
单词 十字军
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Croix de Guerre〕A French military decoration for bravery in combat.十字军功章:一种用作表彰作战勇敢的法国军事勋章美国传统〔GCB.〕Knight of the Grand Cross, Order of the Bath.伟大十字军的骑士,巴思的命令美国传统〔Saracen〕A Moslem, especially of the time of the Crusades.穆斯林,尤指十字军东侵时期的穆斯林美国传统〔assassin〕Assassin A member of a secret order of Moslem fanatics who terrorized and killed Christian Crusaders and others. Assassin 暗杀基督教十字军成员的穆斯林狂热派:威胁和暗杀基督教十字军成员或其他人的穆斯林狂热派的秘密团体成员美国传统〔crusade〕To engage in a crusade.参加十字军远征美国传统〔infidel〕During the Crusades, Moslems called Christians infidels.十字军东侵时期,伊斯兰教徒称基督教徒为异教徒。英汉大词典〔posthumous〕He was posthumously awarded the Military Cross.他死后被授予十字军功章。朗文当代〔reconquer〕A crusade left Europe in an attempt to reconquer the Holy City.一支十字军离开欧洲, 试图再次征服圣城。外研社新世纪The Middle East had become known to Europeans during the 11th-13th century Crusades. 11 至13世纪的十字军东征期间,欧洲人开始对中东有所了解。剑桥国际The church contains the tombs of two medieval crusaders (=soldiers who fought in the holy wars).这个教堂保存着两个中世纪十字军战士的坟墓。剑桥国际

