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例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔DIFFERENT〕James was nothing like I'd expected, from what I had heard. 詹姆斯和我原先所预料的,即与我原来听说的根本就不一样。朗文写作活用〔FULL〕The lecture hall was full for MacGowan's talk. 讲堂内挤满了来听麦高恩讲话的人。朗文写作活用〔GO〕You should have come to the concert -- it was really good. 你应该来听这场音乐会—真的很好。朗文写作活用〔GROUP〕A huge crowd gathered to hear Mandela speak. 一大群人聚集起来听曼德拉发表演说。朗文写作活用〔LATER〕We heard later that he had gone back to Japan. 我们后来听说他回日本去了。朗文写作活用〔LIKE〕Thousands of fans came to hear Oasis play. 成千上万的歌迷来听绿洲乐队的表演。朗文写作活用〔YOUNG〕Most of the girls at the concert were in their early teens. 来听音乐会的女孩子大多是十三四岁。朗文写作活用〔amanuensis〕One who is employed to take dictation or to copy manuscript.誊写员;听写员:一个被雇来听写或抄手稿的人美国传统〔astonishing〕Astonishingly, a crowd of several thousands turned out to hear him.令人十分惊异的是有几千人来听他讲话。牛津高阶〔awaken〕She awakened to the sound of birds singing.她醒来听到鸟的叫声。牛津高阶〔bit〕Let's listen to a bit of music (NOT a bit music).我们来听点音乐吧。朗文当代〔bottom line〕In radio you have to keep the listener listening. That's the bottom line.干电台工作你得吸引听众来听,这是起码的要求。朗文当代〔calculate〕You can calculate on at least two hundred people coming to the lecture.你可以预期至少有200人来听这次讲座。英汉大词典〔cat〕Are you cats coming in to hear my new records? 大伙儿要进来听听我的新唱片吗?英汉大词典〔chance〕There's a fair chance that nobody will come to the talk.很有可能没人来听讲座。牛津搭配〔click〕Children can click on a sentence to hear it read aloud.儿童可以点击句子来听句子的录音。朗文当代〔conference〕He is in conference right now and cannot come to the phone.他正在开会,不能来听电话。英汉大词典〔continue〕He paused for a moment to listen and then continued eating.他停下来听了一会儿,又继续吃饭。剑桥高阶〔cop〕Some kind man from the Inland Revenue got to hear about it and I copped for a £300 tax bill because of benefit in kind.国内税务局哪位好心的先生快来听听:我居然要为实物福利缴纳300英镑的税款。外研社新世纪〔corner〕People have come from all (the) corners of the world to hear her sing.人们从世界各地来听她唱歌。英汉大词典〔cut〕You cut my lecture yesterday.你昨天没有来听我讲课。英汉大词典〔desk〕Now let's hear from Sue at our travel desk.现在我们来听听旅行部的苏带来的新闻。剑桥高阶〔drop-in〕Some of the people were drop-ins who had no real interest in the case.有些人是顺便来听听的,对这案件并无真正的兴趣。英汉大词典〔earful〕Come and get an earful of this.来听听这个。外研社新世纪〔far〕People came from far and wide (=came from many places) to see the concert.人们从各地赶来听音乐会。朗文当代〔fat〕Check out these fat beats.来听听这些美妙的音乐。朗文当代〔gather〕A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.一群人围拢过来听她演讲。剑桥高阶〔girl〕Wait till the girls back home hear about this! 等着女伴们回家来听听这事吧!韦氏高阶〔gospel〕Thousands came to hear the gospel.成千上万的人都来听福音。牛津搭配〔greeting〕We extend our greetings to you and thank you for listening to us.我们向你致以问候,谢谢你来听我们讲话。牛津搭配〔handful〕Only a handful of people showed up for the lecture.只有少数人前来听讲座。韦氏高阶〔hear〕An audience gathered to hear him speak.一群听众聚集起来听他讲话。剑桥高阶〔hear〕Teresa heard about the decision later.特丽莎后来听说了那个决定。朗文当代〔here〕I'm not here to listen to your complaints.我不是来听你抱怨的。外研社新世纪〔here〕I'm not here to listen to your complaints.我不是来听你抱怨的。柯林斯高阶〔impressed〕I was very impressed by one young man at my lectures.来听我课的一个年轻人给我留下很深的印象。