
单词 爆竹
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EXPLODE〕Somebody set off a firecracker in the cafeteria. 有人在餐厅里放了个爆竹朗文写作活用〔SOUND〕The firework went off with a loud bang. 爆竹砰的一声爆炸了。朗文写作活用〔banger〕A firework that explodes with a sudden loud noise.奇响爆竹:爆裂瞬间发出巨大噪音的爆竹美国传统〔banger〕They fired off a banger to scare the bear.他们放了一只巨响爆竹来吓跑那只熊。外研社新世纪〔cherry bomb〕A red, ball-shaped firecracker that explodes with a loud bang.樱桃爆竹:一种点爆时响声很大的红色球形爆竹美国传统〔cracker〕A firecracker.爆竹美国传统〔cracker〕A small cardboard cylinder covered with decorative paper that holds candy or a party favor and pops when a paper strip is pulled at one or both ends and torn.彩包爆竹:外面包有装饰性硬纸板的小圆筒,里面装有糖果或聚会纪念品,从一端或两端同时拉出纸绳时,会发出爆裂声美国传统〔cracker〕They were wearing party hats and pulling crackers.他们戴着聚会帽, 不停地拉开彩包爆竹外研社新世纪〔explode〕The children exploded three firecrackers.孩子们燃放了三个爆竹美国传统〔explode〕The firecrackers exploded in his hands.爆竹在他手里炸响了。英汉大词典〔firecracker〕A small explosive charge and a fuse in a heavy paper casing, exploded to make noise, as at celebrations.爆竹,鞭炮:一种包在厚厚纸层里的少量炸药和导线,爆炸后发出响声,用于庆祝活动中美国传统〔firecracker〕Firecrackers are let off in the street during the celebrations of the Chinese New Year.人们在大街上燃放爆竹, 欢度中国新年。外研社新世纪〔fright〕Our dog took fright at the noise of the fireworks and ran indoors.我们的狗听到爆竹声吓得跑进屋来。剑桥高阶〔huddle〕Sophie was so frightened by the noise of the fireworks that she huddled (up) in a corner of the room.索菲被烟花爆竹的声音吓坏了,在屋角缩成一团。剑桥高阶〔illustrate〕The case tragically illustrates the dangers of fireworks.这个案子悲剧性地说明了烟花爆竹的危险性。牛津搭配〔let〕One boy had let off a firework in class.有个男孩在课堂上放了一个爆竹朗文当代〔novelty〕A Christmas cracker usually contains a paper hat, a joke, and a novelty.圣诞节彩包爆竹中通常装有纸帽、笑话和新颖的小玩意儿。剑桥高阶〔petard〕A loud firecracker.爆竹,鞭炮美国传统〔squib〕A broken firecracker that burns but does not explode.哑炮:点燃后不爆炸的爆竹美国传统〔squib〕A small firecracker.小爆竹美国传统〔touchpaper〕The instructions on the fireworks said "Light the blue touchpaper, and stand clear." 爆竹上的说明写道:“点燃蓝色导火纸,然后远离。”剑桥高阶A Christmas cracker usually contains a paper hat, a joke and a novelty.圣诞节爆竹中通常有一顶纸帽子,一则笑话和一件新颖的小玩具。剑桥国际I was nearly maddened by the deafening noise of firecrackers. 听著震耳欲聋的爆竹声我烦躁得几乎要发疯了。译典通Our dog took fright at the noise of the fireworks and ran indoors.我们的狗听到爆竹声而受了惊吓,跑进屋来。剑桥国际Shooting off firecrackers can be dangerous. 放爆竹有可能导致危险。译典通Sophie was so frightened by the noise of the fireworks that she huddled (up) in a corner of the room.索菲十分害怕爆竹的声音,她在屋角缩成一团。剑桥国际The boys spent the afternoon setting off squibs and firecrackers.男孩们一下午都在放鞭炮和爆竹剑桥国际The children love pulling crackers at birthday parties.孩子们喜欢在生日聚会上拉开彩包爆竹剑桥国际The instruuctions on the fireworks said“Light the blue touchpaper, and stand well clear.” 爆竹上的说明说“点燃蓝色的导火纸,然后站远一点。”剑桥国际The prohibition against firecrackers was widely ignored on the Fourth of July. 不许放爆竹的禁令在独立纪念日广遭忽略。译典通There was a cracker beside every place at the table.桌上每个位置旁都有彩包爆竹剑桥国际

