
单词 啤酒杯
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔bang〕Sam banged his beer glass on the table.萨姆砰地把啤酒杯放在桌上。麦克米伦高阶〔conk〕He developed that wise look in his eyes that makes you feel like conking him with a beer mug.他做出的那个狡黠眼神让你想用啤酒杯打他的头。外研社新世纪〔flick〕He gave the beermat a flick, then caught it in midair.他把啤酒杯垫迅速抛起, 然后在半空中接住。外研社新世纪〔hand〕Willie helped hand the mugs around.威利帮忙分发啤酒杯朗文当代〔muse〕He sat musing and playing with the beer mat.他坐在那儿深思着, 手里把玩着一个啤酒杯垫。外研社新世纪〔pilsner〕A tall, thin, footed beer glass.比尔森型高脚啤酒杯:一种瘦高型的有脚啤酒杯美国传统〔pony〕Something small for its kind, especially a small glass for beer or liqueur.小酒杯:尺寸比正常要小的东西,尤指小啤酒杯或小酒杯美国传统〔pot〕A large drinking cup; a tankard.大水杯;大啤酒杯美国传统〔schooner〕A large beer glass, generally holding a pint or more.大啤酒杯,通常能装一品脱或更多美国传统〔score〕The waiter scored me the glasses of beer.侍者记下了我喝的啤酒杯数。21世纪英汉〔seidel〕A beer mug.大啤酒杯美国传统〔shell〕A small glass for beer.啤酒杯:盛啤酒的小型玻璃杯美国传统〔stein〕A mug, especially one for beer, usually holding about a pint.啤酒杯:酒杯,尤指装啤酒的,通常能盛大约一品脱美国传统〔yard of ale〕The amount of liquid that a yard of ale can hold. 一细高啤酒杯之量:一角形玻璃瓶所能容纳的液体量美国传统Pubs usually have beer mats to put the glasses on and protect the tables.酒吧里杯子常被放在啤酒杯垫上,保护桌面。剑桥国际To attract customers, the bar gave away its steins as souvenirs. 为了招揽顾客,这家酒吧将它店里的啤酒杯当纪念品送人。译典通We'll need to borrow some beer glasses and some wine glasses for the party.为了举办一个聚会,我们需要借一些啤酒杯和葡萄酒酒杯。剑桥国际

