
单词 唱者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔accompanist〕The singer's accompanist on the piano was Charles Harman.为演唱者钢琴伴奏的是查尔斯•哈曼。剑桥高阶〔affection〕The object of his affections was a young opera singer.他的意中人是个年轻的歌剧演唱者牛津搭配〔alleluia〕The cantor sings the Alleluia and the choir then repeats it.领唱者唱“哈利路亚”赞美诗, 然后唱诗班再唱一遍。外研社新世纪〔cadenza〕An extended virtuosic section for the soloist near the end of a movement of a concerto.华彩段:音乐会发展到尾声时独唱者加上的精巧的片段美国传统〔call-and-response〕Of or relating to a style of singing in which the melody sung by one singer is responded to or echoed by another or others.呼喊和响应的:为一种歌唱形式的或与其相关的,其它人响应或重复独唱者的旋律美国传统〔cantor〕The Jewish religious official who leads the musical part of a service.领唱者:犹太教神职人员,在宗教仪式中领唱音乐部分美国传统〔cantor〕The person who leads a church choir or congregation in singing; a precentor.教堂歌唱队领唱者:领导一个教堂唱诗班或会众唱歌的人;领唱美国传统〔chanter〕Music A person, such as a chorister, who chants.【音乐】 咏唱者:唱歌的人,如唱诗班的成员美国传统〔chorister〕A singer in a choir, especially a choirboy or choirgirl.合唱者:唱诗班中的演唱者,特指小男孩或小女孩美国传统〔chorus〕A group or performer in a modern drama serving a purpose similar to the Greek chorus.歌唱者,舞蹈者:在现代剧中起与希腊合唱团相同作用的团体或演员美国传统〔coryphaeus〕The leader of a Greek chorus.领唱者:希腊合唱队的领唱者美国传统〔duet〕The two performers of such a composition.表演这种乐曲的演奏者或演唱者美国传统〔front man〕Music A leading singer with a group.【音乐】 乐队领唱者美国传统〔heterophony〕The simultaneous playing or singing of a single melody by two or more different instruments or singers.衬腔式复调音乐:由两个或更多的不同的乐器或歌唱者来同时演奏或演唱同一旋律的美国传统〔melisma〕A decorative passage of several notes sung to one syllable of text, as in Gregorian chant.花唱:经文中在一个音节上唱的一组修饰性音符,如格利高里圣歌中所唱者美国传统〔performer〕I always dreamed of being a solo performer.我一直梦想成为一名独唱者外研社新世纪〔precentor〕A cleric who directs the choral services of a church or cathedral.领唱者:指挥教堂或圣公会大教堂合唱赞美诗的牧师美国传统〔signature〕Each song bears the signature of its performer.每首歌都带有演唱者的独特风格。牛津搭配〔solo〕Their former lead singer is now a solo artist.他们原来的领唱者现在是独唱艺人了。麦克米伦高阶〔songster〕One who sings.歌唱者:歌手美国传统〔tape〕He shouldn't be taping without the singer's permission.他不该在没有征得演唱者同意的情况下录音。柯林斯高阶Bob Dylan is probably the most famous singer-songwriter (= someone who writes and performs their own songs) of the twentieth century.鲍伯·迪兰也许是二十世纪最著名的歌曲作者和演唱者剑桥国际He is both a talented songwriter and performer.他即是一位有天赋的歌曲作者也是演唱者剑桥国际The singers rendered the song with enthusiasm.演唱者们充满激情地演唱了这首歌。剑桥国际The soloist had never performed in London before. 那位独唱者过去从未在伦敦演出过。译典通We had some carol singers round last night.昨天晚上,我们附近有一些圣歌演唱者剑桥国际

