑马的骑士或士兵之间用长矛进行的打斗;持矛的比武美国传统〔joust〕The knights jousted against each other.骑士们在马上用长矛相互打斗。韦氏高阶〔knight bachelor〕An English knight of the lowest rank; a bachelor.英国的最低级爵士;最低级爵士美国传统〔knight in shining armor〕She is still waiting for her knight in shining armor.她还在期待着她的白马王子出现。韦氏高阶〔knight in shining armor〕The firefighter who rescued us was our knight in shining armor.救我们的那名消防员是我们心目中的勇士。韦氏高阶〔knight-errant〕A knight, often portrayed in medieval romances, who wanders in search of adventures to prove his chivalry.游侠骑士:经常在中世纪传奇故事中描绘的骑士,他四处漫游冒险以证明自己的骑士风度美国传统〔knighthood〕Knights considered as a group.(总称)骑士:被认为骑士的集合体美国传统〔knighthood〕The rank, dignity, or vocation of a knight.骑士身份:骑士的等级、尊严或职业美国传统〔knight〕He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.他希望因为他在英格兰银行的工作而被封为爵士。剑桥高阶〔knight〕He is to be knighted by the Queen for his career as an actor.凭借杰出的演艺事业,他将被女王封为爵士。韦氏高阶〔knight〕He was knighted by the Queen for his services to industry.他因对工业界的贡献获女王封为爵士。牛津高阶〔knight〕He was knighted for his work with famine victims.他为饥荒难民操劳而受封为爵士。剑桥高阶〔knight〕He was knighted in the Queen's birthday honours list in June 1988.他于1988年6月被封为爵士, 是女王生日宴会上的受勋者之一。外研社新世纪〔knight〕He was knighted in the Queen's birthday honours list in June 1988.他于1988年6月被封为爵士,是女王生日宴会上的受勋者之一。柯林斯高阶〔knight〕He was made/dubbed a knight.他被封为爵士。韦氏高阶〔knight〕I'm really not looking to be rescued by a knight in shining armour.我确实不指望有人出手相救。外研社新世纪〔knight〕Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armor.情歌哄骗我们去相信有勇救美人的英雄。柯林斯高阶〔knight〕Love songs trick us into believing in knights in shining armour.情歌哄骗我们相信有勇救美人的英雄。外研社新世纪〔knight〕She's still waiting for a knight in shining armour / armor to come and rescue her.她还在等待一位身着闪亮盔甲的骑士来英雄救美。牛津搭配〔knight〕Sir Giles's only daughter was married to a knight who held land in Devon.贾尔斯爵士唯一的女儿嫁给了一个在德文郡拥有地产的爵士。外研社新世纪〔lady〕Used as the title for the wife or widow of a knight or baronet.骑士之妻的尊称:用作骑士或准男爵夫人或寡妇的称谓美国传统〔magician〕Merlin was the magician in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.墨林是“亚瑟王和圆桌骑士”故事中的巫师。剑桥高阶〔misericord〕A narrow dagger used in medieval times to deliver the death stroke to a seriously wounded knight.匕首:中世纪时将重伤的骑士刺死而用的一种狭长匕首美国传统〔oath〕Medieval knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.中世纪骑士宣誓效忠于君主。剑桥高阶〔olden〕King Arthur lived in olden times of knights and armour.亚瑟王生活在往昔骑士和甲胄的时代。英汉大词典〔old〕He was like a knight of old.他就像是一个旧时的骑士。麦克米伦高阶〔old〕In days of old, knights in coats of mail roamed the cobbled streets of this town.从前, 穿着铠甲的骑士漫步在城里由鹅卵石铺成的街道上。外研社新世纪〔order〕He was made a knight of the Order of the Garter.他被封为嘉德勋爵士。剑桥高阶〔personal〕Mr Knight said that he had resigned for personal reasons.奈特先生说他是由于个人原因而辞职。柯林斯高阶〔pin〕That nasty pin stopped me from moving my knight.这步讨厌的牵制,使我无法移动我的马。剑桥高阶〔plumed〕The knights wore plumed helmets.骑士们戴着饰有羽毛的头盔。韦氏高阶〔plume〕The knight looked pompous in his glories of plumes.骑士帽缀彩羽,一副虚荣得意的样子。英汉大词典〔pocket〕He passed the ball to Knight, who was waiting in the pocket.他把球传给正在口袋区等待的奈特。外研社新世纪〔preceptory〕A community of medieval Knights Templars located on a provincial estate and subordinate to the main temples at Paris and London.圣殿骑士的地方分团:位于地方领地的中世纪圣殿骑士团的组织,下属于巴黎和伦敦的主要圣殿骑士团圣殿美国传统〔prick〕The knight was pricking on the plain.骑士在旷野中驰骋。英汉大词典〔rescue〕Her wails of distress brought him running from the house, like a knight to the rescue.听到她痛苦的哀号,他从屋里跑了出来,像英雄救美一样。牛津搭配〔ritter〕A knight.骑士,爵士美国传统〔roundabout〕Knight had journeyed in a roundabout way to Brussels.奈特绕道去了布鲁塞尔。外研社新世纪〔roundtable〕In Arthurian legend, the circular table of King Arthur and his knights.圆桌:亚瑟王传奇中,亚瑟王和他的骑士们就座时免于席次之争而命人制的大圆桌美国传统〔roundtable〕The knights of King Arthur considered as a group.亚瑟王的骑士们美国传统〔rout〕A company, as of knights or wolves, that are in movement.一帮,一群:如骑士或狼群等正在行动中的一群美国传统〔sing of〕The poet sang of knights and medieval times.诗人歌颂了骑士和中世纪。韦氏高阶〔single〕The two knights decided the matter by single combat.