
单词 combining
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Chinook Jargon〕A pidgin language combining words from Nootka, Chinook, Salishan languages, French, and English, formerly used as a lingua franca in the Pacific Northwest.奇努克混合语:一种由努特卡语、奇努克语、萨利希语、法语和英语组合起来的混杂语言,旧时被用作太平洋西北岸地区的通用语美国传统〔DRUG〕The article says that Ware tried to commit suicide by combining prescription drugs and alcohol. 文章说韦尔把处方药和酒一起服下企图自杀。朗文写作活用〔MIX〕Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon. 钢是由铁和碳组合而成的。朗文写作活用〔Tejano〕A style of conjunto music originating in southern Texas and combining influences from country music, rhythm and blues, and popular Latin styles.德州综合音乐:起源于德州南部的综合音乐,结合了乡村音乐、节奏蓝调和流行的拉丁曲风美国传统〔agglutinate〕Linguistics To form (words) by combining words or words and word elements.【语言学】 用粘着法构词:通过词或词和词素的组合来构(词)美国传统〔antagonist〕Biochemistry A chemical substance that interferes with the physiological action of another, especially by combining with and blocking its nerve receptor.【生物化学】 拮抗药,对抗药:通过与另一种化学物质的结合或阻碍其神经接受体而干扰其生理作用的一种化学物质美国传统〔base〕A molecular or ionic substance capable of combining with a proton to form a new substance.化合物:能与质子结合形成一种新物质的分子化合物或离子化合物美国传统〔bhangra〕A popular style of music combining traditional bhangra drumming with modern Western instruments and rhythms.旁遮普音乐风:融合旁遮普鼓乐和现代西方乐器、节奏的流行音乐风格美国传统〔bio-bibliography〕A book or article combining an account of a person's life with a discussion of works written by or about that person.人物传记文献:含有人物生平、人物著作评论或人物评论的书或文章美国传统〔build〕To form by combining materials or parts; construct.建造,构筑:通过组合材料或部分而形成;建造美国传统〔build〕To make something by combining materials or parts.建筑,构成:通过组合材料或部分来制造某物美国传统〔cipher〕A design combining or interweaving letters or initials; a monogram.组合文字:字母或开头字母合并或交织成的图案;拼合文字美国传统〔combination〕The act of combining or the state of being combined.联合,合并:联合的行为或被联合的状态美国传统〔combination〕The result of combining.结合:联合的结果美国传统〔combine〕David Jacobs was given the job of combining the data from these 19 studies into one giant study.戴维•雅各布斯受命将这十九项研究所得的数据整合起来, 使之成为一项重大研究成果。外研社新世纪〔combine〕Many people enjoy combining a holiday with learning a new skill.许多人喜欢在休假的时候学习一项新技能。朗文当代〔combine〕Steel is produced by combining iron with carbon.钢是由铁加碳炼制而成的。朗文当代〔combine〕This product is the result of many different technologies combining.这种产品是许多不同技术相结合的结果。麦克米伦高阶〔combine〕University zoologists and government vets are combining forces (=working together) to investigate the disease.大学里的动物学家和政府部门的兽医联手调查这种疾病。朗文当代〔combining form〕The combining form "Anglo" combines to make various words, including Anglo-American and Anglophile.构词成分 Anglo 意为“英国的”,可构成许多词,如 Anglo-American(英美的)和 Anglophile(亲英的)。剑桥高阶〔composite photograph〕A photograph made by combining two or more separate photographs.合成相片:将两个或多个独立的相片接合而成的图片美国传统〔composition〕The combining of distinct parts or elements to form a whole.组成:将不同的部分和元素结合成为一个整体美国传统〔construct〕To form by assembling or combining parts; build.建造:通过装配或组合部件而构成;建造美国传统〔contract〕Grammar To shorten (a word or words) by omitting or combining some of the letters or sounds.【语法】 略语:通过省略或结合某些字母或音素使(一个或几个单词)缩短美国传统〔converge〕Many companies are combining rapidly converging communication technology into one device that can act as a phone, take photographs, and send e-mail.许多公司迅速联合起来,共同研发将通信技术融合进集电话、相机和电子信箱为一体的设备。韦氏高阶〔counterpoint〕The technique of combining two or more melodic lines in such a way that they establish a harmonic relationship while retaining their linear individuality.对位法:把两个或多个旋律合成使其具有和谐的关系又保持各自的线条的一种方法美国传统〔country rock〕A form of popular music combining features of country music and rock 'n' roll.乡村摇滚:结合乡村音乐和摇滚乐特色的流行乐形式美国传统〔create〕She enjoys creating new dishes by combining unusual ingredients.她喜欢把不常见的食材搭配在一起做成新式菜肴。韦氏高阶〔duplication〕Please eliminate duplication when combining the lists.合并这些名单时,请删掉重复的部分。