
单词 猎狗
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Bedlington terrier〕A dog of a breed developed in England, having a woolly grayish or brownish coat.贝德林顿猎狗:英格兰家养狗,有灰褐色或褐色厚毛美国传统〔Border terrier〕A small, hardy, rough-coated terrier bred to hunt foxes in the border country of England and Scotland.边疆㹴,博得猎狗:在英格兰与苏格兰交界地区用于猎捕狐狸的一种强壮的小型粗毛猎狗美国传统〔FOLLOW〕A deer suddenly sprang across the road, with a pack of hunting dogs in hot pursuit. 一头鹿突然蹿过马路,后面一群猎狗紧追不舍。朗文写作活用〔Gordon setter〕A medium-sized hunting dog of a breed originating in Scotland, and having a silky black-and-tan coat.戈登赛特猎狗:一种中等大小的猎狗,源种于苏格兰,有一身茶褐色的光滑皮毛美国传统〔Norwegian elkhound〕Any of a Scandinavian breed of hunting dog, having a compact body, heavy grayish coat, and a tail that curls over the back.挪威猎狗:斯堪的纳维亚种猎狗,有小巧的身子、深灰色皮毛和卷过背上的尾巴美国传统〔Pharaoh hound〕Any of a breed of sleek, swift-running hunting dog originating in Egypt and having a short, glossy, tan coat and large, pointed ears.法老狗:一种皮毛光滑、奔跑迅速的猎狗,原产于埃及,并有光滑的黄褐色短毛和尖尖的大耳朵美国传统〔Rhodesian ridgeback〕Any of a breed of large dog developed in Africa, having short, yellowish-tan hair that forms a ridge along the back.罗得西亚猎狗:发育于非洲的大型狗的种族中的任一种,具有短的、浅黄至黄色的毛,它形成沿脊背的隆起棱美国传统〔Sealyham terrier〕A terrier of a breed developed in Wales, having a wiry white coat with brownish markings on the head and ears, a long head, powerful jaws, and short legs.锡利合姆猎狗:一种生长在威尔士的小猎狗,有硬直的白毛表皮,头部和耳朵上生有棕色斑点,脑袋长,腿短,下颚有力美国传统〔appearance〕The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel.这条狗总的来看像西班牙猎狗牛津高阶〔basset hound〕A short-haired hunting dog of a breed originating in France and having a long body, short legs, and long, drooping ears.贝塞猎狗:一种短毛的猎狗,原产于法国,这种狗身体长、腿短且有长而低垂的耳朵美国传统〔bay at〕The hounds were baying at the box.猎狗群对着狐狸吠叫。21世纪英汉〔bay〕A troubled hound was baying the moon.一条受惊不安的猎狗正在对月狂吠。21世纪英汉〔bay〕The hounds bayed the boar.一群猎狗把野猪围困住。21世纪英汉〔bay〕The hunters brought their quarry to bay.猎狗穷追不舍而把猎物围困住美国传统〔bird dog〕A dog used to hunt game birds; a gun dog.猎狗:用于捕鸟的猎犬;猎狗美国传统〔blood〕To give (a hunting dog) its first taste of blood.使(猎狗)先嗅过血腥味美国传统〔boarhound〕A large dog, such as the Great Dane, used originally for hunting wild boars.猎猪犬:最初用来狩猎野猪的大猎狗,如丹麦大狗美国传统〔buckhound〕A hound used for coursing deer.捕鹿的小猎狗美国传统〔call〕The sounding of a horn to encourage hounds during a hunt.号角声响:狩猎时为鼓动猎狗冲出而用角吹出的声音美国传统〔cast off〕He cast off his dog at once.他立刻把猎狗放出去。21世纪英汉〔cast〕The circling of hounds to pick up a scent in hunting.