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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔AGREE〕The consensus of opinion seems to be that the Prime Minister should resign. 看来舆论一致认为首相应该辞职。朗文写作活用〔BUILD/BUILDING〕The new development at the edge of town is aimed at first-time buyers. 市镇边缘的新建住宅区是为首次购房者建造的。朗文写作活用〔FIRST〕We haven't made a decision, because, in the first place, we do not know enough at this point. 我们还未决定,因为首先我们目前对情况了解得不够多。朗文写作活用〔GUESS〕A further defeat for the government led to increasing speculation that the Prime Minister would resign. 政府的进一步失败导致了越来越多的猜测,认为首相可能会辞职。朗文写作活用〔HURRY〕There was a furious rush to have everything ready for the opening night. 大家紧张地忙乱着为首演之夜做好一切准备工作。不必匆忙朗文写作活用〔OBEY〕Those who were firmly on-message dutifully defended the prime minister's actions to the media. 那些铁杆支持者尽心尽职地为首相对媒体采取的行动辩护。朗文写作活用〔OPINION〕There was a growing consensus that the Prime Minister should resign. 越来越多的人认为首相应该辞职。朗文写作活用〔STOP〕The police were instructed to break up the demonstration and arrest the ringleaders. 警方奉命驱散示威群众,逮捕为首的人。朗文写作活用〔TELL〕Ginsberg withdrew his application to become Attorney General after it was revealed that he had smoked marijuana at college. 金斯伯格上大学时抽过大麻的事被揭露后,他撤回了要成为首席检察官的申请。朗文写作活用〔WITH/TOGETHER〕NATO is a formal military alliance with America at its head. 北约是以美国为首的正式军事联盟。朗文写作活用〔allowance〕The article is especially interesting in its allowance that, whatever the demerits of the incumbent, a prime minister was 'a necessary agent' in the government.这篇文章特别有趣的一点是:它认为首相不论有什么过失, 都是政府“必不可少的一员”。外研社新世纪〔anchorwoman〕In the mid-1970s, Barbara flopped as network news' first anchorwoman.20世纪70年代中期, 芭芭拉成为首位新闻网女主播, 但并不成功。外研社新世纪〔appreciate〕I don't believe the Prime Minister fully appreciates the complexity of the problem.我认为首相还没有充分意识到问题的复杂性。麦克米伦高阶〔be in line to do sth〕Kim Bailey is next in line to replace Chris Finlay as CEO.金‧贝利有望接替克里斯‧芬利成为首席执行官。剑桥高阶〔began〕The Bible begins with Genesis.《圣经》以《创世记》为首卷。21世纪英汉〔captain〕I did once dream of becoming the first woman to captain an ocean liner.我确实曾经梦想过成为首位远洋客轮的女船长。柯林斯高阶〔charisma〕How did a man of so little personal charisma get to be prime minister? 一个如此缺乏个人魅力的人是怎么成为首相的?剑桥高阶〔christen〕Let's have a drink to christen our new Rolls-Royce.让我们为首次使用我们新的罗尔斯—罗伊斯汽车干上一杯。21世纪英汉〔command〕As a top lawyer, he can expect to command a six-figure salary.作为首屈一指的律师,他可望拿到六位数的薪资。牛津高阶〔congratulations〕Allow me to offer my belated congratulations to you on becoming the first woman member.请容许我对你成为首位女性成员表示迟到的祝贺。牛津搭配〔crew〕This crew of killers and life-wreckers are headed by the mad but cunning Nino Brown.这个残害生命的杀人团伙以疯狂而狡猾的尼诺·布朗为首柯林斯高阶〔episcopacy〕A system of church government in which bishops are the chief clerics.主教制:以主教为首脑的教会管理体制美国传统〔exhibit A〕He says that the new regulations have hurt small businesses, and he offers his own company as exhibit A.他说新条例损害了小企业的利益,并搬出自己的公司作为首要证据。韦氏高阶〔favour〕The prime minister is thought to favour an early referendum on the issue.人们认为首相支持对此尽早举行全民公决。