柯林斯高阶〔it's〕It's the best news I've heard in a long time.这是我很久以来听到的最好消息。柯林斯高阶〔large〕We didn't expect such a large number of people to attend the concert.我们没想到会有这么多人来听音乐会。剑桥高阶〔learn〕I later learned (that) the message had never arrived.我后来听说从来就没有收到过那条消息。剑桥高阶〔lecture〕She wasn't at the lecture.她没来听讲座。牛津搭配〔let〕Let's listen to some music, shall we? 我们来听点音乐,好吗? 英汉大词典〔news〕That's the best (piece of) news I've heard for a long time! 那是我很长时间以来听到过的最好的消息!剑桥高阶〔observer〕The class has an observer today, so please be on your best behavior.今天有人来听课,所以请大家做出最好的表现。韦氏高阶〔one〕He couldn't bring himself to say what he thought. For one thing , she seldom stopped to listen. For another , he doubted that he could make himself clear.他无法表达自己的想法,一个原因是因为她很少会停下来听他讲,另一个原因是他认为自己可能说不清楚。朗文当代〔organizer〕The organizers had expected about 50,000 people to attend the concert.组织者原本预计约有 50000 人来听这场音乐会。朗文当代〔over〕Now we're going over to (= there will be a broadcast from) Wembley for commentary on the Cup Final.现在我们来听听来自温布利体育场的关于杯赛决赛的实况报道。剑桥高阶〔pile into〕People piled into the hall to hear the leader's speech.人们涌进大厅来听这位领导的演讲。外研社新世纪〔preconception〕I came to the lecture without any preconceptions.我是不带任何成见来听这个讲座的。韦氏高阶〔put〕A: Our reporter Carol has been dealing with that story, I'll put her on. B: That's not necessary. I'd rather not talk on the phone.甲:我们的记者卡罗尔一直在采访那件事,我叫她来听电话。乙:那不必了。我不想在电话上谈。英汉大词典〔reassurance〕She found reassurance in the high attendance at her lectures.来听她讲座的人很多,这使她感到很欣慰。牛津搭配〔sit in〕There will be a school inspector sitting in on your class this morning.今天上午将有一名督学来听你的课。剑桥高阶〔sit〕Everyone sat down to listen.每个人都坐下来听朗文当代〔slip〕Slip your shirt off and I'll listen to your heart.快点脱掉衬衫,我来听听你的心跳。麦克米伦高阶〔sound〕I awoke to the sound of rain.我醒来听到下雨了。牛津搭配〔stop〕He stopped and listened before opening the door.开门前他停下来听了一下。麦克米伦高阶〔summon〕On 20 July, the town council was summoned to hear an emergency report on its finances.7月20日,镇政务委员会被召集起来听取有关其财务问题的紧急报告。剑桥高阶〔the〕Let's listen to the news.我们来听新闻吧。外研社新世纪〔turn back the clock〕Now we're going to turn back the clock with some rock and roll from the 1950s.现在我们来听一些20世纪50年代的摇滚乐,回味一下那段岁月。剑桥高阶〔turn〕He turned his head to me to listen.他转过头来听我讲话。剑桥高阶〔working〕Sessions run in the evenings to allow working parents to attend.授课安排在晚上,便于有工作的家长能来听课。麦克米伦高阶A crowd had gathered to hear her speak.一群人聚拢过来听她讲话。剑桥国际After supper, we sat listening to Grandfather spinning yarns.晚饭之后,我们坐下来听爷爷讲故事。剑桥国际He paused for a moment to listen and then continued eating. 他停下来听了会儿,又继续吃饭。剑桥国际He stopped to listen to her talking. 他停下来听她说话。译典通Over two-thirds of the women attending my antenatal class do so with their partners.参加我的孕期学习班的妇女有三分之二以上是和她们的伴侣一块来听的。剑桥国际Stay within hearing of the baby. 请呆在婴儿哭起来听得见的地方。译典通That's the best (piece of) news I've heard for a long time! 那是我好久以来听到的最好的消息。剑桥国际There was a disappointingly poor turnout to hear such a well-known speaker.只有令人失望的少数人来听这么著名的演讲者。剑桥国际They came into town to hear a concert. 他们进城来听音乐会。译典通We didn't expect such a large number of people to attend the concert.我们没想到有那么多人来听音乐会。剑桥国际