猎狗在打猎时搜寻气味美国传统〔cast〕To cause (hunting hounds) to scatter and circle in search of a lost scent.散开搜寻:使(猎狗)散开并且去搜寻一种失落的气味美国传统〔cast〕To search for a lost scent in hunting with hounds.追踪失去的线索:在打猎中用猎狗搜寻一种失落的气味美国传统〔challenge〕To begin barking upon picking up the scent. Used of hunting dogs.吠叫:猎犬嗅到兽迹时发出吠叫。用于猎狗美国传统〔check〕To pause to relocate a scent. Used of hunting dogs.重新辨别:停顿一下重新辨别气味的方位。用于指猎狗美国传统〔coonhound〕Any of various smooth-coated hounds of a breed developed in the southeast United States to hunt raccoons.猎浣熊狗:任一种培育于美国东南部用来捕猎浣熊的毛皮光滑的猎狗美国传统〔course〕To hunt (game) with hounds.狩猎:带着猎狗追踪(猎物)美国传统〔cry〕The hounds were in full cry after the hare.那群猎狗吠叫着追赶野兔。英汉大词典〔disembowel〕It shows a fox being disembowelled by a pack of hounds.画面中一只狐狸正被一群猎狗撕咬得肠子外流。柯林斯高阶〔disembowel〕It shows a fox being disembowelled by a pack of hounds.画面中是一只狐狸被一群猎狗撕咬得肠子外流的情景。外研社新世纪〔dislodge〕The hounds managed to dislodge the bear from its den.猎狗设法把熊从穴中逐出。英汉大词典〔dispatch〕The fox takes his chance with a pack of hounds which may catch him and despatch him immediately.那只狐狸和一群随时可能置其于死地的猎狗冒险周旋。柯林斯高阶〔earth〕The fox went to earth within a hundred yards of the leading hound.那只狐狸在距离带队的猎狗不到100码处逃进洞穴。英汉大词典〔fetch〕Hunting dogs are trained to fetch.猎狗被训练衔回猎获物。韦氏高阶〔fetch〕To retrieve killed game. Used of a hunting dog.利用猎狗找到并带回:衔回被打死的猎物。用作对猎犬的命令美国传统〔field〕The body of riders following a pack of hounds in hunting.参加打猎者:打猎中的跟随着一群猎狗的全体骑马猎人美国传统〔flesh〕African hunting dogs will tear at the flesh of their victim until it is weak.非洲猎狗会撕咬猎物的皮肉,直到猎物变得虚弱不堪。牛津搭配〔foxhound〕Any of various medium-sized short-haired hounds developed for fox hunting, especially either of two breeds, the English foxhound and the American foxhound.猎狐狗:任何一种用于猎狐的、中等尺寸的短毛猎狗,尤措英国猎狐狗和美国猎狐狗等两大种类的任一种美国传统〔gazehound〕A dog, such as the Afghan hound or the greyhound, that hunts its prey by sight rather than by scent.锐目猎狗:象阿富汗猎狗或灰狗的一种狗,捕获猎物用视觉而不是用嗅觉美国传统〔gun dog〕A dog trained or bred to assist hunters, as in flushing or retrieving game.猎狗:一种被训练或畜养用来帮助猎人打猎的狗,用于赶出猎物或衔回被打中的猎物美国传统〔hang〕Dogs hung to the trail.猎狗紧跟踪迹。英汉大词典〔hark back〕His hounds harked back to the dells.他的那群猎狗又返回到小谷。21世纪英汉〔hound〕A domestic dog of any of various breeds commonly used for hunting, characteristically having drooping ears, a short coat, and a deep, resonant voice.猎狗:一种通常用于打猎的家狗,其特点是耳朵下垂,毛发较短,叫声低沉响亮美国传统〔hound〕Days off were spent riding to hounds (= hunting with horses and dogs).休息日尽骑着马带上猎狗打猎了。