
单词 trickery
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕He's managed to get as far as he has through slick talking and trickery. 靠着花言巧语和耍花招,他终于把想要的弄到了手。朗文写作活用〔TRICK/DECEIVE〕It was a piece of political trickery that enraged the opposition. 这是使反对派极为愤怒的一个政治圈套。朗文写作活用〔artifice〕Subtle but base deception; trickery.阴谋:精明的但是卑鄙的欺骗;圈套美国传统〔bait〕To entice, especially by trickery or strategy.引诱:引诱,尤指用圈套或计谋美国传统〔chicanery〕Deception by trickery or sophistry.圈套:通过诡计或诡辩进行的欺骗美国传统〔crimp〕To procure (sailors or soldiers) by trickery or coercion.强行征兵:通过诱骗或强制手段获得(水手或士兵)美国传统〔dodge〕To practice trickery or cunning; prevaricate.搪塞:支吾,推诿;含糊其词美国传统〔humbug〕To practice deception or trickery.欺骗,设圈套美国传统〔jockey〕To employ trickery.耍花招,搞欺骗美国传统〔juggle〕Trickery for a dishonest end.花招,骗局:为达到不正当目的的诡计花招美国传统〔knavery〕An instance of trickery or mischief.无赖行为:一次欺诈或恶作剧的行为美国传统〔mountebank〕To ensnare or prevail over with trickery.诈骗:用诡计使相信或说服美国传统〔mulct〕To acquire by trickery or deception.诈骗:用骗局或欺骗的手段来获得美国传统〔put〕To attain or carry through by deceit or trickery.搞成:用欺骗或计谋完成或贯彻美国传统〔shark〕To practice or live by fraud and trickery.诈骗:进行或通过欺诈或诡计维持生活美国传统〔skullduggery〕Crafty deception or trickery or an instance of it.欺诈,诡计:机智的欺骗、诈骗,或这样一个事例美国传统〔trickery〕He obtained the money by trickery.他骗得了那笔钱。英汉大词典〔trickery〕He resorted to trickery to get what he wanted.他靠欺骗获得了自己想要的东西。韦氏高阶〔trickery〕The government, he said, had resorted to political trickery in its attempts to retain power.他说,政府为了保住权力在政治上采用了欺诈手段。剑桥高阶〔trickery〕The old man suspected trickery.那老汉怀疑有诈。英汉大词典〔trickery〕They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.他们为了打动客户不惜坑蒙拐骗,因而声名狼藉。柯林斯高阶〔trickery〕They are notorious for resorting to trickery in order to impress their clients.他们因采用欺骗手段来打动客户而臭名远扬。外研社新世纪〔trickish〕Characterized by or tending to use tricks or trickery.诡计多端的:爱耍花招的;有诡计或花招的特征的美国传统〔trick〕To cheat or deceive or to practice trickery or deception.哄骗:欺骗或捉弄,诈取美国传统The government, he said, had resorted to political trickery in their attempts to retain power.他说政府为了守住权力在政治上采用了欺诈手段。剑桥国际

