
单词 lense
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BIG〕The image is magnified by a series of lenses within the telescope. 图像是通过望远镜内一系列的透镜放大的。朗文写作活用〔Canada balsam〕A viscous, yellowish, transparent resin obtained from the balsam fir and used as a cement for glass lenses and for mounting specimens on microscopic slides.加拿大香脂:从香脂冷杉中获取的一种有粘性的、淡黄色的透明树脂,用作玻璃透镜的胶合剂或将标本粘贴在显微薄片上美国传统〔EDGE〕John's glasses had small lenses and steel rims. 约翰的眼镜片小小的,镜框是钢的。朗文写作活用〔PURE〕Only distilled water should be used for cleaning contact lenses. 只有蒸馏水才能用于清洗隐形眼镜。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕He complained that the new lenses gave him double vision and headaches. 他抱怨说他戴新的隐形眼镜有重影,而且头痛。朗文写作活用〔THROW〕Didn't you know you can buy disposable contact lenses now? 你不知道现在可以买到日抛型隐形眼镜了吗?朗文写作活用〔accessory〕Cokin has released two accessory lenses that make camera phones even more versatile.高坚公司推出了两款附加镜头, 可以使拍照手机的功能更多。外研社新世纪〔achromatic lens〕A combination of lenses made of different glass, used to produce images free of chromatic aberrations.消色差透镜:不同的镜片组成的透镜用以产生无色差的影像美国传统〔alignment〕Binocular lenses that are out of alignment will yield a double image.双目镜片没有调好时会出现重影美国传统〔appear〕Modern contact lenses first appeared in the 1940s.现代的隐形眼镜最早出现于 20 世纪 40 年代。牛津搭配〔aviator glasses〕Eyeglasses having a lightweight metal frame and oval lenses that narrow toward the bridge of the nose.飞行员眼镜:具有重量很轻的金属镜架及椭圆镜片在鼻梁处变窄的眼镜美国传统〔bifocals〕Mrs Bierce wears thick bifocal lenses.比耶尔斯太太戴着厚厚的双光眼镜。柯林斯高阶〔bifocal〕Eyeglasses with bifocal lenses.双光眼镜美国传统〔bow〕A frame for the lenses of a pair of eyeglasses.眼镜框:眼镜镜片的框美国传统〔condenser〕A mirror, lens, or combination of lenses used to gather light and direct it upon an object or through a projection lens.聚光器:用于聚光并将光引向某物体或通过一凸透镜组的镜子、透镜或透镜组美国传统〔condense〕Light is condensed by means of lenses.光线通过透镜聚集。英汉大词典〔contact lens〕I usually wear contact lenses, but I sometimes wear glasses when my eyes are tired.我通常戴隐形眼镜,但有时眼睛疲劳时会戴框架眼镜。剑桥高阶〔contact lens〕She wears contact lenses more often than glasses.她戴隐形眼镜比戴普通眼镜的时间多。韦氏高阶〔corrective〕People with bad eyesight usually need to wear corrective lenses, such as eyeglasses or contact lenses.视力不佳的人通常需要配戴矫正镜片,如框架眼镜或隐形眼镜。韦氏高阶〔curvature〕The lenses have different curvatures.这些镜片有不同的曲度。韦氏高阶〔diopter〕A unit of measurement of the refractive power of lenses equal to the reciprocal of the focal length measured in meters.屈光度:透镜或棱镜折光率的一种量度,等于以米计算焦距之倒数美国传统〔electron optics〕The science of the control of electron motion by electron lenses in systems or under conditions analogous to those involving or affecting visible light.电子光学:利用电子透镜控制电子活动的科学,用于类似涉及或影响可见光的系统内或条件下美国传统〔fit〕The camera can be fitted with many different lenses.这种照相机可以安装多种不同的镜头。韦氏高阶〔foreshorten〕She could see herself in the reflecting lenses, which had grotesquely foreshortened her.她能够看到自己在反光镜中被缩小的古怪形象。柯林斯高阶〔forget〕After a while you'll forget you're wearing contact lenses.过一会儿,你就会忘记自己是带着隐形眼镜了。朗文当代〔frame〕Often frames A pair of eyeglasses, excluding the lenses. 