牛津搭配〔hound〕In this sport, hounds chase an artificial scent.在这项运动中,猎狗追踪的是一种人工臭迹。牛津搭配〔hound〕Rainey's chief interest in life is hunting with hounds.雷尼一生中最大的乐趣是带着猎狗去打猎。外研社新世纪〔hound〕Rainey's chief interest in life is hunting with hounds.雷尼生活的最大爱好就是带着猎狗去打猎。柯林斯高阶〔hound〕The hounds picked up the scent of the fox.猎狗嗅到了那只狐狸的气味。牛津搭配〔humanely〕The fox must be killed humanely before the hounds can get to it.这条狐狸必须在猎狗接近它之前被以人道的方式杀掉。外研社新世纪〔huntsman〕A man who manages the hounds in the hunting field.猎犬管理人:在狩猎场里管理猎狗的人美国传统〔hunt〕The hounds hunted down the stag.猎狗追捕到了那头牡鹿。英汉大词典〔hunt〕To make use of (hounds, for example) in pursuing game.在追猎猎物时使用(猎狗美国传统〔lay on〕Hounds were laid on and they ran up through the woods.猎狗被放出去追踪, 它们跑遍了树林。外研社新世纪〔leash〕A set of three animals, such as hounds.三只动物为一组,如猎狗美国传统〔lodge〕The hound found the place where the deer lodged.猎狗找到了那头鹿躲藏过的地方。21世纪英汉〔loll〕The hunting dog lolled its tongue out.猎狗伸出了舌头。21世纪英汉〔lurcher〕Chiefly British A crossbred dog used by poachers.【多用于英国】 狩猎时不出声的猎狗:狩猎者使用的一种杂交狗美国传统〔minicam〕They attached a minicam to the back of a terrier.他们将一台小型摄像机装在一只小猎狗的背上。外研社新世纪〔nose〕The hounds ran ahead, following their noses on the trail of the fox.猎狗顺着狐狸的臭迹跑在前面。英汉大词典〔old〕The hounds had grown old.那些猎狗已经老了。外研社新世纪〔outwit〕The fox outwitted the hounds.狐狸智胜了猎狗牛津同义词〔plunge〕The hunting dogs plunged into the forest in pursuit of game.猎狗们冲入森林追捕猎物美国传统〔pointer〕Any of a breed of hunting dogs that points game, typically having a smooth, short-haired coat that is usually white with black or brownish spots.猎犬:指示猎物位置的一种猎狗,典型特征是有一身光滑的浅毛,通常毛色为白色,间杂着黑或浅褐斑点美国传统〔point〕The stiff and attentive stance taken by a hunting dog.警觉的立姿:猎狗所采取的僵硬而定神贯注的姿势美国传统〔point〕To indicate the presence and position of (game) by standing immobile and directing the muzzle toward it. Used of a hunting dog.(猎狗)指示猎物所在:站立不动并以嘴来指出(猎物的)存在和位置,用于一只猎狗美国传统〔point〕To indicate the presence and position of game. Used of a hunting dog.(猎狗)指示猎物位置:指示猎物的存在和位置,用于一只猎狗美国传统〔pull〕The hound was going to sink its teeth into the rabbit but was quickly pulled off.猎狗正要咬兔子,可是马上被拉开了。英汉大词典〔pursue〕Hounds pursue the fox.猎狗追捕狐狸。牛津同义词〔put ... up〕The hunting dog put up some partridges.猎狗惊起了几只鹧鸪。21世纪英汉〔quest〕Our hunting dogs are questing for small wild animals in the woods.我们的猎狗正在树林中搜寻小的野兽。21世纪英汉〔retrieve〕The hound retrieves well.这条猎狗善于叼回猎物。21世纪英汉〔ridgeback〕A Rhodesian ridgeback.罗得西亚猎狗美国传统〔run〕We run our hunting dogs every morning.