
单词 saves
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-saving〕Spurs could have had several goals but for some brilliant saves from John Hallworth.要不是约翰·霍尔沃思几次精彩的扑救,热刺队原本可以射进好几个球。柯林斯高阶〔BOOKS〕King Henry is the name given to a donkey, the title character in the children's book, ‘King Henry Saves Christmas’. “亨利国王”是一头驴子的名字,它是儿童故事《亨利国王拯救了圣诞节》中的主角。朗文写作活用〔HAPPY〕The movie tells a heartwarming story about a boy who saves his sister's life. 影片讲述了一名小男孩拯救姐姐生命的感人故事。朗文写作活用〔PROBLEM〕The airline doesn't make seat assignments, which can be a hassle for travelers, but it saves money. 这家航空公司不指定座位,这给旅客造成麻烦,但省钱。朗文写作活用〔USEFUL〕Top TV chef Billy Williams says he couldn't manage without his food processor: ‘It cuts down preparation time by about half and saves you all those fiddly tasks.’ 首屈一指的电视大厨比利·威廉姆斯说,他少不了食品加工机:“它能节省约一半的准备时间,并省却那些琐碎事。”朗文写作活用〔article〕He always clips and saves articles about people he knows.他总是把报道他熟悉的人的文章剪下来保存好。牛津搭配〔bank〕She saves all her change in a small bank on her desk.她把所有零钱都存放在桌上的小储蓄罐里。韦氏高阶〔bushel〕He saves his clients from paying a bushel of taxes.他帮客户免交了一大笔税款。外研社新世纪〔channel〕It actually saves time if you use the proper channels.如果利用官方渠道, 实际上更能节省时间。外研社新世纪〔disk〕The program automatically saves to disk every 15 minutes.这个程序每 15 分钟自动存档一次。牛津搭配〔hassle〕It saves a lot of hassle if you buy them on the Internet.网购可以减少很多麻烦。牛津搭配〔housekeeping〕Good housekeeping saves money.当好家就可节省开支。英汉大词典〔indirect〕Sometimes taking the indirect path saves time.有时不走直道反倒可以节省时间。美国传统〔lifesaver〕One that saves a life.救命者美国传统〔matériel〕Refuelling cargo planes in mid-air saves valuable time in shipping matériel to the front.通过给货机空中加油可以在将军需物品送往前线时节省宝贵的时间。剑桥高阶〔own〕The goalkeeper came into his own with a series of brilliant saves.守门员开始进入状态,作出了一连串精彩的扑救。柯林斯高阶〔percentage〕If a goalie saves 96 out of 100 shots, his save percentage is 96 percent.如果一个守门员守住了100次射门中的96次,他的防守成功率就是96%。韦氏高阶〔proverbial〕Remember the proverbial stitch in time.你可要记住谚语所说的那及时的一针。(句中所说的 the proverbial stitch 出自谚语A stitch in time saves nine.)英汉大词典〔pull〕The goalkeeper pulled off six terrific saves.那位守门员奋力扑救了六个险球。朗文当代〔reflex〕The goalkeeper made a couple of superb reflex saves.守门员反应敏捷地扑出了几个球。麦克米伦高阶〔save〕A stitch in time saves nine.【谚】及时缝一针省得将来缝九针;及时的行动可收事半功倍之效。文馨英汉〔save〕Buying a machine with a grass box saves you the bother of raking up the grass.买一个带盛草箱的割草机可以省去耙拢草的麻烦。麦克米伦高阶〔save〕Casillas made some spectacular saves.卡西拉斯漂亮地救下了几个险球。牛津搭配〔save〕He leads the league in saves.他的救援数在联赛中领先。韦氏高阶〔save〕Jesus saves.耶稣救赎。韦氏高阶〔save〕She saves in every way she can.她尽一切可能节约。英汉大词典〔save〕She saves part of her pay every week.她每周都会把一部分收入存起来。韦氏高阶〔save〕Soap saves rubbing.使用肥皂可减少搓擦。英汉大词典〔save〕The shortcut saves an hour's driving.这条捷径省了一小时的车程。韦氏高阶〔save〕Travelling by plane is more expensive, but it saves time.乘飞机旅行花钱多,但节省时间。麦克米伦高阶〔scan〕A printer that can fax, scan, and copy saves space.一台能传真、扫描和复制的打印机很节省空间。麦克米伦高阶〔scrimp〕He has had to give up luxuries as he scrimps and saves while looking for a job.找工作期间,他只好放弃奢侈的生活,精打细算、省吃俭用。柯林斯高阶〔subcompact〕I rent a subcompact when I'm travelling alone because it saves on gas.我独自一人出行时会租一辆超小型汽车,因为省油。剑桥高阶Centralization saves money and increases efficiency—at least on paper.集中管理可以节约资金、提高效率 ── 至少在理论上是如此。牛津商务It's useful to change to daylight saving time because it saves energy and enables people to spend more time in outdoor activities.改为夏令时间是有好处的,因为这样使人们保存精力,能多花些时间进行户外运动。剑桥国际She saves all her bank statements and cheque stubs.她保存着所有的银行对账单和支票票根。牛津商务She plays the part of the spunky daughter who saves her little sister from drowning.她扮演了一个把妹妹从溺水中救出的勇敢的女儿。剑桥国际The program saves your workspace when you shut down your computer.当关闭计算机时,这一程序会把工作区贮存起来。牛津商务The team's standout goalie made four spectacular saves within the first 40 minutes of play.这队出色的守门员在比赛的前40分钟内救出了4个险球。剑桥国际Using the search facility saves you having to scroll through a document to find what you are looking for.使用检索功能免得你从头到尾把文件展开搜寻一遍。剑桥国际

