
单词 公斤
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BABY〕Roberta's second child weighed over four kilos at birth. 罗伯塔的第二胎出生时体重超过4公斤朗文写作活用〔EXACT/NOT EXACT〕The exact weight of the baby at birth was 3.2 kg. 这个婴儿出生时的确切体重是3.2公斤朗文写作活用〔FALSE〕Her suitcase had a false bottom, containing 2 kilos of heroin. 她的手提箱有个假底层,里面夹藏了两公斤海洛因。朗文写作活用〔FAT〕Ben's gained at least five kilos since he was born. 本出生以后重了至少5公斤朗文写作活用〔FULL〕Police seized the plane and found bags stuffed with 1300 kilos of cocaine. 警方扣下这次航班,找到一些满塞着1,300公斤可卡因的袋子。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕I bought a kilo of apples and a bunch of grapes. 我买了一公斤苹果和一串葡萄。朗文写作活用〔HEAVY〕Fortunately my suitcase was less than 25 kilos. 幸好我的行李箱不到25公斤朗文写作活用〔HEAVY〕I've put on weight recently, so I'm probably about 120 kilos. 我最近长胖了,所以现在可能有120公斤左右。朗文写作活用〔HEAVY〕She weighs about 58 kg. 她的体重约58公斤朗文写作活用〔HEAVY〕What do you weigh -- a hundred kilos or so? 你体重多少—大约100公斤吧?朗文写作活用〔HIDE〕Several kilos of drugs had been concealed in the back of the truck. 有好几公斤的毒品藏在卡车的后面。朗文写作活用〔IN/INSIDE〕Edwards is charged with trying to smuggle 20 kg of cannabis into the country. 爱德华兹由于试图走私20公斤大麻到该国而被起诉。朗文写作活用〔ONCE〕I dieted for many years, and at one stage I weighed only 71 kg. 我节食了好多年,有一段时间体重只有71公斤朗文写作活用〔PAST〕I went on a diet and at one stage I weighed only 71 kg. 我节食减肥,体重一度只有71公斤朗文写作活用〔THIN〕Gascoigne has shed nearly 6 kilos in pre-season training and looks much fitter. 加斯科因在赛季前的训练中一下子减了差不多6公斤体重,看上去更强健了。朗文写作活用〔TOTAL〕The gross weight of the package is 10 kilos, including the packaging. 连包装在内包裹的总重量是10公斤朗文写作活用〔WEIGH〕If the parcel is over 2 kilos, you have to pay 50p more. 如果包裹的重量超过2公斤,你得多付50便士。朗文写作活用〔advise〕The baggage allowance is 20kg, and we advise clients of this at the time of booking.免费行李限重20公斤, 在顾客订票的时候我们要告知他们。外研社新世纪〔against〕Our grain output per mu is 600 kg. this year as against 500 kg. last year.我们粮食的亩产量去年是500公斤,今年是600公斤英汉大词典〔allowance〕The baggage/luggage allowance for most flights is 20 kilos.大多数班机给乘客的行李重量限额是20公斤剑桥高阶〔a〕Carrots cost 70 pence a kilo.胡萝卜每公斤70便士。外研社新世纪〔between〕She weighs between 55 and 60 kilograms.她的体重在55公斤到60公斤之间。剑桥高阶〔birth〕He only weighed 2 kilos at birth .他出生时体重只有两公斤朗文当代〔birth〕The baby weighed three kilos at birth.婴儿出生时体重为三公斤牛津高阶〔boat〕A West Beach launcher boated a 14.3kg snapper.西海滩的一位游艇驾驶者捕获了一条14.3公斤的鲷鱼。外研社新世纪〔carry〕How many kilos can you carry on a shoulder-pole? 你挑担能挑多少公斤? 英汉大词典〔check〕Any luggage over five kilos must be checked.超过五公斤的行李都必须托运。朗文当代〔crack〕Several kilos of crack were found in her luggage.在她的行李中发现了好几公斤强效纯可卡因。剑桥高阶〔developed〕The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year.发达国家中普通公民每年的用纸量超过 155 公斤牛津高阶〔epithet〕The singer's 104-kilo frame earned him the epithet of "Man Mountain" in the press.这位歌剧演员身躯魁梧,体重104公斤,新闻报道中他的名前因此而被冠以“巨人”的称号。剑桥高阶〔fatty〕The woman lost about 1.8kg of fatty tissue during the week's fast.那个女人在禁食一星期后减脂约 1.8 公斤柯林斯高阶〔good〕The police said a good 20 kilos of explosive were found during the raid.警察说在突击搜查行动中发现了20多公斤的炸药。