每天早上我遛猎狗美国传统〔scent〕The hounds had lost the scent of the fox near the river.猎狗在河边闻不到狐狸的臭迹了。剑桥高阶〔scent〕To hunt prey by means of the sense of smell. Used of hounds.循嗅迹追猎:通过嗅觉追踪猎物。用于猎狗美国传统〔setter〕English/Irish setters 英格兰/爱尔兰蹲伏猎狗韦氏高阶〔set〕To point to the location of (game) by holding a fixed attitude. Used of a hunting dog.训练:以固定姿态指出(猎物)位置。用于猎狗美国传统〔slip〕The fox slipped one over on the hounds and got away.狐狸对猎狗耍了个花招逃脱了。英汉大词典〔slow〕The hound is slow but sure.那条猎狗虽然动作慢,但总能抓获猎物。英汉大词典〔sweetly〕The hound smelled sweetly of soap.这条猎狗身上有肥皂的香味。外研社新世纪〔tear at〕Hounds are tearing at the fox's belly.几只猎狗正撕扯狐狸的腹部。外研社新世纪〔trace〕The hounds traced the fox across the field.猎狗越过田野追踪狐狸。牛津同义词〔trail〕The fox had crossed a stream, and the hounds lost the trail.狐狸穿过了小溪,猎狗失去了它的臭迹。牛津搭配〔trail〕The hounds followed the fox’s trail.猎狗跟随狐狸的足迹。牛津同义词〔unleash〕They unleashed the hounds.他们解开皮带放出猎狗韦氏高阶〔vizsla〕Any of a Hungarian breed of shorthaired, medium-sized hunting dogs having a deep rust-gold coat and a docked tail.维兹拉猎狗:匈牙利培育的短毛、中等体形猎狗品种,有深红色皮毛和剪短的尾巴美国传统〔water spaniel〕A large spaniel of a breed characterized by a curly, water-resistant coat, often used in hunting to retrieve waterfowl.水獚:以卷曲、防水皮毛为特征的大型猎狗,常用于打猎叼回水禽美国传统〔whip in〕The man whipped the dogs in when they scattered.当猎狗跑散了的时候,那个人用鞭子把他们赶在一起。21世纪英汉〔whip〕A hound yelped briefly as a whip cracked.鞭子一响,猎狗发出一阵嗥叫。牛津搭配〔whip〕To keep together, as members of a political party or hounds in a pack.召集:使聚集在一起,如政党成员或一群猎狗美国传统〔wolf dog〕A dog trained to hunt wolves.猎狗:训练成捕狼的狗美国传统〔yoicks〕Used as a hunting cry to urge hounds after a fox.唷克斯:常用作打猎的喊叫声以催促猎狗追赶狐狸美国传统I think it's wrong to hunt foxes with a pack of hounds.我认为用一群猎狗来捕获狐狸是错误的。剑桥国际Labradors are used as guide-dogs for blind people.纽芬兰猎狗被用作盲人的向导狗。剑桥国际Paintings of a hunting dog and a bay mare, velvet drapery, antique globes and leather-bound books bestowed a tweedy elegance on the room.猎狗和赤褐色母马的画, 天鹅绒帷帘,古老的地球仪以及皮装书给房间增添了一丝雍容恬适的文雅。剑桥国际Police dogs are often a cross between a retriever and an alsatian.警犬往往是一种会寻回猎物的猎狗和阿尔萨斯狼狗的混种。剑桥国际The final stage of the hunt when the fox is dragged out of its hole and killed by the hounds seems particularly cruel.狩猎活动以狐狸从洞里被拖出,并被猎狗杀害而告终,这显得尤为残酷。剑桥国际The hounds are getting close to their quarry. 猎狗正在接近猎物。译典通The hounds had been on the scent (= following the smell) of the fox for several miles, but they lost it near the river.猎狗几英里一直跟踪着狐狸的臭迹,但是到了河边却失去了线索。剑桥国际We saw dogs questing for rabbits. 我们看见猎狗在搜寻兔子。译典通

