“some years ago”例句

单词 some years ago
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔auction〕Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago.几年前,索尔兹伯里勋爵在伦敦拍得了这幅画。柯林斯高阶〔auction〕Lord Salisbury bought the picture at auction in London some years ago.索尔兹伯里勋爵几年前在伦敦的拍卖会上买下了那幅画。外研社新世纪〔come〕He asked to be transferred there some years ago, but nothing came of it.几年前,他就请求调到那儿去,但一直没有任何结果。柯林斯高阶〔occasion〕I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago at Covent Garden.我时常愉快地回想起几年前在科文特花园的一个时刻。柯林斯高阶〔occasion〕I often think fondly of an occasion some years ago at Covent Garden.我经常愉快地回想起几年以前在科文特花园的那一次。外研社新世纪〔recollect〕I recollect seeing Ryder some years ago in Bonn.我记得几年前在波恩见过赖德。朗文当代〔since〕She had a sort of breakdown some years ago, and since then she has been very shy.几年前她得了神经衰弱,自那以后就变得十分腼腆。柯林斯高阶〔some〕He left Cranfield some years ago and hasn't been heard of since.好几年前他离开了克兰菲尔德,从那以后再无消息。麦克米伦高阶〔some〕We met some years ago.我们许多年前见过。韦氏高阶〔stage〕She retired from the stage some years ago.她数年前告别了舞台。外研社新世纪A similar sort of scandal racked the government some years ago.几年前一个类似的丑闻给政府带来了麻烦。剑桥国际

