
单词 分类
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔GROUP〕The hotels are categorized according to the standard of the rooms and services they offer. 宾馆根据它们所提供的客房和服务的标准分类朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕The vehicles are grouped according to engine size. 这些车辆根据引擎的大小分类朗文写作活用〔NEXT TO〕I like to have a Thesaurus at my side whenever I do any writing. 我写东西的时候身边喜欢放一本分类词典。朗文写作活用〔Three Age system〕A system for classifying prehistoric artifacts according to successive stages of technological development, divided into the Stone, Bronze, and Iron ages.史前三时期分类法:根据连续性技术发展阶段来针对史前人类古器物所做的分类法,分为石器、青铜器及铁器时代美国传统〔advertisement〕The classified advertisements are on page 25.分类广告在第 25 页。牛津搭配〔assortment〕The act of assorting; separation into classes.分类分类的行为;分类美国传统〔bibliography〕The description and identification of the editions, dates of issue, authorship, and typography of books or other written material.书籍或其它作品的版本、发行日期、著者和印刷的分类和鉴定美国传统〔bracket〕To classify or group together.分类或分组美国传统〔branch〕A division of a family, categorized by descent from a particular ancestor.家族支系:家族的分支,由特定祖先的后裔分类美国传统〔breakdown〕The rate of breakdown of muscle protein was assessed.肌肉蛋白质的分类比率测定统计出来了。剑桥高阶〔breakout〕A classified summary of statistical data.对统计数据的分类总结美国传统〔card〕One bearing a person's name and other information, used for purposes of identification or classification.个人名片:印有一个人的姓名及他的其它情况的纸片,用作身份证明或分类美国传统〔catalog〕To classify (a book or publication, for example) according to a categorical system.分类:根据编制的体系来分类(如书或刊物)美国传统〔categorize〕Animals can be categorized according to the kind of food they eat.动物可以根据其所吃的食物来分类外研社新世纪〔categorize〕The population is categorized according to age, sex, and social group.人口根据年龄、性别和社会群体进行了分类朗文当代〔categorize〕This software lets you categorize your photographs in many different ways.这个软件可以把照片按不同方式进行分类韦氏高阶〔category killer〕A large retail store or chain of stores specializing in a single kind of merchandise that is stocked in great quantity and variety and sold at discount prices.分类商店:专门经销一种商品的大型零售商店或连锁店,存有大量的多种类商品并打折出售美国传统〔classification〕Biology The systematic grouping of organisms into categories on the basis of evolutionary or structural relationships between them; taxonomy.【生物学】 分类学:按生物间进化关系或结构关系分类的系统方法;分类美国传统〔classification〕Do you understand the system of classification used in ornithology? 你懂鸟类学的分类体系吗?剑桥高阶〔classification〕The cataloguing and classification of all the plants took many months.将所有的植物编目分类花了好多个月的时间。外研社新世纪〔classified〕I've been looking through the classifieds for a car I can afford.我一直在浏览分类广告,想找一辆能买得起的汽车。韦氏高阶〔classified〕The regional newspaper group depends heavily on classified advertising.地方报业集团对分类广告的业务依赖度很高。外研社新世纪〔classify〕In the study families are classified according to their incomes.这项研究根据收入对家庭进行分类麦克米伦高阶〔classify〕Rocks can be classified according to their mode of origin.可以根据岩石的成因对其进行分类柯林斯高阶〔classify〕We classified the plants according to the shape of their leaves.我们按照植物叶子的形状把它们分类牛津同义词〔class〕To arrange, group, or rate according to qualities or characteristics; assign to a class; classify.分类,定等级:把…按性质或特征排列、组合或评价;归于一个类别;分类美国传统〔consist of〕The job mainly consists of classifying evidence.这项工作主要是对证据进行分类韦氏高阶〔control〕Editors do not exercise control over large sections of their newspapers.编辑并不控制报纸的大分类版面。牛津搭配〔con〕The accountant conned the ledger sheet looking for the error.会计师仔细查看了分类账,以找出差错。英汉大词典〔cryptogam〕A member of a formerly recognized taxonomic group that included all seedless plants, such as mosses, algae, fungi, and ferns.隐花植物:先前已被确认的一个分类的成员,包括有所有的无籽植物,如苔藓、水藻、真菌和蕨类植物美国传统〔cytotaxonomy〕The classification of organisms based on cellular structure and function, especially on the structure and number of chromosomes.细胞分类学:在细胞结构和功能基础上的,特别是在染色体的结构和数量上的微生物的分类美国传统〔diagnosis〕Biology A brief description of the distinguishing characteristics of an organism, as for taxonomic classification.