牛津搭配〔fixer〕John Wakeham seems certain to become the fixer the Prime Minister will need at election time.约翰·韦克厄姆似乎必定会成为首相竞选时所需要的问题化解高手。柯林斯高阶〔fixer〕John Wakeham seems certain to become the fixer the Prime Minister will need at election time.约翰•韦克厄姆似乎必定要成为首相竞选时需要的疏通者。外研社新世纪〔head〕You will work with the management team headed up by Miles Broughton.你将与以迈尔斯·布劳顿为首的管理团队一起工作。麦克米伦高阶〔mouthpiece〕He is little more than a convenient mouthpiece for the Prime Minister's own economic views.他或许仅被视为首相个人经济观点的传声筒。外研社新世纪〔mouthpiece〕He might be considered little more than a convenient mouthpiece for the Prime Minister's own economic views.他或许仅被视为首相个人经济观点的传声筒。柯林斯高阶〔number one〕Both judges ranked this movie as their number one choice.两位评委都将这部影片列为首选。外研社新世纪〔occupy〕Before becoming prime minister, he had already occupied several cabinet posts.成为首相之前,他曾出任过好几个内阁职位。朗文当代〔officer〕Khan has been appointed chief executive officer.卡恩被任命为首席执行官。牛津搭配〔overdrive〕The cast was in overdrive, rehearsing for the first performance.全体演员正在为首演加倍努力地排练。剑桥高阶〔plod on〕He is still plodding on as prime minister.身为首相他依旧兢兢业业。外研社新世纪〔return〕She was returned as prime minister.她被选为首相。韦氏高阶〔rightly〕The prime minister was widely judged, rightly or wrongly, to be an honest man.不管对不对,大多数人都认为首相是个诚实的人。朗文当代〔right〕I think the Prime Minister is only half right .我认为首相只说对了一半。朗文当代〔stable〕As chief executive, he assembled a polished stable of celebrities.作为首席执行官,他手下云集了一批优雅的名人名士。柯林斯高阶〔string ... up〕Two of the rebel leaders were strung up.两名为首的叛逆者被绞死了。21世纪英汉〔successor〕Andrew Kirkham will be her successor as Chief Executive.安德鲁・柯卡姆将接替她成为首席执行官。牛津搭配〔talking point〕It's bound to be the main talking point during discussions between the Prime Minister and the President.这必然会成为首相和总统之间讨论的主要话题。柯林斯高阶〔term〕That makes her the first TV presenter to work the full term of her pregnancy.这使她成为首个怀孕期间一直上班的电视节目主持人。外研社新世纪〔territorialism〕A system of church government based on primacy of civil power.政教合一统治制:以非教会权力为首位的一种教会政府组织美国传统〔view〕He is widely viewed as a possible leader.人们普遍认为他有可能成为首领。牛津搭配As a prime minister, he lacked the strategic vision of, say, someone like Churchill.作为首相,他缺乏诸如丘吉尔那样的战略目光。剑桥国际As a prime minister, she had a certain élan.作为首相,她有相当的锐气。剑桥国际Castorri was voted in as CEO when he was only 32.卡斯托里年仅 32 岁时获推举为首席执行官。牛津商务Destitution has become a major problem in the capital city.赤贫已经成为首都的主要问题。剑桥国际His visit to Rome will be his first trip overseas since he became prime minister.他访问罗马是他成为首相以后第一次海外旅行。剑桥国际She was appointed chief knowledge officer.她获任命为首席知识主管。牛津商务The Foreign Secretary has flown to China for a three-day visit as the personal emissary of the Prime Minister.外交大臣已作为首相的私人使者飞往中国作为期三天的访问。剑桥国际The appointment to CEO is a vote of confidence in her leadership abilities.任命她为首席执行官是对她领导能力的信任。牛津商务The ringleaders were arrested and charged with mutiny. 为首的人遭到逮捕并以叛乱罪被起诉。译典通There are fears that the incident may act as a trigger for (= cause) further violence in the capital.有人害怕这起事件可能会成为首都进一步发生暴力冲突的起因。剑桥国际Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next election.下届选举的时候,失业将成为首要问题。剑桥国际