韦氏高阶〔earth mother〕A woman combining maternal and sensual qualities.女人:一位具有母爱之心和性质的女性美国传统〔eliminate〕Mathematics To remove (an unknown quantity) by combining equations.【数学】 消去:通过等式合并消去(一个未知量)美国传统〔exercise〕He took up piano lessons, combining standard classical exercises with his own attempts at Gershwin.他上钢琴课,一边进行标准的经典作品的练习,一边自己尝试练习格什温的作品。柯林斯高阶〔folk-rock〕A variety of popular music combining elements of rock 'n' roll and folk music.带民歌色彩的摇摆舞乐曲:各种包含摇滚乐与民间音乐元素的流行音乐美国传统〔funk〕A type of popular music combining elements of jazz, blues, and soul and characterized by syncopated rhythm and a heavy, repetitive bass line.乡土音乐:一种综合了爵士乐、布鲁斯歌曲和爵士灵歌特性的流行音乐,以多切分音的节奏和低沉、经常重复的低音线为特征美国传统〔kickboxing〕The martial art and sport of attack and defense, practiced in a boxing ring and combining many elements of karate and boxing.跆拳道:一种攻击和防卫的武术和体育运动,在拳击圈内进行,把空手道和拳击的许多特点融为了一体美国传统〔knack〕Verne had a happy knack of combining adventure with science.凡尔纳有一种把冒险和科学结合起来的巧妙本领。英汉大词典〔mix〕Electronics A recording that is produced by combining and adjusting two or more audio tracks or channels.【电子学】 混频录音,混音机:通过混合和调整两种或更多的音轨或频道而产生的一种录音美国传统〔rockabilly〕A form of popular music combining features of rock 'n' roll and country music.乡村摇滚乐:一种综合了摇滚乐和乡村音乐特征的流行音乐形式美国传统〔sidecar〕A cocktail combining brandy, an orange-flavored liqueur, and lemon juice.赛德卡鸡尾酒:一种由白兰地、桔味酒和柠檬汁调制成的鸡尾酒美国传统〔sociopsychological〕Of, relating to, or combining social and psychological factors.社会心理的:关于、属于或结合社会和心理因素的美国传统〔solid propellant〕A rocket propellant in solid form, combining both fuel and oxidizer in the form of a compact, cohesive grain.固体推进剂:一种固体形式的火箭推进剂,是既含燃料又含氧化剂的密集聚合的晶体美国传统〔soul music〕Popular music developed by American Black people, combining elements of gospel music and rhythm and blues.爵士灵歌:美国黑人发展的流行音乐,结合了福音唱诗以及强节奏音乐和布鲁斯音乐的特点美国传统〔synthesis〕The combining of separate elements or substances to form a coherent whole.综合:把分别的元素或物质连接成连贯的一个整体美国传统〔syzygy〕The combining of two feet into a single metrical unit in classical prosody.二韵脚:古典韵律学中把两音步合为一个韵律单位美国传统〔teddy〕A woman's undergarment combining a camisole top and panties.妇女连衫衬裤:将女内衣上装同紧身短裤结合起来的妇女的内衣美国传统〔tragicomedy〕A drama combining elements of tragedy and comedy.悲喜剧:一部结合了悲剧和喜剧成分的剧作美国传统〔trimer〕A molecule formed by combining three identical smaller molecules.三聚体:一个由三个相同的较小分子结合在一起形成的分子美国传统〔union catalog〕A library catalog combining in alphabetical sequence the contents of a number of catalogs or the contents of more than one library.联合图书目录:图书馆目录,按字母顺序排列并联合许多目录或超过一个图书馆的目录美国传统〔union suit〕A one-piece undergarment combining shirt and long pants.连衫衣:一件内衣,连接衬衫和长裤子美国传统〔urea-formaldehyde resin〕Any of various thermosetting resins made by combining urea and formaldehyde and widely used to make molded household and industrial objects.脲甲醛树脂:混合脲及甲醛而得到一种热固树脂,主要用于制作铸模的家用或工业用物品美国传统〔valence〕The combining capacity of an atom or a radical determined by the number of electrons that it will lose, add, or share when it reacts with other atoms.化合价,原子价:原子或原子团与其它原子结合的能力是由它在与其它的原子结合时所丢失、增加或共享的电子的数目决定的美国传统〔zouk〕A popular dance music of the French West Indies, combining African drumming styles with influences from American and Caribbean popular music.左克舞曲:法属西印度群岛流行舞曲,融合非洲鼓乐风格和美洲、加勒比流行音乐美国传统She claims that the pressure on public hospitals could be relieved by combining medical resources in the public and private sectors.她宣称可以通过结合公私两方面的医疗资源来缓解对公共医院的压力。剑桥国际Some people think it doesn't matter if you don't use words in a grammatically correct way (= follow the rules for combining words) as long as you can be understood.一些人认为,只要别人听得懂,用词不遵守语法规则并不要紧。剑桥国际There's some idiotic idea of combining the two departments.有一个要合并这两个部门的愚蠢的想法。剑桥国际This town is a prime example of combining old architecture with new.这座小镇是结合新老建筑的一个最好例证。剑桥国际We were missing one teacher but got over that little difficulty by combining the two classes.我们缺一个老师,但把两个班并在一起,这点小困难就解决了。剑桥国际

