
单词 trout
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔angle〕The trout angled downstream.鲑鳟鱼斜向地顺流而下。21世纪英汉〔be〕That fish is a trout.那是一条鳟鱼。韦氏高阶〔breed〕Trout breed in this pond.鲑鱼在这个水塘里产卵。英汉大词典〔broil〕He was broiling trout over charcoal.他正在炭火上烤鳟鱼。文馨英汉〔brookie〕A brook trout.美洲红点鲑美国传统〔brownie〕A brown trout.河鳟美国传统〔cutthroat〕A cutthroat trout.山鳟美国传统〔fingerling〕A young or small fish, especially a young salmon or trout.鱼苗:幼鱼或小鱼 ,尤指幼鲑鱼或鲑鳟鱼美国传统〔fish for〕It's no use fishing for trout in this river,there are none left.在这条河里钓鲑鱼是不会有收获的,鲑鱼已经捕光了。21世纪英汉〔fish〕The boys were fishing for trout.男孩们在钓鲑鱼。麦克米伦高阶〔fish〕We spent the afternoon fishing for trout.我们一个下午都在钓鳟鱼。韦氏高阶〔fish〕You can fish for trout in this stream.你可以在这条小溪钓鳟鱼。牛津高阶〔fresh〕Trout are fresh water fish (= live in water that is not salty).鳟鱼是淡水鱼。剑桥高阶〔kipper〕A male salmon or sea trout during or shortly after the spawning season.在产卵期间或期后的雄鲑或雄鳟美国传统〔laker〕A fish, such as the lake trout, that lives in a lake.湖鱼:一种生活在湖里的鱼,如湖红点鲑美国传统〔lake〕Trout live in the lake.鳟鱼生活在湖里。牛津搭配〔land〕Farther down the stream he landed a trout.他顺着小溪再往下游去,捕到了一条鳟鱼。韦氏高阶〔land〕The child landed half a dozen trout.这孩子钓到了6尾鳟鱼。英汉大词典〔lure〕He caught a 6lb rainbow trout using a white lure.他用一个白色的人工鱼饵钓到了一条6磅重的虹鳟鱼。外研社新世纪〔marked〕These trout are beautifully marked with bright red spots.这些鲑鱼身上有鲜红色的斑点,非常漂亮。牛津搭配〔open〕The trout fishing season opened last week.鳟鱼捕捞期于上星期开始。麦克米伦高阶〔pond〕The ponds are fully stocked with rainbow trout.池塘里放养了大量虹鳟鱼。牛津搭配〔redd〕A spawning nest made by a fish, especially a salmon or trout.产卵区:鱼做的产卵巢,尤指鲑鱼或鳟鱼美国传统〔restock〕The pond is restocked with trout every spring.这个池塘每年春天都会补充鳟鱼苗。韦氏高阶〔river〕Trout live in this river.这条河里有鳟鱼。牛津搭配〔run〕A trout took the fly and ran upstream.一条真鳟咬住假蝇向上游快速游去。英汉大词典〔salmon trout〕Any of various large trouts, especially the lake trout, the sea trout, or the steelhead.各种大鳟鱼,尤指湖红点鲑,海鳟或硬头鳟美国传统〔salmonid〕Of, belonging to, or characteristic of the family Salmonidae, which includes the salmon, trout, and whitefish.鲑亚目的:属于鲑鱼科的,或有鲑科特征的,包括鲑鱼,鳟鱼和白鲑美国传统〔say〕A: That brook is full of trout. B:Says you! I never saw anybody catch trout there.甲:那条小河里全是鲑鱼。乙:去你的! 我从未见过有人在那儿捉到过鲑鱼。英汉大词典〔sea trout〕Any of several trouts or similar fishes that live in the sea but migrate to fresh water to spawn.类似海鳟鱼:任一种生长在海里却游到淡水中产卵的几种鳟鱼或类似的鱼美国传统〔season〕Trout will be in season next month.下月可以捕鲑鱼了。英汉大词典〔season〕The trout fishing season has come to an end.鳟鱼渔期结束了。麦克米伦高阶〔siscowet〕A fat, thick-bodied variety of the lake trout, found in the upper part of Lake Superior.湖鳟:湖红点鲑的一个变种,体肥而厚,分布在苏必利尔湖上游美国传统〔spawning ground〕Salmon and sea trout use the upper river as a spawning ground.鲑和海鳟把河的上游作为产卵场。剑桥高阶〔spin〕I enjoy spinning for trout.我喜欢用旋式诱饵钓鳟鱼。外研社新世纪〔stall〕I bought this trout at the market fish stall.我在市场的鱼摊上买的这条鳟鱼。牛津搭配〔steelhead〕The anadromous variety of rainbow trout, being larger and having darker spots than the freshwater variety.硬头鳟:彩虹鳟中的溯河产卵海鱼,较淡水种类体型大,斑点颜色淡美国传统〔strike〕Rely on speed, not strength, when striking your trout.钩住上钩的鲑鱼,靠的是动作快,不是靠用力猛。英汉大词典〔tie on〕It had become too dark to tie on a new fly, so I heard the rising trout before I saw him.天色太暗, 没法系一条新蝇饵, 所以我是没看到鳟鱼先听到了声音。外研社新世纪〔trout〕He hooked several trout from the stream.他从溪中钓了好几条鳟鱼。牛津搭配〔trout〕I had some perfectly cooked trout.我吃的是一份做得极好的鳟鱼。剑桥高阶〔trout〕Shall we have trout for dinner? 我们正餐吃鳟鱼好吗?牛津高阶〔trout〕She's a miserable old trout who complains about everything.她是个令人讨厌、牢骚满腹的老太婆。剑桥高阶〔trout〕She's a real old trout.她真是个叫人讨厌的老婆子。英汉大词典〔trout〕The trout spawn in late summer or autumn.鳟鱼在夏末或秋季产卵。牛津搭配〔trout〕The lake is famous for its trout fishing.这座湖以捕鲑鱼闻名。剑桥高阶〔trout〕Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by pollution.成千上万条鲑鱼和鳟鱼的幼鱼因污染而死亡。剑桥高阶Trout are fresh water fish (=live in water that is not salty).鲑鱼是淡水鱼。剑桥国际Trout are similar to salmon, but they are smaller and spotted.鳟鱼与大麻哈鱼相似,但它们更小且多斑点。剑桥国际Don't take any notice of her -- she's just a miserable old trout who complains about everything.不要理她----她只是一个可鄙的、牢骚满腹的老婆娘。剑桥国际He fished the stream for trout. 他在这河里捕鳟鱼。译典通He reeled in a big trout. 他绕起钓丝,钓起一条大鳟鱼。译典通I caught seven trout in fifteen minutes. 我十五分钟内捉到七条鳟鱼。译典通I landed a big trout. 我钓了一条大鳟鱼。译典通Loch Leven is famous for its trout fishing.列文湖以捕鲑鱼而闻名。剑桥国际Salmon and sea trout use the upper river as a spawning ground.鲑和海鳟把河的上游作为产卵场。剑桥国际The 11 000-acre estate on the Isle of Lewis offers grouse and snipe shooting and trout fishing.刘易斯岛上11 000英亩庄园提供射松鸡、鹬和钓鲑鱼活动。剑桥国际Thousands of young salmon and trout have been killed by the pollution.成千上万的大麻哈鱼和鲑鱼因污染而死亡。剑桥国际When our trout eventually arrived, it was overcooked.当我们的鳟鱼最终端上来时,它已烧过了头。剑桥国际

