
单词 咸味
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔TASTE〕As a child I didn't like sweets, but I loved crisps, nuts, and anything savoury. 小时候我不喜欢吃糖,但喜欢马铃薯片、果仁和一切咸味食品。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕This wine would be excellent with a salty dish such as ham. 这种酒配上火腿之类的咸味食品味道非常好。朗文写作活用〔TASTE〕You can use this herb to flavour almost any savoury dish. 可以用这种香草给几乎任何一种咸味菜肴调味。朗文写作活用〔black bean〕A fermented black soybean having a pungent salty flavor, preserved in salt and used in Asian cuisine.豆豉:发酵过的黑色大豆,有刺激性的咸味,用盐腌制并用于亚洲的烹饪中美国传统〔brine〕You can smell the brine in every breeze.只要有微风, 就可以嗅到海水的咸味外研社新世纪〔briny〕Of, relating to, or resembling brine; salty.海水的,咸味的:盐水的、与之相关的或类似之的;含盐的美国传统〔of〕This water tasted of salt.这水有咸味儿。英汉大词典〔reveal〕Salted peanuts were recently revealed to be the nation's favourite snack.最近发现,咸味花生是该国最受人喜爱的小吃。牛津高阶〔saltiness〕The saltiness of the cheese is balanced by the sweetness of the red peppers.红辣椒的甜味调和了奶酪的咸味柯林斯高阶〔salty〕She could taste the saltiness of her tears.她尝到了她眼泪的咸味牛津高阶〔salty〕Sweat and tears are salty.汗水和泪水有咸味英汉大词典〔salt〕I could smell the salt air as it whipped through my hair.当海风掠过我的头发,我闻到了大海的咸味牛津搭配〔savory〕Piquant, pungent, or salty to the taste; not sweet.辣味的,咸味的,不甜的:味道辛辣刺鼻的或咸味的;不甜的美国传统〔savory〕They prepared assorted sweets and savories.他们准备了各种各样的甜食和咸味小吃。韦氏高阶〔soy〕A salty brown liquid condiment made by fermenting soybeans in brine.酱油:一种通过将大豆在卤水中发酵而制成的棕色咸味调味品美国传统〔sweet〕I prefer salty snacks to sweet ones.我更喜欢咸味零食,而不是甜的。剑桥高阶〔tang〕She could smell the salty tang of the sea.她能闻到海水浓烈的咸味柯林斯高阶〔tang〕She could smell the salty tang of the sea.她能闻到海水特有的咸味外研社新世纪〔wiggle〕Should the four-eyed fish spy a low-flying egret, they quickly wiggle back into the brackish water.那些长着四只眼睛的鱼要是发现了低飞的白鹭,便会扭动着身子游回略带咸味的水下去。英汉大词典If you put a raw potato into the soup, it will remove some of the saltiness.要是你在汤里放一个生土豆,就能去掉一些咸味剑桥国际

