
单词 火的
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔ANGRY〕Frustrated parents were calling the school to complain. 恼火的家长打电话到学校投诉。朗文写作活用〔Beltane〕An ancient Celtic feast marked by the lighting of bonfires and the performance of various rites of purification.五朔节:一种古老的凯尔特人节日,以篝火的燃点和各种斋戒礼仪的表演为标志美国传统〔LUCKY〕Fortunately, there was no-one in the office when the fire started. 失火的时候幸好办公室里没人。朗文写作活用〔SWITCH ON OR OFF〕If the boiler fails to light, first check that the gas is turned on. 锅炉如果点不着火的话,首先要检查煤气是否开着。朗文写作活用〔annoyance〕To her annoyance the stranger did not go away.让她恼火的是,那个陌生人并没有走。柯林斯高阶〔annoyed〕She is annoyed that the authorities have not helped her.让她感到恼火的是, 当局没有帮助她。外研社新世纪〔assist〕Our unit assisted in neutralizing the enemy artillery.我们部队参加了压制敌军炮火的行动。英汉大词典〔barred〕Devil's Herd, the city's most popular country-western bar.“魔鬼之群”——这个城市最火的西部乡村酒吧柯林斯高阶〔blow〕I was surprised at the way he blew up at Hardy.他对着哈迪发火的样子让我很吃惊。朗文当代〔brush〕The dry weather has increased the risk of brush fires.干旱的天气增加了灌木丛着火的危险。剑桥高阶〔buckle〕The intense heat from the fire had caused the factory roof to buckle.大火的高温烤得工厂的屋顶变了形。剑桥高阶〔burning〕She was rescued from a burning building.她被人从着火的大楼里救了出来。朗文当代〔claim〕There are conflicting claims about the cause of the fire.关于失火的原因有一些矛盾的说法。牛津搭配〔cloud〕On the eastern horizon, a huge cloud of smoke from burning oil tanks stretched across the sky.在东方的地平线上,着火的储油罐冒出的浓烟弥漫在天际。剑桥高阶〔conflagration〕The treaty is the latest attempt to resolve the ten-year conflagration.这个条约是为了结束十年战火的最新尝试。韦氏高阶〔crumpet〕Look at that lovely piece of crumpet!快看那个惹火的骚货!外研社新世纪〔custom〕The custom of lighting the Olympic flame goes back centuries.点燃奥林匹克圣火的习俗可以追溯到几个世纪前。柯林斯高阶〔deepen〕Dusk was deepening as they drove back to the lights of Shillingham.暮色渐浓, 他们驾车返回亮起灯火的希灵汉姆。外研社新世纪〔determine〕Investigators are still trying to determine the cause of the fire.调查人员仍在设法找出失火的原因。朗文当代〔directrix〕The median line in the trajectory of fire of an artillery piece.中线:一门大炮开火的轨迹中线美国传统〔dull〕We could just see a dull glow given off by the fire's last embers.我们只能看见炉火的余烬发出的微弱的光。剑桥高阶〔enemy〕The men came under enemy fire.士兵们受到敌人炮火的攻击。牛津搭配〔escape〕They managed to escape from the burning building.他们设法从失火的大楼中逃了出来。韦氏高阶〔extensive〕The building was extensively damaged by fire.大楼遭到了大火的严重毁坏。麦克米伦高阶〔fiery〕Using or effected with fire.用火的:用火的或由火产生的美国传统〔fire-eater〕A performer who pretends to swallow fire.吞火魔术师:假装吞火的表演者美国传统〔firedrake〕A fiery dragon of Germanic mythology.喷火龙:德国传说中能喷火的美国传统〔firefighter〕A member of a fire department who fights fires.消防队员:消防队中灭火的成员美国传统〔firelight〕The light from a fire, as in a fireplace.火光:如火炉里来自一团火的光芒美国传统〔firepower〕The ability to deliver fire against an enemy in combat.火力:战斗中向敌方开火的能力美国传统〔fireproof〕Impervious or resistant to damage by fire.防火的,耐火的:不受火损害或抵抗火的美国传统〔fireproof〕She keeps all her important papers in a fireproof safe.她把所有重要的文件都保存在一个防火的保险柜里。剑桥高阶〔firework〕They watched the firework display.他们观看烟火的施放。文馨英汉〔fire〕The city came under fire from anti-government forces last night.