【生物学】 特征简述:有机体的辨别特征的简述,如分类学上的特征简述美国传统〔discriminant function〕A function of a set of variables used to classify an object or event.判别函数:一组变量函数,用于对某物或事件的分类美国传统〔distinguish〕Let us distinguish the various types of metaphor.让我们把各种隐喻分类21世纪英汉〔divide〕She divided the shirts according to size.她根据尺码对衬衫进行分类英汉大词典〔division〕A category created for purposes of competition, as in boxing.分类项目:为比赛目的而分的级,如在拳击比赛中美国传统〔ecospecies〕A taxonomic species considered in terms of its ecological characteristics and usually including several interbreeding ecotypes.生态种:按生态学特征划分的分类种,常包括一些杂交生态型美国传统〔file〕We file these reports (= put them in a file) under country of origin.我们把这些报告按原产国分类归档。剑桥高阶〔gamma〕The third item in a series or system of classification.第三个:一第列或分类系统中的第三个事物美国传统〔glance down〕She glanced her eye down the classified advertisements.她扫视了一下分类广告。21世纪英汉〔grade〕Responses were graded from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not at all satisfied).回答按 1 (非常满意)到 5 (完全不满意)分类牛津高阶〔group〕Eggs were grouped according to size.鸡蛋依大小分类牛津搭配〔hierarchy〕Categorization of a group of people according to ability or status.划分,区分,分等级:根据能力或地位对人进行分类美国传统〔holotype〕The specimen used as the basis of the original published description of a taxonomic group and later designated as the type specimen.原型标本:一个种起初用作分类的基础且后来作为确定类型的标本美国传统〔homology〕Mathematics A topologic classification of configurations into distinct types that imposes an algebraic structure or hierarchy on families of geometric figures.【数学】 透射:通过拓扑分类把图形分为不同种类,从而对几何图形的无穷集施加代数结构或层次美国传统〔homonym〕Biology A taxonomic name that is identical to one previously applied to a different species or genus and that therefore is unacceptable in its new use.【生物学】 异物同名:一个分类学名词由于曾被用于以前不同的种属所以这一新用法不被接受美国传统〔household〕Families are classified by the occupation of the head of the household (=the person who earns the most money and is most respected in a house) .家庭按一家之主的职业来分类朗文当代〔kingdom〕One of the three main divisions (animal, vegetable, and mineral) into which natural organisms and objects are classified.界:自然的生物体和物体被分类的三大主要分界(动物、植物和矿物)之一美国传统〔leave behind〕Lawyers are cataloguing the hundreds of drawings he left behind.律师们正在分类整理他留下来的数百幅画作。 外研社新世纪〔monophyletic〕Of or concerning a single taxon of animals.单元的:涉及单一动物分类单元的美国传统〔much〕Plants are classified in much the same way as animals.植物分类的方式和动物的分类方式差不多。朗文当代〔nomenclator〕One who assigns names, as in scientific classification.命名者:命名的人。如在科学分类美国传统〔nosology〕A classification of diseases.疾病分类美国传统〔orderly〕She sorted the information into orderly categories.她把信息有序分类韦氏高阶〔ordinal〕Of or relating to a taxonomic order.分类顺序的:分类顺序的或有关分类顺序的美国传统〔paratype〕A biological specimen other than a holotype used for the development of the original description of a taxonomic group.副模式标本:生物标本,并非用于生物分类最初定义发展的正模式标本美国传统〔phonology〕The study of speech sounds in language or a language with reference to their distribution and patterning and to tacit rules governing pronunciation.音系学:在语言或一门语言中,对有关其分类和模式以及为大家所默认的发音规则的研究美国传统〔pigeonhole〕Leave the report in my pigeonhole when you've read it.你看完后把报告放在我的分类架里。剑桥高阶〔pigeonhole〕To classify mentally; categorize.留在记忆中:把…归类贮存于记忆中;把…分类,归档美国传统〔pouch〕The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m.到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。21世纪英汉〔range〕To assign to a particular category; classify.分类:归入某一特定范畴;归类美国传统〔range〕We ranged steel pipes according to thickness and length.我们把钢管按粗细和长短分类21世纪英汉〔re-sort〕To sort again.重新分类美国传统〔ream〕Their specific task is to sort through the reams of information and try to determine what it may mean.他们的具体任务就是将大量信息分类并努力弄清它们的意思。柯林斯高阶〔reenter〕To record again on a list or ledger.再次登记:重新在名单或分类帐上登记美国传统〔saurian〕Any of various reptiles of the suborder Sauria, which includes the lizards and in former classifications also the crocodiles and dinosaurs.