
单词 五世
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Classical Armenian〕The oldest recorded variety of Armenian, attested from the fifth century and in continuous use as a literary language until the eighteenth century.古亚美尼亚语:记载上亚美尼亚共和国最古老的语言。根据考证是从第五世纪开始,而且直到十八世纪都有文言的语言在持续的使用美国传统〔George V Coast〕A section of the coastal area of Antarctica between Wilkes Land and Victoria Land. It is claimed by Australia.乔治五世海岸:南极洲威尔克斯地和维多利亚地之间的一段海岸,被澳大利亚取得美国传统〔Louis Quinze〕Of, relating to, or characteristic of the rococo style in architecture, furniture, and decoration of the reign of Louis XV.路易十五世式样的:属于,或具有路易十五世统治时期建筑,家具方面的洛可可式风格特点的,或与之有关的美国传统〔Mary〕Queen of George V of Great Britain and the mother of Edward VIII and George VI.玛丽:大不列颠国王乔治五世的王后,爱德华八世和乔治六世之母美国传统〔PREDICT〕Lij Yasu was never crowned, possibly because he believed a prophecy that if he became king he would die. 伊亚苏五世从没登上王位,可能是因为他相信自己当上国王后就会死去的预言吧。朗文写作活用〔SUBJECT〕So, where was I? Oh yes, the accession of Henry the Fifth. 好,我刚才讲到哪里了?噢对,亨利五世的登基。朗文写作活用〔adaptation〕Branagh's screen adaptation of Shakespeare's Henry the Fifth.布拉纳改编自莎士比亚的《亨利五世》的影片柯林斯高阶〔battle〕Charles V refused to give battle.查理五世拒绝开战。牛津搭配〔canonize〕Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.圣女贞德终于在1920年由教皇本尼狄克十五世封为圣徒。柯林斯高阶〔canonize〕Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.圣女贞德终于在1920年被教皇本笃十五世封为圣者。外研社新世纪〔crown〕The treaty of Troyes made Henry V heir to the crown of France.特鲁瓦条约的订立使亨利五世成了法国的王位继承人。朗文当代〔dispensation〕England under the dispensation of George V 乔治五世统治下的英格兰英汉大词典〔fifth〕Edward V(= Edward the Fifth) 爱德华五世牛津高阶〔grieved〕King George V had been very grieved at the outbreak of the Great War.一战爆发使乔治五世一直非常悲伤。朗文当代〔halfway house〕A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible. Olivier created one in his imaginative 'Henry V' in 1945.想找一种介乎戏剧和电影之间的艺术形式是可能的。奥利弗在1945年创作的富于想象力的《亨利五世》即是这样一部作品。柯林斯高阶〔interpretation〕Laurence Olivier's brilliant interpretation of Henry V 劳伦斯‧奥利弗对亨利五世的精彩演绎朗文当代〔king〕King George V 国王乔治五世牛津高阶〔pitchfork〕She was pitchforked into power by the early death of her husband James V.丈夫詹姆士五世的早逝迫使她不得不执政。朗文当代〔ruler〕Charles V was crowned ruler of the Roman Empire at Bologna.查理五世在博洛尼亚加冕为神圣罗马帝国皇帝。外研社新世纪〔saint〕He was declared a saint in the fifth century.他在五世纪被封为圣徒。韦氏高阶〔throne〕In 1913, George V was on the throne (=was ruling) .1913 年乔治五世在位。朗文当代A famous battle cry is 'God for Harry! England and St George!'from Shakespeare's play Henry V.著名的战斗口号“上帝保佑哈里!英格兰和圣乔治!”出自莎士比亚的戏剧《亨利五世》。剑桥国际He's an expert on fifteenth century Italian art.他是研究十五世纪意大利艺术的专家。剑桥国际His ancestors ascend to the 15th century. 他的祖先可上溯到十五世纪。译典通Lord Longford, second son of the fifth Earl of Longford 朗福德阁下,朗福德伯爵五世的二公子剑桥国际The palace was built in the fifteenth century. 这宫殿建于十五世纪。译典通The play is set in 15th-century Italy. 这出戏以十五世纪的义大利为背景。译典通The sack (= destruction) of Rome by the Barbarians occurred in the 5th century.蛮族扫平罗马之事发生在公元五世纪。剑桥国际