这座城市昨晚遭到了反政府武装炮火的攻击。剑桥高阶〔flak〕They flew into heavy flak over the target area.他们飞进目标地区,遭到了高射炮火的猛烈射击。剑桥高阶〔flame-retardant〕Resistant to catching fire.耐火的:能防止着火的美国传统〔flash〕The flashes from the guns illuminated the sky.炮火的闪光照亮了天空。牛津搭配〔fog〕A cloud of vaporized liquid, especially a chemical spray used in fighting fires.化学喷雾:一团汽化的液体,尤指用于救火的化学喷雾剂美国传统〔galling〕It was galling to have to apologize to a man she hated.令人恼火的是得向她憎恶的男人道歉。牛津高阶〔gravel〕What graveled me was that nobody told me.使我恼火的是, 谁也没告诉我。外研社新世纪〔grill〕Place the omelette under a gentle grill until the top is set.把煎蛋饼放在温火的烤架下直到上面熟了。外研社新世纪〔ham〕An actor who overacts or a performer who exaggerates.过火的表演者,夸张的表演者美国传统〔have a snit〕She's going to have a snit when she sees this mess.看到这里乱七八糟,她会恼火的韦氏高阶〔huddle〕They liked to huddle around the blazing fires when it was bitterly cold in the house.当屋里冷得厉害时,他们喜欢围聚在熊熊炉火的四周。英汉大词典〔incendiary〕Causing or capable of causing fire.引火的:导致或可以导致着火的美国传统〔infuriating〕The infuriating thing is that he is always right.令人恼火的是他总是正确的。朗文当代〔inhale〕Local residents needed hospital treatment after inhaling fumes from the fire.当地居民吸入了大火的浓烟,需要入院治疗。牛津高阶〔irritate〕He's an irritatingly rude child.他是个无礼到令人恼火的孩子。韦氏高阶〔jump〕Helicopters helped fire crews get a jump on the blaze.直升机帮助消防队抢得了灭火的先机。外研社新世纪〔little〕There seems little hope of a ceasefire.看来停火的希望很渺茫了。剑桥高阶〔murder〕Mum's going to murder me for getting home so late.妈妈会因为我这么晚回家而大为光火的麦克米伦高阶〔nose〕It's a terrible car, and what annoys me is that I paid through the nose for it.这就是辆破车, 更让人恼火的是, 买它我还花了一大笔钱。外研社新世纪〔nuts〕Mom's going to go nuts if you don't clean this mess up.假如你不把这弄干净的话,妈妈会发火的朗文当代〔passage〕The Security Council has demanded free passage for families fleeing from the fighting.安理会要求让逃离战火的家庭自由通行。牛津搭配〔pissed〕He's gonna be pissed when he finds out what happened.当他知道发生了什么之后会恼火的剑桥高阶〔pluck〕Firefighters plucked the child from the top floor of the burning building.消防员从着火的楼房顶层抢救出那个孩子。韦氏高阶〔pound〕The area is still being pounded by rebel guns.这个地区仍然遭受着叛军炮火的轰击。牛津高阶〔provincial〕His provincial attitude was a source of irritation for her.他偏狭的态度是她恼火的根源。韦氏高阶〔rake〕The ship was raked fore and aft by enemy's fire.这艘船遭到敌人炮火的纵向扫射。英汉大词典〔rattle〕From across the town came the rattle of machine-gun fire.从城镇的另一边传来机关枪开火的嗒嗒声。剑桥高阶〔rescue〕He had no way to get out of the burning house, but a fireman was brought to his rescue.他困在着火的房子里出不来,一名消防队员被叫来救他。英汉大词典〔rocket〕A projectile firework having a cylindrical shape and a fuse that is lit from the rear.火箭式空中大烟火:一种带引信且从其后部点火的圆筒状抛掷烟火美国传统〔scour〕The children scoured over the hillside for kindling.孩子们在山坡上到处寻找引火的干柴。英汉大词典〔scramble〕He scrambled the children out of the burning house.他赶着孩子们匆匆离开着火的屋子。英汉大词典〔sick〕Whoever started the fire must be sick in the head.放火的人肯定是脑子有病。牛津搭配〔smoke〕Smoke from the campfire stung my eyes.营火的烟熏到了我的眼睛。韦氏高阶〔smother〕The girl's parents were also burned as they tried to smother the flames.女孩的父母试图扑灭大火的时候也被烧伤了。柯林斯高阶〔sore〕Informal Angry; offended.