蜥蜴:任一种蜥蜴目爬行动物,包括蜥蜴,在以前分类中还包括鳄鱼和恐龙美国传统〔selachian〕Of or belonging to the order Selachii of elasmobranch fishes that includes the sharks and in some classifications also the rays and skates.软骨鱼的,横口鱼的,鲨类的:板鳃亚纲鲨类目的鱼类,包括鲨鱼,在某些分类中也包括鳐和灰鳐美国传统〔sex〕Either of the two divisions, designated female and male, of this classification.两性之一:这种分类中雌或雄两性中任一个美国传统〔shape〕The pieces were sorted by size and shape.零部件按大小和形状分类韦氏高阶〔size〕To arrange, classify, or distribute according to size.依大小排列(或分类):按大小排列、分类或区分美国传统〔sort〕Once the data is collected, the computer will sort it by date.一旦搜集完数据,计算机就会按照日期对其进行整理分类麦克米伦高阶〔subphylum〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking between a phylum and a class.亚门:介于门与纲之间的生物学分类级别美国传统〔superfamily〕A taxonomic category of related organisms ranking below an order or its subdivisions and above a family.总科:一种生物分类的类别,包括目或其分支以下和科以上的相关物质有机体美国传统〔systematics〕Biology The systematic classification of organisms and the evolutionary relationships among them; taxonomy.【生物学】 分类学:对有机体及其进化关系进行有系统的分类分类美国传统〔systematic〕Of or relating to classification or taxonomy.分类的,分类学的:分类分类学的,或与之相关的美国传统〔systematize〕The computer program systematizes the data and enters it into a table.计算机程序给数据分类并列表。韦氏高阶〔system〕A set of objects or phenomena grouped together for classification or analysis.系统:为分类或分析而组合在一起的一组事物或现象美国传统〔taxonomy〕The classification of organisms in an ordered system that indicates natural relationships.分类系统:显示自然界关联的生物体系统分类美国传统〔taxonomy〕The science, laws, or principles of classification; systematics.分类学:分类法的学科、规则或原则;分类美国传统〔taxon〕A taxonomic category or group, such as a phylum, order, family, genus, or species.分类单元:分类学的类项或组,例如门、目、科、属或种美国传统〔trial balance〕A statement of all the open debit and credit items in a double-entry ledger, made to test their equality.试算表:在复式分类帐目中记载所有还在往来的借方和贷方项目的帐户报表,用来检验其是否均衡美国传统〔trinomial〕Consisting of three names or terms, as a taxonomic designation.三名法的:有三个名字成名称组成的,如一种分类命法美国传统〔type genus〕The taxonomic genus that is designated as representative of the family to which it belongs.模式属:被指定为所属种群的生物分类美国传统〔type〕A taxonomic group, especially a genus or species, chosen as the representative example in characterizing the larger taxonomic group to which it belongs.类,门:生物分类的组合,尤指属或种类,选作有其所属的更大生物分类组合的特点的典型例子美国传统〔type〕I studied the prisoners and began to type them. The political prisoners were usually quiet, studious.我仔细察看了犯人并开始把他们分类。政治犯通常是安静好学的。英汉大词典〔type〕This test helps in typing the organism that causes the disease.这一试验有助于给导致这种疾病的微生物分类麦克米伦高阶〔unitize〕To separate, classify, or package in discrete units.分成组:在分散的单位中分开、分类或包装美国传统〔volume〕A unit of written material assembled together and cataloged in a library.书本:在图书馆中集合并分类的一组手稿美国传统〔want ad〕A classified advertisement.分类广告美国传统〔want ad〕I furnished my first apartment with items from the want ads.我从分类广告上购置物品,布置了我的第一间公寓。柯林斯高阶〔zoology〕The branch of biology that deals with animals and animal life, including the study of the structure, physiology, development, and classification of animals.动物学:生物学的分支,研究动物和动物生活,包括对其结构、生理机能、发展和分类的研究美国传统All sales are recorded in the debtors' ledger.所有销售都记录在债务人分类账中。牛津商务Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class.市场研究人员经常基于年龄和社会阶层对人口进行分类牛津商务People who work in libraries spend a lot of time classifying books. 在图书馆工作的人花大量的时间为书籍分类译典通She never tried to pigeonhole her customers.她从未试着对顾客分类牛津商务The rate of breakdown of muscle protein was assessed.肌肉蛋白质的分类比率测定统计出来了。剑桥国际The report classifies companies according to annual income.报告根据年度收入将公司分类牛津商务The sales are first recorded in a journal and then posted to (= written in) a general ledger.销售额首先记录在流水账中,然后计入总分类账。牛津商务The specimens have been classified and mounted. 标本已分类并固定在标本架上。译典通This report is the first attempt to catalogue the effects of smoking in a particular community.这份报告第一次试图将吸烟在一个特定社区中造成的后果进行分类剑桥国际

