
单词 极微
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔finish〕Turnbull came in second in a very close finish.特恩布尔以极微小的差距获得第2名。麦克米伦高阶〔flowery〕Amy thought she caught the faintest drift of Isabel's flowery perfume.埃米觉得她闻到了伊莎贝尔身上飘出的一丝极微弱的花香味香水的味道。柯林斯高阶〔forlorn hope〕An arduous or nearly hopeless undertaking.渺茫的希望:艰难或希望极微的事美国传统〔infinitesimal〕Germs are infinitesimal animals and plants.微生物是极微小的动植物。英汉大词典〔infinitesimal〕Immeasurably or incalculably minute.极微小的,微不足道的美国传统〔infinitesimal〕She was unable to exist on her infinitesimal pension.她无法靠她那份极微薄的养老金过活。英汉大词典〔magnetic disk〕A memory device covered with a magnetic coating on which information is stored by magnetization of microscopically small needles.磁盘:一种表面有磁性层的储存装置,经极微小的细针磁化后的信息储存在磁性层上美国传统〔margin〕He won by the narrowest of margins.他以极微弱的优势获胜。牛津搭配〔margin〕The election is likely to be decided by razor-thin margins.选举很可能会以极微弱的差额决定胜负。牛津搭配〔microscopically〕No living organisms, large or microscopically small, inhabited it.那里没有任何生物生存,无论是大型的还是极微小的生物。柯林斯高阶〔microscopic〕There is a microscopic crack in the diamond.那块钻石上有个极微小的裂缝。韦氏高阶〔myofilament〕Any of the ultramicroscopic filaments, made up of actin and myosin, that are the structural units of a myofibril.肌丝:一种极微小的细丝,由肌动朊和肌球蛋白组成,是肌原纤维的结构单位美国传统〔razor-thin〕The president won the election by a razor-thin margin.总统以极微弱的优势赢得大选。剑桥高阶〔sensitize〕If you have become sensitized to an allergen, even an extremely small amount of the allergen in your environment can trigger an attack.如果对某种过敏原敏感,那么即便是生活环境中极微量的这种过敏原也能引起过敏。韦氏高阶〔torsion balance〕An instrument with which small forces, as of electricity or magnetism, are measured by means of the torsion they produce in a wire or slender rod.扭秤:测量如电子或电磁之间等极微小的力的仪器,使用的方法是测量它们在导线或细杆上产生的扭曲美国传统〔vibration〕Their instruments can detect the slightest vibration.他们的仪器能探测出极微弱的振动。牛津搭配〔whisper〕A barely audible whisper came from the closet.储物间传来极微弱的耳语声。牛津搭配Despite substantial price cuts, sales have increased only fractionally (=by a very small amount).尽管价格作了实质性的下调,但销售还是只有极微小的增长。剑桥国际Shortsightedness can be corrected by using a laser beam to vaporize microscopic layers of the eye's surface in order to reshape the eye.通过使用一种激光束将极微小的眼睛表层汽化,改造眼睛形状,近视可以得到矫正。剑桥国际The president won the election by a razor-thin (= very narrow) margin.总统在选举中以极微弱多数获胜。剑桥国际