【非正式用语】 恼火的;被触犯的美国传统〔spare〕Dad would go spare if he found out.爸爸要是知道的话会大为光火的朗文当代〔spiral up〕Smoke from the camp fire spiralled up into a clear sky.营火的烟袅袅地升入天际。外研社新世纪〔spiral〕Smoke was spiralling from the burning building.浓烟从着火的大楼滚滚升起。麦克米伦高阶〔temper〕The condition of being tempered.回火:回过火的状态美国传统〔tinder〕Readily combustible material, such as dry twigs, used to kindle fires.易燃物:用于引火的容易燃烧的物质,如干树枝美国传统〔unharmed〕Both children escaped unharmed from the burning building.两个孩子从着火的大楼里逃了出来,毫发未伤。剑桥高阶〔urgency〕There was an urgency in her movements.她的动作急火火的牛津搭配〔vent〕He knew that if he gave full vent to his feelings, it would upset Joanna.他知道,要是他把自己的情绪全部发泄出来,会把乔安娜惹火的朗文当代〔vexatious〕Intended to vex or annoy.容易烦恼或者恼火的美国传统〔warp〕Intense heat from the fire could have warped and weakened the steel trusses that hold up the roof.大火的高温可能已经使支撑屋顶的钢桁架变得脆弱并发生扭曲。外研社新世纪〔wreckage〕Mark was dragged from the burning wreckage of his car.马克被人从他着火的汽车残骸中拉了出来。柯林斯高阶At the UN, India and other non-aligned countries stepped up the pressure for a cease-fire.在联合国中,印度和其他不结盟国家加强了要求停火的压力。剑桥国际Everyone has been struck by the speed with which (= how fast) the new head has made changes in the school.每个人对学校里新官上任三把火的印象非常深刻。剑桥国际Everything seemed quite regular when the fire broke out. 起火的当时,一切似乎都很正常。译典通From across the town came the rattle of machine gun fire.从镇的另一头传来机关枪开火的嗒嗒声。剑桥国际Fugitive families who have fled (=families who have run away from) the fighting in the cities are now trying to survive in the mountains.逃离那些城市战火的家庭现在正设法在山区中生存下来。剑桥国际He quickly threw the fire blanket over the burning saucepan, which put out the fire immediately.他飞快地将灭火毯掷到起火的平底锅上,即刻将火扑灭。剑桥国际He rescued three children from the burning building. 他从失火的建筑物内救出了三个孩子。译典通He was lucky to flee the burning hotel. 他很幸运逃出了失火的旅馆。译典通I don't know how I managed to stifle my anger.我不知道我是如何克制住怒火的剑桥国际If I were to refuse they'd be very annoyed.万一我拒绝的话,他们会很恼火的剑桥国际That mystery movie has some steamy sex scenes. 那部悬疑片有一些过火的做爱镜头。译典通The area is constantly threatened by wildfires in a hot and dry summer. 在干燥炎热的夏天,这个区域时常受到野火的威胁。译典通The municipal government will do something about the firetraps in the city. 市府将对城里容易失火的建筑物采取防患措施。译典通The river blockaded the spread of the forest fire. 那条河阻止了森林大火的蔓延。译典通This building, made entirely of steel and concrete, is fireproof. 这所房屋完全用钢筋水泥建造,是可以防火的译典通Two firefighters stayed at the scene to keep an eye on the smouldering remains.两名消防队员留在现场以密切注意余火的闷燃。剑桥国际We could just see a dull glow given off by the fire's last embers.我们只能看到火的余烬发出的微弱的光。剑桥国际We saw the gleam of a fire through the curtains.我们透过窗帘看到了火的亮光。剑桥国际What annoys me about these people is their unthinking hostility to anything foreign or unfamiliar.这些人令我恼火的是他们对任何外国或不熟悉的事物的轻率的敌视。剑桥国际What really gets me is the way we're expected to actually laugh at his pathetic jokes! 真正使我恼火的是,居然还想要我们对他那蹩脚的笑话大笑一番。剑桥国际With no thought for his own safety, he ran into the burning building to save the child.他毫不考虑自己的安全,冲进着火的大楼去营救孩子。剑桥国际

