
单词 snowfall
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔South-East〕The heaviest snowfalls today are expected in the south east.今天最大的降雪预计将出现在东南部地区。柯林斯高阶〔average ... out〕Snowfall averages out in this part of the country at(或to) twenty inches a year.这一地区的年降雪量平均为20英寸。21世纪英汉〔catch〕The railway companies had all been caught completely unprepared by the sudden snowfalls.暴风雪突降让毫无准备的铁路公司全都措手不及。麦克米伦高阶〔flurry〕A brief, light snowfall.一阵风雪:一次短而小的雪美国传统〔halt〕Heavy snowfalls brought traffic to a halt (=made it stop moving) .大雪使得交通陷于停顿。朗文当代〔hamper〕The search was hampered by heavy snowfall.搜寻工作因天降大雪而受阻。麦克米伦高阶〔heavy snowfall〕The area is expecting heavy snowfall this weekend.本周末这一地区将迎来大雪。韦氏高阶〔heavy〕In the middle of the month there was heavy snowfall.本月中旬曾有大量降雪。外研社新世纪〔snow cover〕The total amount of snow that accumulates on the ground in a given location, including that from snowfall, snowdrift, and avalanche.积雪量:在某处地面的总累积雪量,包括降雪、雪堆及雪崩美国传统〔snowfall〕A fresh snowfall had covered the ground.新下的雪覆盖了大地。牛津搭配〔snowfall〕Heavy snowfalls are forecast.天气预报说将有大雪。朗文当代〔snowfall〕Heavy snowfalls are predicted for tonight and tomorrow.今晚和明天预计会有大雪。剑桥高阶〔snowfall〕Our car got stuck in the snowfall last night.昨夜我们的汽车陷在了雪里。英汉大词典〔snowfall〕The average annual snowfall for this region is about 30 centimetres.该地区年降雪量是30厘米。剑桥高阶〔snowfall〕The total rain and snowfall amounted to 50mm.降雨与降雪量合计50毫米。外研社新世纪〔snowfall〕The total rain and snowfall amounted to 50mm.降雨量和降雪量共达 50 毫米。柯林斯高阶〔snowfall〕The yearly snowfall here is over 30 feet! 这里的年降雪量超过了30英尺!韦氏高阶〔snowfall〕We had a light snowfall last night.昨晚我们这儿下了场小雪。牛津搭配〔snowfall〕What is the average annual snowfall for this state? 这个国家的年平均降雪量是多少?牛津高阶〔snowfall〕What's the average snowfall for this region? 这个地区的平均降雪量是多少?牛津搭配〔snowstorm〕A storm marked by heavy snowfall.暴风雪:带有大雪的风暴美国传统〔winter〕Last winter's snowfall was heavier than usual.去年冬季的降雪量比往常大。外研社新世纪A massive snowfall has in recent days blanketed south-eastern Turkey.一场大雪最近覆盖了土耳其东南部。剑桥国际Heavy snowfalls (= falls of snow) are predicted for tonight and tomorrow.今夜和明天预计会降大雪。剑桥国际Isola had heavy snowfall yesterday making skiing conditions difficult.昨天艾苏拉地区降了很大的雪,这使滑雪的条件变困难了。剑桥国际The annual snowfall for this region is the largest across the whole of the country.此地的年降雪量是全国最大的。剑桥国际

