
单词 死伤
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔RIGHT〕The authorities still do not have accurate information on the number of people killed or injured in the crash. 当局仍没有撞车事故中死伤人数的准确资料。朗文写作活用〔among〕Innocent civilians were among the casualties.死伤者中有无辜平民。朗文当代〔casualty〕It was a nasty accident, but there were few casualties.意外很严重, 但是死伤不多。牛津同义词〔dead〕Most of the dead and injured had been passengers on the bus.大部分死伤者都是公共汽车上的乘客。朗文当代〔dead〕The dead and wounded in that one attack amounted to 6 000.仅那一次进攻就死伤达 6 000 人。牛津高阶〔high〕Official reports said casualties were high.官方报告称死伤惨重。柯林斯高阶〔maim〕Landmines still kill or maim about 300 people every month.地雷每个月仍然要造成 300 人左右死伤朗文当代〔overflow〕Hospitals were reported to be overflowing with dead and wounded . 据报道,医院里到处是死伤者。朗文当代〔report〕There were no reports of casualties.没有人员死伤的报道。柯林斯高阶It took firemen three hours to bring out the dead and injured because they were hampered by wreckage and smoke.消防员用了3个小时才将死伤者救了出来,因为他们受到了残骸与烟气的阻碍。剑桥国际Queries about civilian casualties during the bombing raid were stonewalled by government officials.对在空袭中平民死伤人数的询问受到了政府官员的阻挠。剑桥国际So much blood has been shed (= So many people have been badly hurt or killed) in this particular war.这次战争中死伤了这么多人。剑桥国际Something must be done to reduce the carnage (=death and injury of people in car accidents) on our roads each year.必须采取措施减少每年在道路上的交通事故死伤人数。剑桥国际

