
单词 tolerant
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔OPPOSITE〕His policies are the antitheses of all that makes us a decent, tolerant society. 他的政策并不能为我们建立一个公正、宽容的社会。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕I've tried to adopt a fairly tolerant attitude towards his behaviour. 对于他的行为,我已经尽量采取相当宽容的态度了。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕She's not very tolerant of other people's failings. 她对待别人的缺点不是很宽容。朗文写作活用〔STRICT/NOT STRICT〕You should try to be more tolerant towards other people. 你应该尝试待人更宽容一些。朗文写作活用〔acid〕Rye is tolerant of poor, acid soils.黑麦耐贫瘠的酸性土壤。牛津高阶〔broad-minded〕Having or characterized by tolerant or liberal views.宽宏大量的,开通的:有或以宽容或自由的观点为特征的美国传统〔caustic〕She was caustically brilliant, yet totally loyal, unpretentious, human and tolerant.她这个人才气逼人,可是绝对忠诚可靠,而且毫不做作,有人情味和宽容心。柯林斯高阶〔charitable〕Mild or tolerant in judging others; lenient.宽容的,仁爱的:在评价别人时适中或宽容的;宽大的美国传统〔communicative〕She has become a lot more tolerant and communicative.她变得宽容多了,也爱说话了。柯林斯高阶〔communicative〕She has become a lot more tolerant and communicative.她变得随和了许多, 也爱说话了。外研社新世纪〔dilemma〕The fundamental dilemma remains: in a tolerant society, should we tolerate intolerance? 基本的矛盾仍未消除:在宽容的社会里,我们应不应该容忍狭隘 ?牛津搭配〔disagree〕He is tolerant of those who disagree with him.他对与自己有分歧的人持宽容态度。朗文当代〔eccentricity〕Some people weren't very tolerant of his eccentricity.有些人实在不能忍受他的怪异。韦氏高阶〔equal marriage〕He argued that equal marriage legislation would create a more tolerant society.他的观点是婚姻平权立法将帮助建立一个更加包容的社会。剑桥高阶〔forbear〕To be tolerant or patient in the face of provocation.克制:遇到恼人的事时宽容或有耐心美国传统〔frailty〕Tolerant of human frailty in whatever form, she almost never judged people.她对人性的各种弱点都能够包容,几乎从不评价他人。剑桥高阶〔instructed〕The instructed person is usually tolerant.有教养的人通常宽容待人。英汉大词典〔integrated〕We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校中就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。外研社新世纪〔integrated〕We believe that pupils of integrated schools will have more tolerant attitudes.我们相信在取消种族隔离的学校就读的学生会有更宽容的态度。柯林斯高阶〔known〕They are known to be tolerant of underage drinkers.大家都知道他们纵容未成年人饮酒。外研社新世纪〔latitudinarian〕Holding or expressing broad or tolerant views, especially in religious matters.不拘泥于教条的:持有或发表宽容的见解,尤指在宗教问题上美国传统〔liberal〕Favoring proposals for reform, open to new ideas for progress, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; broad-minded.开明的:赞成改革、接受进步新思想的,对别人的思想和行为宽容的;心胸开阔的美国传统〔peccadillo〕People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures.人们可以容忍公众人物婚外的不检点行为。柯林斯高阶〔permissive〕Granting or inclined to grant permission; tolerant or lenient.宽容的,容许的:允许或有意给予许可的;容忍的或宽容的美国传统〔placable〕Easily calmed or pacified; tolerant.易平息的,易和解的,宽容的:容易平息下来或抚慰的;宽容的美国传统〔push〕Her parents are very tolerant, but sometimes she pushes them too far.她的父母十分宽容,但她有时也让他们忍无可忍。牛津高阶〔push〕Her parents are very tolerant, but sometimes she pushes them too far.她的父母很宽容,但是有时她也让他们忍无可忍。牛津搭配〔school〕You must school yourself to be tolerant.你必须学会宽容。剑桥高阶〔steady〕Her father, an equable and genial man, is tolerant of her spirited stubbornness.她的父亲,一个平和可亲的人,能容忍她倔强的脾气。美国传统〔tolerantly〕Other changes include more tolerant attitudes to unmarried couples having children.其他变化包括对非婚夫妇生育更为宽容的态度。柯林斯高阶〔tolerantly〕They need to be tolerant of different points of view.他们需要容忍不同的观点。柯林斯高阶〔tolerantly〕Today's floppy disc drives are tolerant of poor quality discs.现在的软驱对质量低劣的软盘也能读取。柯林斯高阶〔tolerant〕Compared to other plants, rye is more tolerant of drought.黑麦比其他植物更耐旱。剑桥高阶〔tolerant〕He has a very tolerant attitude towards other religions.他对其他宗教持非常包容的态度。牛津高阶〔tolerant〕He's relatively tolerant of my faults.他比较能宽容我的过失。牛津搭配〔tolerant〕I think men are less tolerant of stress than women.我认为男人在承受压力方面不如女人。剑桥高阶〔tolerant〕Luckily, my parents were tolerant of my choice of music.幸运的是,我的父母对我选择听什么音乐持宽容态度。朗文当代〔tolerant〕Mary was surprisingly tolerant of his annoying habits.玛丽对他恼人的习惯出奇地宽容。牛津搭配〔tolerant〕Other changes include more tolerant attitudes to unmarried couples having children.其他变化包括对未婚伴侣生育更为宽容。外研社新世纪〔tolerant〕People in Italy are more tolerant of children in public places than in Britain.与英国相比,在意大利人们对小孩在公共场所活动更为宽容。剑桥高阶〔tolerant〕Perhaps you need to be more tolerant of your neighbours.或许你需要对你的邻居更宽容些。麦克米伦高阶〔tolerant〕The people in the community are tolerant of each other's differences.社区的人们互相包容彼此的不同之处。韦氏高阶〔tolerant〕The plants are tolerant of frost.这些植物耐霜。牛津高阶〔tolerant〕The present government is even less tolerant of dissent.现政府甚至更不能容忍异议。剑桥高阶〔tolerant〕They are more tolerant towards / toward minorities now.他们现在对少数族群更加宽容。牛津搭配〔tolerant〕They learn to be tolerant of other people.他们学着宽容别人。牛津搭配〔tolerant〕They need to be tolerant of different points of view.他们需要容忍不同观点。外研社新世纪〔tolerant〕Today's floppy disk drives are tolerant of poor quality disks.现在的软驱连质量低劣的软盘也能读取。外研社新世纪Tolerant of human frailty in whatever form, she almost never judged people.由于对人类各种形式的弱点都很宽容,她几乎从不批评他人。剑桥国际Georgia is historically a remarkably tolerant country.格鲁吉亚在历史上是一个相当宽容的国家。剑桥国际I think I grow less tolerant of fools the older I get.我觉得越老我越不能容忍笨蛋。剑桥国际I think on average men are less tolerant of stress than women.我觉得一般来说男人不如女人能承受压力。剑桥国际Of all the girls she was the most tolerant. 在所有女孩子中她是最宽容的。译典通On the continent people are more tolerant of children in public places.在欧洲大陆上人们在公共场所对孩子们更宽容。剑桥国际She was tolerant of different views. 她容忍不同的意见。译典通Some plants are tolerant of extreme heat. 有些植物能耐酷热。译典通The present government is even less tolerant of dissent.现在的政府甚至更不能容忍异议。剑桥国际There's a general feeling that the president has been too tolerant of corruption.人们普遍感到总统太姑息腐败现象了。剑桥国际You must school yourself to be tolerant.你必须使自己学会容忍。剑桥国际

