
单词 拿出
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ACCUSE〕The FBI confronted Schmidt with the evidence of his part in the murder plot. 联邦调查局拿出证据与施密特对证,证据显示他参与了谋杀阴谋。朗文写作活用〔BOOKS〕Do not remove reference books from the library. 别把工具书拿出图书馆。朗文写作活用〔FASTEN/UNFASTEN〕She unzipped the case and took out a thick file. 她拉开箱子的拉链,拿出一个厚厚的文件夹。朗文写作活用〔MUST/DON'T HAVE TO〕This book must not be removed from the library. 这本书不可以拿出图书馆。朗文写作活用〔REMOVE〕Roland reached inside his jacket and took his passport out. 罗兰伸手到夹克衫里,拿出护照。朗文写作活用〔SEE〕Before our very eyes, he produced $50,000 out of his suitcase and offered to buy the house. 他就当着我们的面从旅行箱里拿出五万美元,说要买下这房子。朗文写作活用〔SHOW OFF〕Rumpole produced the evidence with a dramatic flourish. 伦波尔用一个夸张的动作拿出了证据。朗文写作活用〔SWEAT〕James, who was perspiring profusely, took out a handkerchief and mopped his brow. 詹姆斯大汗淋漓,他拿出一块手帕擦了擦额头。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕It's very easy to be an armchair critic but much harder to come up with solutions that will work. 坐着空谈是很容易的,但要拿出可行的解决办法来就难得多了。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Dad wanted to lend me the money, so I wouldn't have to take it out of my savings. 爸爸要把这笔钱借给我,这样我就不用从我的储蓄中拿出来了。朗文写作活用〔TAKE〕Take the sachet out of the water after 3 minutes. 三分钟后把小袋从水里拿出来。朗文写作活用〔THINK〕Did it ever enter your mind to take out the garbage? 你到底有没有想过要把垃圾拿出去?朗文写作活用〔adequate〕The chairs we have put out should be adequate for the number of guests we are expecting.我们拿出来的椅子应该足够我们正在等的来客用。外研社新世纪〔allot for〕I've allotted fifty dollars a month for lunches.我一个月拿出50美元作午餐费。21世纪英汉〔attack〕We have to attack these problems now and find some solutions.我们必须现在就处理这些问题并拿出解决方案。剑桥高阶〔boot〕Harris got a rope from the car boot.哈里斯从汽车行李箱里拿出一条绳子。柯林斯高阶〔bring forth〕He was able to bring forth persuasive arguments in support of his position.他可以拿出有力的论据来支持自己的观点。韦氏高阶〔chew up〕I took one of the pills and chewed it up.我拿出一颗药丸嚼服。外研社新世纪〔china〕I'll get my best china out.我要把我最好的瓷器拿出来。朗文当代〔crack〕Remove the dish from the oven, crack the salt crust, and you will find the skin just peels off the fish.把盘子从烤箱里拿出来, 弄碎鱼表面的那层盐, 鱼皮就会从鱼身上剥落下来了。外研社新世纪〔creative〕We need to produce better creative if we want to attract big clients.要吸引大客户,我们就得拿出更好的创意。牛津高阶〔curtain〕He took a bag from a shelf behind some curtains.他从窗帘后面的架子上拿出一个包。牛津搭配〔deforsted〕Take the beef out of the refrigerator to defrost.把牛肉从冰箱里拿出来解冻。21世纪英汉〔demand〕But he could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded.但是如果场合需要, 他也能拿出派头来。外研社新世纪〔demand〕But he could also turn on the style when the occasion demanded.但是如果场合需要,他也能拿出派头来。柯林斯高阶〔deposit〕A sum of money given as security for an item acquired for temporary use.押金,保证金:为暂时使用某物而拿出的作为担保的一笔钱美国传统〔dig〕I've had to dig into my savings this month to pay for my car insurance.这个月我不得不拿出平日的积蓄来付车子的保险费。麦克米伦高阶〔dig〕The taxpayers will have to keep digging deeper into their pockets.纳税人将不得不继续拿出更多的钱来纳税。英汉大词典〔dip into sth〕It's the kind of book you can just dip into.这是一本可以不时拿出来翻翻的书。剑桥高阶〔dive〕She dived into her bag and took out a couple of coins.她立即将手伸进包里拿出几枚硬币。牛津高阶〔draw〕Suddenly he drew a gun/knife and held it to my throat.突然他拿出一把枪/刀抵住我的喉咙。剑桥高阶〔feasible〕He came up with no feasible alternative to the system.