
单词 发行者
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔call〕A demand to submit bonds to the issuer for redemption before the maturity date.催交:在到期之前将股款交给股票发行者以供兑现的要求美国传统〔counterfoil〕The part of a check or other commercial paper retained by the issuer as a record of a transaction.存根,票根:由发行者保留的支票或其他商业票据的一部分,作为交易的记录美国传统〔debenture〕An unsecured bond issued by a civil or governmental corporation or agency and backed only by the credit standing of the issuer.公司债券:由国家或政府的公司或机构发行的无担保的债券,以发行者的信誉做保障美国传统〔e-zine〕A magazine that is published electronically, especially on the Internet.电子杂志:以电子方式出版的杂志,尤其是指在因特网上所发行者美国传统〔income bond〕A long-term debt security in which the issuer is required to pay interest only when interest is earned.收益债券:长期债权有价证券,发行者只需在股份盈利时支付利息美国传统〔nonmarketable〕Of or relating to a security that may not be sold by one investor to another but is generally redeemable by the issuer within limitations; nonnegotiable.不在市场上买卖的:属于或关于一种不可以由投资者卖给另一方但可以由发行者在期限内兑换的证券的;不可转让的美国传统