两名骑士以一对一的格斗来解决此事。英汉大词典〔sir〕Sir Used as an honorific before the given name or the full name of baronets and knights. Sir 爵士:在从男爵或爵士的名或全名前,表示尊敬的称谓美国传统〔slay〕The knight slew the dragon.骑士杀死了那条龙。韦氏高阶〔spur〕The knight set spurs to his horse and pursued the robbers.那骑士用踢马刺策马,急追盗贼。英汉大词典〔squire〕A young nobleman attendant upon a knight and ranked next below a knight in feudal hierarchy.侍从,护卫:侍从骑士且在封建等级制度中地位比骑士低的年轻贵族美国传统〔surcoat〕A tunic worn in the Middle Ages by a knight over his armor.外衣:中世纪时骑士等穿在铠甲外的无袖锃甲罩袍美国传统〔tabard〕A tunic or capelike garment worn by a knight over his armor and emblazoned with his coat of arms.骑士短披风:骑士穿在盔甲外面并饰以纹章的制服式或披风式的衣服美国传统〔take〕I took his knight with the bishop.我用象吃掉了他的马。外研社新世纪〔temple〕A building used for meetings by any of several fraternal orders, especially the Knights Templars.会所:兄弟会各会员、尤其是共济会成员聚会的场所美国传统〔tilt at〕The knight tilted at his opponent.骑士持长矛向对手冲刺。21世纪英汉〔tilt〕A medieval sport in which two mounted knights with lances charged together and attempted to unhorse one another.马上比枪:一种中世纪的运动,两个手持长予的骑士互相攻击以使对方落马美国传统〔tilt〕The two knights tilted at each other on horseback.两个骑士骑马持长矛互相冲刺。21世纪英汉〔unplaced〕The sole British runner, White Knight, was unplaced.英国唯一参赛的赛马“白色骑士”没能获得名次。剑桥高阶〔unto〕The knights swore loyalty unto death.骑士们宣誓至死效忠。牛津高阶〔unwieldy〕The armour worn by knights seems unwieldy to us today.用我们今人的眼光看,骑士披挂盔甲使人活动不方便。英汉大词典〔wear〕To fly or display (colors). Used of a ship, jockey, or knight.升旗,打着旗:升旗或打出(彩旗)。用于船只、骑师或骑士美国传统A white knight could come along and make a more friendly offer.白衣骑士可能会出现并且报出一个较为合理的出价。牛津商务At the last minute, a white knight came in and saved the company from takeover.在最后一刻,一位救星来了,公司因而未被吞并。剑桥国际He hopes to be made a knight for his work at the Bank of England.他希望因为他在英国银行的工作而能被封为爵士。剑桥国际He was knighted (= given a rank of honour) by the Queen for his work for the hospital service.他因为医务事业做的工作而被女王封为爵士。剑桥国际He was made a knight of the Order of the Garter.他被授予嘉德勋位。剑桥国际I've been reading a book about the adventures of King Arthur and his knights (in armour).我一直在读一本关于亚瑟王和他(披挂盔甲的)骑士们的冒险故事的书。剑桥国际In the Middle Ages, knights took an oath of allegiance/loyalty to their lord.中世纪时,武士要向君主宣誓效忠。剑桥国际In the past, knights used to wear (suits of) armour (=protective covering made of metal) in battle.在过去,骑士在战斗中戴盔披甲。剑桥国际Karpov sacrificed a knight on move twenty-eight, going on to mate his opponent in seven moves.卡尔波夫在第28步棋时弃马,再走7步便把对方将死。剑桥国际Merlin was the magician in the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.梅林是“阿瑟王和圆桌骑士”故事中的魔法师。剑桥国际That nasty pin stopped me from moving my knight.可恶的牵制使我无法移动我的马。剑桥国际The knight carried a shield with a cross painted thereupon. 骑士拿著绘著十字的盾牌。译典通The knight defeated each antagonist. 那位骑士打败了每一个敌手。译典通The knight dismounted his opponent. 骑士将他的敌手打下马。译典通The knight plumed his helmet with brilliant red feathers. 骑士用鲜红的羽毛装饰他的头盔。译典通The knight was completely clad in armor. 那位骑士全身披挂盔甲。译典通The knights girded themselves for battle (= put on their swords and fighting clothes).骑士们佩剑披甲准备战斗。剑桥国际The knights rendered their swords to the victors. 骑士向胜利者交剑投降。译典通The knights tilted at each other on horseback. 骑士们骑马持矛相互冲刺。译典通The knights were the tools of the king. 骑士是国王的爪牙。译典通The child wanted him to make a story up about dragons and knights on horseback.孩子要他编个关于龙和马背上的骑士的故事。剑桥国际The film was one of those tales of gallant knights rescuing damsels in distress.影片是讲述那种英勇的骑士解救危难中的少女的故事。剑桥国际The king knighted the soldier for his valor. 国王因那位军人英勇而封他为爵士。译典通The king dubbed him a knight. 国王封他为爵士。译典通The sole British runner, White Knight, was unplaced.英国唯一的参赛马, 白色骑士, 没有进入前三名。剑桥国际When Knight became leader, the council was run by a clique of officers largely unaccountable to the elected members.当奈特成为领导后,市政会由对民选成员不必负责的官员小集团把持。剑桥国际When a boy first began his training to become a knight, his title was squire. 开始接受骑士训练的男孩的头衔是扈从。译典通Your king is in check from my knight.你的王被我的马将了军。剑桥国际