他没有拿出替代该系统的可行方案。外研社新世纪〔fish out〕Kelly fished another beer out of his cooler.凯利又从冰箱里拿出一瓶啤酒。外研社新世纪〔fish〕Kelly fished out another beer from his cooler.凯莉从他的冷藏箱里又拿出一瓶啤酒。柯林斯高阶〔flask〕He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.他从帆布包里拿出一个金属瓶子。柯林斯高阶〔flask〕She pulled out her flask and drank from it.她拿出瓶子喝了起来。牛津搭配〔flop〕Doug pulled out his badge case and flopped it open.道格拿出徽章夹啪的一声打开。外研社新世纪〔flourish〕He opened his wallet with a flourish and took out a handful of notes.他夸张地打开皮夹,拿出一把钞票。朗文当代〔flush〕Money was so flush that the company chose to pay an extra billion dollars in pension contributions.由于资金充足, 公司决定再拿出10亿美元来支付养老金。外研社新世纪〔forth〕He brought forth a small gold amulet from beneath his robe.他从袍子下面拿出一个不大的金护身符。柯林斯高阶〔give ... up〕All the workers gave up a day's pay to send money to the Hope primary school.所有的工人都拿出了一天的工资寄给那所希望小学。21世纪英汉〔gushing〕The government was gushing with plans for future oil development.政府一股劲地拿出一个又一个今后发展石油工业的计划。英汉大词典〔hard〕After a hard day's work, I just didn't want to get my books out in the evening and study.辛苦工作一天之后, 到了晚上我一点都不想拿出书来学习。外研社新世纪〔hunch〕He got out his map of Yorkshire and hunched over it to read the small print.他拿出约克郡的地图, 弓身趴在上面, 努力想看清那些小字。外研社新世纪〔indulge〕He took out his cigar case. He had not indulged all night.他拿出他的雪茄烟盒来,他已整整一夜没抽烟了。英汉大词典〔inroads〕I had to make inroads into my savings to pay off the loan.我不得不开始拿出积蓄来偿还贷款。外研社新世纪〔instant〕He took out his keys to lock the door. At that very instant the door flew open and a man ran into the room.他拿出钥匙准备锁门,恰在此时,门突然被撞开,一个男子冲进了房间。牛津搭配〔kick in sth〕Another plan would require employers to kick in $20 per worker to set up the fund.另一个项目要求雇主为每个员工拿出20美元来建立基金。剑桥高阶〔last〕He took out the pile of letters and burnt every last one.他拿出那叠信, 把它们全都烧掉了。外研社新世纪〔light〕The old man took out a pipe and lighted up.那位老人拿出烟斗点上火。文馨英汉〔moneybox〕I took twenty bucks out of my moneybox.我从储钱箱里拿出二十元。文馨英汉〔notebook〕Take out your notebook and write down some of your ideas.拿出你的笔记本写下你的一些想法。韦氏高阶〔part〕He's not easily parted from his cash.叫他拿出现钱不大容易。英汉大词典〔peel〕A long-handled, shovellike tool used by bakers to move bread or pastries into and out of an oven.长柄木铲:一种面包师用来将面包或馅饼放入或拿出烤箱的铲状长柄工具美国传统〔perfectly〕He took a perfectly ironed shirt from the wardrobe.他从衣橱里拿出一件熨得妥妥帖帖的衬衫。麦克米伦高阶〔place〕She produced a long silver whistle and placed it firmly between her lips.她拿出一个长长的银哨子,稳稳地衔在嘴里。牛津搭配〔pull〕Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket.杰克从衬衣口袋里拿出了纸条。外研社新世纪〔pull〕Wade walked quickly to the refrigerator and pulled out another beer.韦德快步走到冰箱边又拿出一罐啤酒。柯林斯高阶〔put across〕He has taken out a half-page advertisement in his local paper to put his point across.他拿出他们当地报纸上的半页广告来说明他的观点。柯林斯高阶〔put up〕They put the puppies up for adoption.他们把那些小狗拿出来供人领养。韦氏高阶〔repack〕She is repacking everything she has taken out of her suitcase.她正在把从箱子里拿出来的东西再一一重新装入。英汉大词典〔responsible〕Let's stay calm and try to behave like responsible adults.让我们冷静下来,行事尽量拿出成年人应有的明辨是非的能力。剑桥高阶〔ring〕I got out the telephone book and began ringing round to contractors for estimates.我拿出电话簿,开始四处打电话给承包商,请他们估价。英汉大词典〔rubbish〕I forgot to put the rubbish out last night.昨晚我忘记把垃圾拿出去了。