
单词 misdemeanour
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔lose〕His misdemeanour lost him our respect.他的不端行为使自己失去了我们对他的尊重。英汉大词典〔misdemeanour〕Alfred beat his children for even the smallest misdemeanour.孩子们哪怕有一丁点不好的行为,艾尔弗雷德也会打他们。朗文当代〔misdemeanour〕Emily knew nothing about her husband's misdemeanours.埃米莉对丈夫的不检点行为一无所知。外研社新世纪〔misdemeanour〕Emily knew nothing about her husband's misdemeanours.埃米莉对于丈夫的越轨行为一无所知。柯林斯高阶〔misdemeanour〕Every week, as children, we were beaten for some minor misdemeanour.孩提时,我们每周都因为一些小过错而挨打。剑桥高阶〔misdemeanour〕She was charged with a misdemeanour, that of carrying a concealed weapon.她被指控犯有身上藏有武器的轻罪。柯林斯高阶〔misdemeanour〕They were fined for their misdemeanours.他们因犯轻罪而被处罚金。英汉大词典〔misdemeanour〕Try to look on whatever happened as a little misdemeanour.不管发生什么都尽量把它看作无伤大雅的小过失。麦克米伦高阶〔moment〕At one moment the rumour was that he was guilty of misdemeanours.一度谣传他犯有行为不端的轻罪。英汉大词典〔second〕Any misdemeanours and they were out. He never gave them a second chance.他们只要行为不端就得出局。他从不给他们第二次机会。外研社新世纪Possession of small amounts of cannabis is a misdemeanour, whereas large-scale dealing in heroin is a felony (= serious crime).私藏少量大麻是轻罪,而进行大宗海洛因交易是重罪。剑桥国际Sarah was really drunk last night, but she paid for her misdemeanours this morning with a dreadful hangover.萨拉昨晚大醉,不过她因这种有失检点的举止而付出了代价,今天早上她有严重的宿醉反应。剑桥国际