剑桥高阶〔gray〕The SI unit for the energy absorbed from ionizing radiation, equal to one joule per kilogram.格雷,辐射能单位:测量从离子化辐射中所吸收能量的国际单位制,相当于每公斤一焦耳美国传统〔gross〕I'd put on ten kilos and felt gross in my bikini.我体重增加了10公斤,穿着比基尼觉得臃肿难看。剑桥高阶〔gross〕Once wrapped, the gross weight of the package is 2.1 kg.包装后,这个包裹的毛重是2.1公斤剑桥高阶〔head〕Ethiopia, for instance uses the equivalent of just twenty kilos of oil per head a year.比如说,埃塞俄比亚每年的人均消费支出仅相当于20公斤的石油。柯林斯高阶〔indicate〕You are allowed 20kgs of baggage unless indicated other wise on your ticket.除非票上另有注明,否则可携带行李为 20 公斤牛津高阶〔inspection〕Officers making a routine inspection of the vessel found 50 kilograms of the drug.对船只进行例行检查的警察发现了50公斤的毒品。外研社新世纪〔in〕There are 1000 kilograms in a tonne.一吨相当于1000公斤麦克米伦高阶〔key〕A kilogram of marijuana, cocaine, or heroin.一公斤:一公斤大麻、可卡因或海洛因美国传统〔kilogram〕Flour is sold by the kilogram.面粉按公斤出售。牛津高阶〔kilo〕He'd lost ten kilos in weight.他的体重已经减掉了10公斤柯林斯高阶〔kilo〕How many kilos do you weigh? 你体重多少公斤麦克米伦高阶〔luggage〕Each passenger was allowed two 30-kg pieces of luggage.每位乘客可带两件30公斤的行李。柯林斯高阶〔lump〕They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.他们过去买牛肉常常都是十公斤一块地买。外研社新世纪〔lump〕They used to buy ten kilos of beef in one lump.他们过去常买10公斤重的整块牛肉。柯林斯高阶〔mean〕Their mean weight was 76.4 kilos.他们的平均体重是76.4公斤剑桥高阶〔much〕You know how much a parachute weighs? Ten kilograms.你知道一个降落伞的重量是多少吗?10公斤麦克米伦高阶〔net〕The anti-drug sweep had netted nearly 900 kilograms of cocaine.缉毒突袭行动缉获了将近900公斤的可卡因。外研社新世纪〔or〕It weighs a kilo, or just over two pounds.这东西重一公斤,或者说两磅多一点儿。牛津高阶〔overweight〕My luggage was overweight by five kilos.我的行李超重五公斤朗文当代〔overweight〕The luggage is two kilos overweight.=The luggage is overweight by two kilos.这行李超重两公斤文馨英汉〔point〕One kilogram equals two point two (= 2.2) pounds.1公斤等于2.2磅。剑桥高阶〔put on〕He has put on three kilos.他体重增加了三公斤外研社新世纪〔put〕He must have put on several kilos.他体重一定增加了好几公斤牛津高阶〔register〕The scales registered a gain of 1.3 kilograms.秤显示重量增加了1.3公斤外研社新世纪〔retail〕This kind of chocolate is retailed at one pound a kilo.这种巧克力糖零售每公斤一英镑。21世纪英汉〔rise to〕The yield of rice will rise to 700 kilograms per mu.水稻的产量将上升到每亩700公斤21世纪英汉〔score〕Me and my mate went to score a kilo of amphetamine down in London.我和爱人去伦敦市区搞到了一公斤苯丙胺。柯林斯高阶〔secrete〕He was arrested at the airport with a kilo of heroin secreted in his clothing.他在机场被捕时衣服里藏了1公斤海洛因。剑桥高阶〔seize〕Customs officers at Heathrow have seized 60 kilos of heroin.希思罗机场的海关官员查获了60公斤海洛因。剑桥高阶〔seize〕Customs officials have seized 100 kilos of cocaine.海关官员没收了100公斤可卡因。麦克米伦高阶〔slim〕She slimmed down to a healthy 61 kilos.她减到了健康体重 — 61 公斤朗文当代〔something〕He had something like 70 kilos of gold in his boot.他在他的后备箱里放了大约70公斤的黄金。外研社新世纪〔some〕Tomatoes were only five francs a kilo, so I bought some.西红柿每公斤才5法郎,所以我买了一些。麦克米伦高阶〔strain〕The cable has a 140kg breaking strain(= it will break when it is stretched or pulled by a force greater than this).这种缆索的断裂应变力为 140 公斤牛津高阶〔swoop〕The drugs squad swooped and discovered 240 kilograms of cannabis.缉毒队突击搜查, 查获了240公斤大麻。