牛津搭配〔scrap paper〕Please take out a piece of scrap paper and practice the math problems on the board.请拿出一张草稿纸,练习黑板上的数学题。韦氏高阶〔set down〕She took out her notebook and started setting down her thoughts.她拿出笔记本,开始记下她的想法。韦氏高阶〔smell〕I took a fresh rose out of the vase and smelled it.我从花瓶里拿出一朵新鲜的玫瑰, 闻了闻。外研社新世纪〔stand bail〕It's easy for him to stand bail for £1,000.对他来说,拿出一千镑的保释金不是一件难事。21世纪英汉〔stick down〕He stuck down what he held, took out his passport from his pocket and showed it to me.他放下手里的东西,然后从口袋里拿出护照给我看。21世纪英汉〔strike〕He took out a match and struck a fire in the grate.他拿出一根火柴, 在炉栅里生了火。外研社新世纪〔strip ... away〕He carefully stripped away the transparent paper and took out a valuable stamp.他小心地剥去透明纸,拿出了一张名贵的邮票。21世纪英汉〔take out〕Please take out a pencil and begin the test.请拿出铅笔开始考试。韦氏高阶〔talk over〕He always talked things over with his friends.他有事总和朋友推心置腹地拿出来谈。柯林斯高阶〔tipping〕She took out the plate, stared blankly at the dried-up food on it, and tipped it into the bin… 她拿出盘子,茫然地望着上面已经干掉的食物,然后把它倒进了垃圾桶。柯林斯高阶〔trump〕She could threaten to play her trump card, an autobiography of embarrassing disclosures.她可能会威胁要拿出她的杀手锏:出自传来爆料糗事。柯林斯高阶〔tumbler〕He took a tumbler from a cupboard.他从碗橱里拿出一只平底玻璃杯。外研社新世纪〔tumbler〕He took a tumbler from a cupboard.他从碗橱里拿出一只平底玻璃杯。柯林斯高阶〔unpack〕I haven't even had time to unpack (my suitcase/clothes).我甚至还没有时间打开箱子整理/把衣服从箱子里拿出来。剑桥高阶〔wad〕He took out the wad of banknotes and peeled ten off.他拿出那沓钞票, 从中抽出了10张。外研社新世纪〔wallet〕He took a credit card out of his wallet.他从钱包里拿出一张信用卡。朗文当代〔whip out〕I whipped out a fifty-pound note.我迅速拿出一张50英镑的纸币。外研社新世纪〔withdraw〕He withdrew the book from his pocket.他从口袋里拿出书。麦克米伦高阶〔wodge〕He pulled out a wodge of twenty pound notes.他拿出了一大叠20英镑的钞票。麦克米伦高阶〔wrapper〕She took the chocolate bar out of the foil wrapper.她剥开箔纸,拿出了巧克力。牛津搭配He opened his bag and took therefrom an apple. 他打开包,从里面拿出一只苹果。译典通He sat down on the seat opposite and whipped a portable phone out of his coat pocket.他在对面的座位上坐下,从外衣口袋里迅速拿出手机。剑桥国际He took out a photo of his son, whom he adores.他拿出一张儿子的照片,他非常爱他。剑桥国际He took out a white rod which he telescoped into a walking stick. 他拿出一根白色长棍,把它缩折成一根手杖。译典通He took some coins from/out of his pocket.他从衣袋里拿出一些硬币。剑桥国际Joan rummaged in her desk drawer and came up with a fistful of newspaper clippings.琼在她的书桌抽屉里翻寻,拿出了一大把剪报。剑桥国际Lisa took her hairbrush from her handbag and began to brush her hair.莉萨从手提包里拿出梳子梳头。剑桥国际My father has produced a genealogy (= drawing showing the members) of our family back to 1732.父亲拿出了一张可追溯到1732年的家谱图。剑桥国际My shirt was in shreds when I took it out of the washer.当我将衬衫拿出洗衣机时,它成了碎布条。剑桥国际Quite unexpectedly he produced a beautifully wrapped present from his inside pocket.他很出乎意料地从内口袋里拿出了一份包装精美的礼物。剑桥国际She produced a senior citizen's discount card.她拿出了一张银发人优惠卡。剑桥国际She put on some overalls, got out the paint ,and started on the living room ceiling .她穿上工作服,拿出油漆,从起居室的屋顶开始干起来。剑桥国际She was shitting herself, especially when he pulled out a gun.她吓得魂不附体,尤其是在他拿出枪的时候。剑桥国际The plumber took out a wrench and tightened the bolt. 修水管的工人拿出一把扳手拧紧了螺栓。译典通This will need all his courage and then some. 这将至少需要他拿出全部勇气。译典通Use a spatula to lift the steaks out of the frying pan.用刮刀把平底锅中的牛排拿出来。剑桥国际

