
单词 体育活动
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔INCLUDE/NOT INCLUDE〕Gardening excepted, she does very little in the way of good regular exercise. 除了园艺,她很少参加有益的定期体育活动朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Dick's had a bad injury, and it's probably smart of him not to play sports for a while. 迪克受了重伤,一段时间里不参加体育活动对他也许是个明智的做法。朗文写作活用〔INTELLIGENT〕Taking up a sport is a neat way of meeting new people, and it's good for you too. 参加一种体育活动是结识新朋友的简单又聪明的办法,还对健康有益。朗文写作活用〔SCHOOL/UNIVERSITY〕We offer a wide range of educational and sporting activities. 我们有各式各样的教育和体育活动朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕She's interested in cinema, music and sport. 她对电影、音乐和体育活动很感兴趣。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕Sponsorship is important for sporting activities such as golf, football, cricket and motor-racing. 高尔夫球、足球、板球和赛车等体育活动,有赞助是很重要的。朗文写作活用〔SPORT/GAME〕We don't do much sport at my school. 我们在学校里体育活动不是很多。朗文写作活用〔TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED〕In school I was very active in sports and student government. 在校时,我非常积极地参加体育活动和学生会的工作。朗文写作活用〔activity〕She gets at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day.她每天至少进行30分钟的体育活动韦氏高阶〔activity〕We offer our guests a wide range of outdoor/sporting activities.我们为客人们提供一系列广泛的户外娱乐/体育活动项目。剑桥高阶〔after〕After football, tennis is my favourite sport.除了足球,网球是我最喜爱的体育活动朗文当代〔alive〕The sport is still very much alive and kicking in this country.这项体育活动在该国依然很流行。朗文当代〔appealing〕The city offers an appealing combination of sporting and cultural events.这座城市把体育活动和文化活动结合在一起,很有吸引力。朗文当代〔arena〕A large modern building for the presentation of sports events and spectacles.场地,室内运动场:进行体育活动或公开表演的大型现代建筑美国传统〔asthmatic〕I have been an asthmatic from childhood and was never able to play any sports.我从小就患有气喘病,参加不了任何体育活动柯林斯高阶〔ball〕Any of various rounded, movable objects used in various athletic activities and games.球:用于各种体育活动或比赛中的圆形的可移动物体美国传统〔besides〕Do you play any other sports besides basketball? 除了篮球外,你还从事别的体育活动吗?剑桥高阶〔entertaining〕To generate new money the sport needs to be more entertaining.要想创造更多的收入,这项体育活动需要变得更加有趣味性。柯林斯高阶〔factor〕Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness.进行体育活动是保持身体健康的一个重要因素。外研社新世纪〔factor〕Physical activity is an important factor in maintaining fitness.进行体育活动是保持身体健康的一个重要因素。柯林斯高阶〔fixture〕The club is having to play all its fixtures away from home.俱乐部不得不在本部之外举行各种经常性的体育活动麦克米伦高阶〔form〕It's a new form of the sport.这是这项体育活动的新形式。外研社新世纪〔functional〕The author sees sports events as functional to society.作者认为体育活动有助于社会的正常运转。麦克米伦高阶〔game〕I always hated games at school.我念书的时候一直不喜欢体育活动牛津高阶〔go〕I never really went in for sports.我对体育活动从来都不是很感兴趣。朗文当代〔hell〕The cold weather played hell with the weekend sports schedule.寒冷的天气打乱了周末的体育活动安排。朗文当代〔key〕Life at the seaside resort is keyed to endless sports and leisure.海滨避暑地的生活基调是无穷尽的体育活动和安逸闲暇。 英汉大词典〔kind〕Exercises of this kind are very popular.这种体育活动非常流行。牛津高阶〔like〕We like our students to take part in college sports activities.我们希望让学生参加学院的体育活动朗文当代〔obese〕The boy is too obese to take part in sports.这男孩胖得不能参加体育活动英汉大词典〔offset〕You may like to introduce some mental exercises as an offset to the physical activities.你或许想要进行一些脑力活动作为对体育活动的调节。外研社新世纪〔participation〕The club encourages participation in sporting activities.俱乐部鼓励人们参加体育活动牛津搭配〔participation〕We have to improve and increase mass participation in sports.我们要改善和提高群众对体育活动的参与。牛津搭配〔participatory〕Fishing is said to be the most popular participatory sport in the U.K.钓鱼据说是英国最受欢迎的参与式体育活动柯林斯高阶〔physically〕Physical activity promotes good health.体育活动促进身体健康。柯林斯高阶〔physical〕I'm not a very physical sort of person (= I don't enjoy physical activities).我不是那种喜欢体育活动的人。剑桥高阶〔player〕Sports Games One who participates in a game or sport.【体育运动】 【游戏】 运动员:参加比赛或体育活动的人美国传统〔play〕Did you play any sports in high school? 你在高中参加过什么体育活动吗?韦氏高阶〔play〕To compete against in a game or sport.参加比赛:在一场比赛或体育活动中竞争美国传统〔plus fours〕Loose knickers bagging below the knees, worn formerly for sports.宽大运动裤,灯笼裤:膝盖以下鼓胀的宽松灯笼裤,过去在体育活动时穿美国传统〔semiprofessional〕Taking part in a sport for pay but not on a full-time basis.半职业性的:参加有酬的体育活动但不是在全日制基础上的美国传统〔soccer mom〕An American mother living in the suburbs whose time is often spent transporting her children from one athletic activity or event to another.足球妈妈:居住在市郊的美国母亲,她的全部时间都用于把自己孩子从一种体育活动或体育项目的地点送到另一处体育活动或体育项目的地点美国传统〔sporting〕The college offers a wide range of sporting activities.这所大学提供多种多样的体育活动朗文当代〔sport〕Ice-skating with friends is my favorite sport.我最喜爱的体育活动是和朋友们一起滑冰。韦氏高阶〔sublimate〕Hostile feelings and violent responses often seem to be sublimated into sporting activities.敌对情绪和暴力反应似乎往往在体育活动中得到化解。剑桥高阶〔varsity〕The school has not given them the same opportunities to participate in varsity sports that men receive.学校没有给她们与男生同样多的参加大学体育活动的机会。柯林斯高阶〔warm-up〕Often warm-ups or warm.ups Clothing, such as a sweat suit, made or designed to be worn before or after participation in an athletic event. 常作 warm-ups 或 warm.ups 运动衣:设计在参加体育活动之前或之后穿的衣服,如运动服美国传统〔watercraft〕Sports Skill in boating, swimming, or other water-related sports.【体育运动】 水上体育活动:驾舟、游泳或其它与水有关的运动的技术美国传统〔watersport〕A sport played or undertaken on or in the water, as swimming, snorkeling, or surfing.水上运动:在水上或水中进行或从事的体育活动,例如游泳、潜水或是冲浪美国传统Complete absorption in sport interfered with his studies. 对体育活动的极度迷恋妨碍了他的学业。译典通He never joined in the usual sports of the boys. 他从不参加孩子们的一般体育活动译典通He showed an early leaning for/towards sport of all kinds.他很早就表现出对各种体育活动的兴趣。剑桥国际I always hated games.我总是讨厌体育活动剑桥国际It's bad for your health to be physically inactive.不进行体育活动对你的健康不利。剑桥国际Next season's fixtures will be published early next month.下一季的体育活动安排将于下个月初公布。剑桥国际Playing basketball is one form of physical exercise. 打篮球是体育活动的一种形式。译典通There's money in sport these days.如今体育活动有利可图。剑桥国际