常作 frames 无镜片的眼镜美国传统〔glass〕A device, such as a monocle or spyglass, containing a lens or lenses and used as an aid to vision.透镜:含一个或多个透镜,用于辅助视力的一种工具,如单片眼镜或小望远镜美国传统〔grind〕The lenses are ground to a high standard of precision.镜片被磨到很高的精确度。朗文当代〔grind〕The lenses for giant telescopes are very expensive to grind.磨制巨型望远镜的镜片价格非常昂贵。21世纪英汉〔home in〕A bank of telephoto lenses homed in on him.一整排的远摄镜头都对准了他。柯林斯高阶〔hood〕Why aren't all lenses supplied with a lens hood?为什么不给所有的镜头都配上遮光罩呢?外研社新世纪〔insurance〕The individual may take out insurance on the lenses.个人可以为镜头投保。外研社新世纪〔interchangeable〕Cameras often have interchangeable lenses.照相机镜头通常是可以互换的。外研社新世纪〔irritate〕At first my contact lenses irritated my eyes.起初一戴上隐形眼镜,我的眼睛就疼。剑桥高阶〔lens〕Have you got your lenses in? 你戴了隐形眼镜吗?牛津高阶〔lens〕I haven't got my lenses in.我没戴隐形眼镜。麦克米伦高阶〔lens〕I packed your sunglasses with the green lenses.我在你太阳镜上装了绿色镜片。外研社新世纪〔lens〕I packed your sunglasses with the green lenses.我把你那副绿色镜片的太阳镜装好了。柯林斯高阶〔lens〕She wears glasses with very thick lenses.她戴的眼镜镜片很厚。牛津搭配〔magnifying glass〕A lens or combination of lenses that enlarges the image of an object.放大镜:能放大物体图象的透镜或者一组透镜美国传统〔nosepiece〕The part of a microscope, often rotatable, to which one or more objective lenses are attached.换镜旋座:显微镜一部分,通常为可为围的,连接一个或多个物体透镜美国传统〔optician〕One that makes lenses and eyeglasses.光学仪器制造技师:光学透镜和眼镜的制造者美国传统〔optician〕One that sells lenses, eyeglasses, and other optical instruments.眼镜商,光学仪器商:出售光学仪器、眼镜或其它光学仪器的人美国传统〔optic〕Any of the lenses, prisms, or mirrors of an optical instrument.光学镜:光学仪器的透镜、棱镜或平面镜美国传统〔permeable〕Soft and gas-permeable contact lenses are kinder to the eyes than hard lenses.柔软透气的隐形眼镜对眼睛要比硬镜片好。剑桥高阶〔polish〕Polish the lenses with a piece of tissue.用纸巾擦亮镜片。朗文当代〔power〕Only simple glass lenses with insufficient powers of magnification existed.从前只有低放大率的简易玻璃透镜。外研社新世纪〔prescribe〕The eye doctor has prescribed my contact lenses.眼科医生为我配了隐形眼镜。英汉大词典〔prescription〕An ophthalmologist's or optometrist's written instruction, as for the grinding of corrective lenses.眼科医生所写的处方:由眼科医生或验光师开的书面指示,如为了磨制合适的镜片而开的验光单美国传统〔refracting telescope〕A telescope in which light from an object is gathered and focused by lenses, with the resulting image magnified by the eyepiece.折射望远镜:一种物体的光被一组透镜收集和聚焦、所成图像被目镜扩大的望远镜美国传统〔refraction〕As we age the lenses of the eyes thicken, and thus refract light differently.随着我们年龄的增长,眼睛的晶状体变厚,因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。柯林斯高阶〔rough〕His daily work is to rough out the lenses for cameras.他每天的工作是制作照相机镜片的毛坯。21世纪英汉〔saline〕Wash the lenses in saline solution.用盐溶液清洗镜片。牛津高阶〔screen〕The lense of the camera should be screened from direct sunlight.应罩上照相机的镜头,使之不受到阳光的直射。21世纪英汉〔see〕She can't see a thing without her contact lenses.她不戴上隐形眼镜就什么也看不见。麦克米伦高阶〔shaped〕The lenses of her sunglasses were shaped like hearts.她的太阳镜镜片是心形的。剑桥高阶〔skew〕Their vision is skewed by the distorting lenses.他们看到的东西因变形透镜而变得歪歪扭扭。英汉大词典〔sterilizing〕I put my contact lenses in sterilizing solution every night.