
单词 出语
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Euclid〕Greek mathematician who applied the deductive principles of logic to geometry, thereby deriving statements from clearly defined axioms.欧几里德:古希腊数学家,他把逻辑学中的演绎原理应用到几何学中,籍以由定义明确的公理导出语美国传统〔RULE/REGULATION〕Sending an angry e-mail in capital letters breaks the rules of netiquette. 用全大写字母发出语调气愤的电子邮件违反了网上礼节。朗文写作活用〔animal〕Humans are the only animals to have developed speech.人是唯一发展出语言的动物。牛津高阶〔phonate〕To utter speech sounds; vocalize.发出语音;发音美国传统〔scathing〕He's always been so scathing about psychiatrists.说到精神病医生他总是出语尖刻。朗文当代〔source language〕The language from which a translation is to be made.译出语:被翻译出的语言美国传统〔transcend〕These issues transcend the limits of language study.这些问题超出语言研究的范围。英汉大词典