外研社新世纪〔take〕How much water is needed to take up a kilo of sugar? 溶解1公斤糖需要多少水?英汉大词典〔tip〕He tipped the scales at just over 80 kilos.他称得体重刚过 80 公斤牛津高阶〔tip〕The baby tipped the scales at 3.75 kg.婴儿称得体重为3.75公斤剑桥高阶〔underweight〕According to the hospital chart he's four kilos underweight.照医院的体重表来看,他比标准体重轻4公斤剑桥高阶〔weigh sth out〕Will you weigh out two kilograms of flour for me please? 请给我称两公斤面粉好吗?剑桥高阶〔weight〕I should soon be down to my target weight of 70 kilos.我很快就会降到 70 公斤的目标体重。牛津搭配〔weight〕It was five kilos in weight.那东西有5公斤重。英汉大词典〔weigh〕Higgins weighed in at just over 100 kilos.希金斯赛前测得体重,刚好超过 100 公斤朗文当代〔weigh〕She weighed out half a kilo of rice.她称出半公斤米。朗文当代〔weigh〕She weighs 50kg.她体重50公斤外研社新世纪〔weigh〕She weighs 60 kilos.她体重为 60 公斤牛津高阶A full-grown elephant can weigh over 6,000 kilograms. 一头成年大象能重达六千多公斤译典通A ton is equal to 1016 kg (specialized long ton), 907 kg (specialized short ton), or 1000 kg (specialized metric ton, TONNE ).一长吨等于1016公斤,一短吨等于907公斤,一公吨等于1000公斤剑桥国际Customs officers at Heathrow have seized 60 kilos of heroin with an estimated street value of £8 million.希思罗机场的海关官员查获了60公斤的海洛因,估计其非法销售价值达800万英镑。剑桥国际Customs officials finally broke open the box and found 20 kilos of heroin inside.海关官员最后砸开了箱子,发现里面有20公斤海洛因。剑桥国际He was arrested at the airport with two kilos of heroin secreted in his clothing.他因在衣服中隐藏了2公斤的海洛因而在机场被捕。剑桥国际I've lost ten kilos in weight and I feel all the fitter for it.我已经减轻了10公斤体重,我感到更适合做这件事。剑桥国际Once I'd lost the first couple of kilos it spurred me (on) to lose some more.一旦我体重减了几公斤,这便会鼓舞我再减掉一些。剑桥国际Once wrapped, the gross weight of the package is 2kg.包装后,这个包裹毛重为2公斤剑桥国际One kilogram equals two point two (= 2.2 ) pounds.一公斤等于2. 2磅。剑桥国际She weighs between 55 and 60 kilograms.她的体重在55与60公斤之间。剑桥国际The baby was in perfect health and weighed 3.8 kilograms at birth.这个婴儿的健康状况非常好,出生时重3.8公斤剑桥国际The kilogram is the international standard of weight. 公斤是国际通用的重量标准。译典通The largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about a kilogram. 最大的恐龙脑子大约有一公斤重。译典通The police said a good twenty kilos of explosive were found during the raid.警方称在搜查中发现了二十多公斤的炸药。剑桥国际The price of such goods in those days equates to (= is the same as) about 50 a kilo at current prices.这种货物那时的价格相当于现行价格约50美元一公斤剑桥国际The regulations do not apply to goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight (= including the vehicle and the contents) of less than 3 500 kg.这些规定并不适用于最大毛重少于 3 500 公斤的货车。牛津商务The rice is sold in 20kg sacks.大米以 20 公斤大袋包装出售。牛津商务The shot weighs over 7kg when used in men's competitions and over 3kg when used in women's.男子比赛中,铅球重量超过7公斤,女子比赛中的超过3公斤剑桥国际Their baby was born prematurely and weighed only 1 kilogram.他们的孩子早产了,只有一公斤重。剑桥国际There's about 20 kilos here, not more.这里至多大约有20公斤剑桥国际These potatoes are sold by the kilo (= are measured in that unit to calculate their price).这些马铃薯是按公斤出售的。剑桥国际With ten extra years and ten extra kilos on him, the boxer failed to make a comeback.年龄大了十岁,体重又增加了十公斤,这位拳手没能在拳台上重振雄风。剑桥国际