我每天晚上都要把隐形眼镜浸在消毒药水中。剑桥高阶〔take in〕The eyes behind the lenses were alert, taking in everything at a glance.镜片后的眼睛十分警觉, 扫一眼就尽收眼底了。外研社新世纪〔take in〕The eyes behind the lenses were dark and quick-moving, taking in everything at a glance.镜片后面的黑眼睛快速转动着,扫一眼就全都记下了。柯林斯高阶〔telescope〕An arrangement of lenses or mirrors or both that gathers visible light, permitting direct observation or photographic recording of distant objects.望远镜:采集可见光、能对远距离物体直接观察或照相记录的透镜、镜片或两者都有的装置美国传统〔thick〕He wore glasses with thick lenses.他戴着一副镜片很厚的眼镜。外研社新世纪〔transparency〕Cataracts is a condition that affects the transparency of the lenses.白内障是一种影响晶状体透明性的疾病。柯林斯高阶〔trifocal〕The majority of older people need bifocal or trifocal lenses.大多数老年人都需要双焦点或三焦点镜片。外研社新世纪〔turn〕Her contact lenses turned her eyes green.隐形眼镜把她的眼睛变成了绿色。柯林斯高阶〔turn〕The contact lenses turned her eyes green.这副隐形眼镜让她的眼睛看上去是绿色的。外研社新世纪〔turret〕A rotating device holding various lenses, as for a microscope, allowing easy switching from one lens to another.透镜旋转盘:一种装有各种透镜的可旋转装置,如显微镜上的,可以使转换透镜变得很容易美国传统〔uncomfortable〕Cigarette smoke causes irritation and can make it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses.香烟的烟雾有刺激性, 会让隐形眼镜戴起来不舒适。外研社新世纪〔uncomfortable〕People living or working with smokers can find it uncomfortable to wear contact lenses because the smoke causes irritation.与吸烟者一起生活或工作的人会发现戴隐形眼镜不舒服,因为烟具有刺激作用。柯林斯高阶〔vision〕The lenses help increase some people's field of vision.视野麦克米伦高阶〔wear〕I sometimes wear contact lenses.我有时戴隐形眼镜。柯林斯高阶〔wear〕When in wear, contact lenses are completely invisible.隐形眼镜戴着时别人是完全看不出来的。 英汉大词典〔weatherproof〕Use a weatherproof rucksack to carry your camera and lenses around in.用防风雨的帆布背包装照相机和镜头。柯林斯高阶At first my contact lenses irritated my eyes.开始隐形眼镜使我的眼睛发炎。剑桥国际He needs strong lenses in his glasses because his eyesight is so bad.他的视力太差了,不得不戴深度镜片。剑桥国际I need new contact lenses.我需要一副新的隐形眼镜。剑桥国际I put my contact lenses in sterilizing solution every night.我每晚都将我的隐形眼镜放在消毒药水中。剑桥国际I switched to contact lenses because I felt so nerdy wearing glasses.我改戴隐形眼镜,因为我觉得戴眼镜太讨厌了。剑桥国际If you are both short-sighted and long-sighted, you need bifocal spectacles or contact lenses.如果你既是近视又是远视,你就需戴双光眼镜或隐形眼镜。剑桥国际Saline can be used for cleaning contact lenses.生理盐水可以用来清洗隐形眼镜。剑桥国际She has traded her glasses for contact lenses.她用隐形眼镜替换了眼镜。剑桥国际She was wearing sunglasses with lenses shaped like hearts.她戴了一副镜片呈心形的太阳眼镜。剑桥国际She was wearing sunglasses with heart-shaped lenses (= those in the form of a heart).她戴了一副心形的太阳眼镜。剑桥国际Soft and gas-permeable contact lenses are kinder to the eyes than hard lenses.柔软透气的隐形镜片对眼睛要比硬镜片好。剑桥国际The lenses of my glasses steamed up in the sudden warmth of the room.我眼镜上的镜片由于房间里突然变暖而蒙上了水蒸气。剑桥国际The sunglasses have gold wraparound lenses.这些太阳镜有着金色的一片式镜片。剑桥国际Wearing tinted glasses/glasses with tinted lenses (= those made with glass that has been made slightly dark) can help make bright lights less glaring.带上有色眼镜有助于使强光不显得那么刺眼。剑桥国际

