
单词 根本性
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔CHANGE/NOT CHANGE〕We can only hope Congress may have a radical change of heart about welfare benefits. 我们只能希望国会对于福利金的态度会发生根本性的变化。朗文写作活用〔HMO〕Today, the once-grand streets are characterized by decaying HMOs, sorely in need not just of redecoration but more fundamental repair.如今,在曾经富丽堂皇的街道上,破烂的合租房却成了其最大特征,这些房子亟需的不仅是简单的再装修,而是根本性的修建。剑桥高阶〔alter〕Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.弃车不用使我们的生活方式发生了根本性的变化。剑桥高阶〔confide in〕I knew she had some fundamental problems in her marriage because she had confided in me a year earlier.我知道她的婚姻存在一些根本性的问题, 因为她一年前跟我透露过。外研社新世纪〔degree〕The first change is a matter of degree, the second is a fundamental shift.第一个改变只是程度上的变化, 而第二个则是根本性的转变。外研社新世纪〔degree〕The first change is a matter of degree, the second is a fundamental shift.第一个改变只是程度上的变化,而第二个则是根本性的转变。柯林斯高阶〔flawed〕The methods they used are fundamentally flawed and discriminatory.他们使用的方法存在根本性缺陷, 并且带有偏见。外研社新世纪〔flaw〕The argument is full of fundamental flaws.这段论述充满根本性的错误。牛津高阶〔flaw〕There is a fundamental flaw in Walton's argument.沃尔顿的论点中有一个根本性的错误。朗文当代〔fundamentally〕Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed.环保主义者称这个条约存在根本性的缺陷。柯林斯高阶〔fundamentally〕Our new managing director has reorganized the company a little bit, but nothing has fundamentally changed/altered (= its basic character has not changed).我们的新总裁对公司进行了一些重组,但没有什么根本性的变化。剑桥高阶〔fundamental〕A fundamental change in the organization of health services was required.公共医疗在组织上需要一个根本性的变革。牛津高阶〔fundamental〕Amnesty says there are fundamental flaws in their military justice system.国际特赦组织称他们的军事司法体系存在着根本性的缺陷。柯林斯高阶〔fundamental〕But on this question, the two leaders have very fundamental differences.但在这个问题上,两位领导人有着根本性的分歧。柯林斯高阶〔fundamental〕I think they made a very fundamental mistake.我认为他们犯了一个根本性的错误。牛津搭配〔fundamental〕It was not simply a practical matter, but a fundamental question of principle.那不仅仅是个实际问题,更是一个根本性的原则问题。柯林斯高阶〔fundamental〕Novice programmers sometimes make fundamental errors.初级程序员有时会犯根本性的错误。朗文当代〔fundamental〕The Administration is making a fundamental error.政府正在犯下一个根本性错误。外研社新世纪〔fundamental〕The revolution brought about a fundamental change in the country.革命给这个国家带来了根本性的变化。韦氏高阶〔fundamental〕This will bring about fundamental changes in society.这将给社会带来根本性变革。外研社新世纪〔future〕Torn apart by war, its economy virtually destroyed, this country now faces a very uncertain future.经过战争的蹂躏,这个国家的经济遭到了根本性的破坏,前途未卜。剑桥高阶〔illustrate〕This illustrates a fundamental weakness in the system.这表明该系统有一个根本性的缺点。朗文当代〔liberty〕Such a system would be a fundamental blow to the rights and liberties of the English people.这样一种制度将对英国人民的权利与自由造成根本性的打击。柯林斯高阶〔mistrial〕A trial that becomes invalid because of basic prejudicial error in procedure.无效审判:由于审判过程中根本性的偏见性错误而变得无效的审判美国传统〔radical〕There was a radical difference between their views on foreign policy.他们对外交政策的看法存在着根本性的差异。麦克米伦高阶〔radical〕We need to make some radical changes to our operating procedures.我们需要对操作规程进行一些根本性的变革。剑桥高阶〔reform〕They wanted to push through radical reforms.他们想要设法完成根本性的变革。牛津搭配〔rejig〕The company's rickety economic structure has to be fundamentally rejigged.公司摇摇欲坠的经济结构必须作根本性调整。英汉大词典〔revolution〕The invention of air travel caused a revolution in our way of living.航空旅行这一发明使我们的生活方式发生根本性的变革。英汉大词典〔shift〕The industry has undergone a fundamental shift in recent years.这个行业近年来经历了根本性的变化。牛津搭配〔similar〕Although similar in appearance, the two breeds have some basic differences.尽管外形上相似,但这两个品种有着一些根本性的差异。麦克米伦高阶〔systemic〕The current recession is the result of a systemic change within the structure of the country's economy.目前的经济衰退是国家经济结构发生了根本性的变化所引起的。剑桥高阶〔time〕His only fundamental mistake, he insists, is that he was 20 years before his time.他坚持认为,他仅有的根本性错误是他比时代超前了20年。柯林斯高阶〔transformation〕This decision marked a fundamental transformation in policy.这一决定标志着政策发生了根本性的转变。牛津搭配Barker introduced no radically new ideas but encouraged some of the younger people to make suggestions for change.巴克没有介绍根本性的新思想,但鼓励一些年轻人提出改变设想。剑桥国际The business plan has fundamental (= very serious) flaws.这项业务计划存在根本性错误。牛津商务There has been a fundamental shift in the way the firm manages its staff.公司管理员工的方式已发生了根本性转变。牛津商务This is a fundamental paradigm shift in management.这是管理观念上一个根本性的变革。牛津商务We believe that the report is fundamentally flawed.我们认为这份报告有根本性的错误。牛津商务

