
单词 燃烧着
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔BURN〕He was 200 yards from the burning ship when it exploded. 船爆炸时,他离燃烧着的船200码远。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕The heat from the blazing car could be felt several metres away. 燃烧着的汽车所散发出的热力几米之外都可以感觉到。朗文写作活用〔BURN〕They sat on the sofa in front of a blazing fire. 他们坐在沙发上,面对着熊熊燃烧着的炉火。朗文写作活用〔FLOW〕The fire spread when burning gasoline trickled from the car toward other vehicles. 这辆车上滴出的燃烧着的汽油流向别的汽车,火就蔓延开来了。朗文写作活用〔abandon〕The sailors abandoned the burning ship.海员们离弃燃烧着的船只。21世纪英汉〔ablaze〕His eyes were ablaze with fury.他的眼里燃烧着怒火。朗文当代〔afire〕All Dan's senses were afire.丹所有的感官都燃烧着激情。柯林斯高阶〔afire〕Sydney is afire with Olympic enthusiasm.悉尼全城燃烧着奥林匹克的热情。柯林斯高阶〔aflame〕On or as if on fire.燃烧着燃烧着或似在燃烧着美国传统〔bale out〕The pilot baled out of the burning plane.驾驶员从燃烧着的飞机上跳伞脱险。[参见 bail out]21世纪英汉〔behind〕You could see the burning hatred behind Graham's calm manner.看得出来,在平静的表面下,格雷厄姆的内心其实燃烧着仇恨。朗文当代〔billow〕A field of burning grass billowed thick black clouds of smoke into the sky.黑色浓烟从一块燃烧着的草地冒起,滚滚上升天际。英汉大词典〔blaze〕Eva stood up and indignation blazed in her eyes.伊娃站了起来,眼睛里燃烧着愤怒。柯林斯高阶〔blaze〕He rushed back into the blazing house.他又返回,冲进了燃烧着的房子。牛津高阶〔blaze〕Her eyes were blazing with fury.她的双眼燃烧着怒火。牛津高阶〔blaze〕Linda leapt to her feet, her dark eyes blazing with anger.琳达猛然跳了起来,黑色的眼睛里燃烧着怒火。朗文当代〔blaze〕The fires in the oil wells blazed all night.油井大火整夜熊熊燃烧着21世纪英汉〔blaze〕The log fire was blazing merrily.烧木柴的炉火在欢快地燃烧着外研社新世纪〔burning〕A man staggered from the burning car.有个人跌跌撞撞地从燃烧着的车里逃出来。剑桥高阶〔burn〕A welcoming fire was burning in the fireplace.壁炉里燃烧着暖融融的炉火。牛津高阶〔burn〕Fires were burning all over the city.全城处处燃烧着大火。牛津高阶〔burn〕Her eyes burned fiercely.她的眼睛燃烧着怒火。牛津搭配〔burn〕Two children were rescued from the burning car.两名儿童从燃烧着的车中被救了出来。牛津高阶〔coal〕A hot coal fell out of the fire and burnt the carpet.一块燃烧着的煤块从火炉里掉出来把地毯烧了。牛津高阶〔crawl〕A man w as crawling away from the burning wreckage.一个男人正从燃烧着的残骸爬着往外逃。牛津高阶〔direct〕He directed us to leave the burning building.他指示我们撤离燃烧着的大楼。21世纪英汉〔disarray〕She rushed out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.她衣服凌乱地冲出燃烧着的房子。英汉大词典〔earthward〕The burning airplane hurtled earthward.燃烧着的飞机向地面直冲下来。英汉大词典〔evacuate〕Burning sulfur from the wreck has forced evacuations from the area.残骸上燃烧着的硫黄迫使人们撤出该地区。柯林斯高阶〔fierce〕The aircraft was burning fiercely.飞机猛烈地燃烧着牛津高阶〔firebrand〕A piece of burning wood.燃烧着的木头美国传统〔firebrand〕They threw firebrands onto the roof.他们把燃烧着的木头投向屋顶。外研社新世纪〔flame〕The fire flamed cosily in the hearth.壁炉里的火暖烘烘地燃烧着剑桥高阶〔flaming〕Flaming fragments were still falling from the sky.燃烧着的碎片还在不断地从天而降。牛津高阶〔flare〕Exasperation flared in his eyes.他的目光中燃烧着怒火。外研社新世纪〔gas jet〕The flame of burning gas from a gas burner.煤气灯的火焰:从一个气体燃烧器中发出的燃烧着的气体的火焰美国传统〔gleed〕A glowing coal; an ember.余烬:正燃烧着的煤块;余烬美国传统〔glitter〕His blue eyes glittered with anger.他蓝蓝的眼睛里燃烧着愤怒。朗文当代〔grate〕A wood fire burned in the grate.木柴在炉栅中燃烧着柯林斯高阶〔heroically〕The heroic sergeant risked his life to rescue 29 fishermen from their blazing trawler.英勇的中士冒着生命危险从熊熊燃烧着的拖网渔船上救出了29名渔民。柯林斯高阶〔illumination〕White candles, the only illumination, burned on the table.白蜡烛作为唯一的照明在桌子上燃烧着朗文当代〔interval〕Flaming torches were positioned at intervals along the terrace.沿台阶间隔地插着燃烧着的火炬。牛津高阶〔molten〕A red bed of coals blazed with molten fury.火红的煤层熊熊燃烧着英汉大词典〔mooring〕Emergency workers fear that the burning ship could slip its moorings.急救人员担心燃烧着的船只可能会脱链滑走。柯林斯高阶〔poker〕Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒, 拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。外研社新世纪〔poker〕Mrs Malone took up the poker and stirred at the little fire burning beside her.马隆夫人拿起拨火棒,拨弄了一下身旁燃烧着的小火。柯林斯高阶〔regard〕He ran into the burning building, without regard for (或 to) his safety.他不顾自身安全,冲进燃烧着的大楼。英汉大词典〔sputter〕A burning green stick sputters out smoke.一根燃烧着的青枝会劈劈啪啪地冒出烟来。英汉大词典〔stay in〕The fire still stayed in when we came back.我们回来的时候火依然还燃烧着21世纪英汉〔torch〕The torches were burning fiercely.火把炽烈地燃烧着牛津搭配〔trap〕The two men died when they were trapped in a burning building.这两名男子因被困在燃烧着的大楼里而丧生。剑桥高阶〔trap〕They were trapped in the burning building.他们被困在燃烧着的楼房里。牛津高阶〔zeal〕He burned with a reforming zeal.他内心燃烧着改革的热情。牛津搭配The inextinguishable fire burns in the cemetery in memory of all those who were killed in the war.公墓中燃烧着永不熄灭的火,纪念所有在战争中被杀害的人。剑桥国际The sky darkened as thick smoke billowed from the blazing oil well.熊熊燃烧着的油井里冒出的浓烟把天空遮得暗淡无光。剑桥国际The two men died when they were trapped in (= unable to escape from) a burning building.这两名男子因被困在燃烧着的大楼里而丧生。剑桥国际Water was pumped from a nearby lake in an attempt to damp down the flames from the burning building.从附近的湖里抽水以扑灭燃烧着的建筑物中窜出的火焰。剑桥国际With no thought for (= not thinking about) his own safety, he rushed towards the burning car.他将自己的安危置之度外,冲向燃烧着的汽车。剑桥国际

