
单词 原子数
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔atomicity〕The number of atoms in a molecule.原子数,原子价,化合价:单质分子中的原子数美国传统〔empirical formula〕A chemical formula that indicates the relative proportions of the elements in a molecule rather than the actual number of atoms of the elements.成分式:表示在一个分子中各元素的相对比例而非元素的实际原子数的化学式美国传统〔periodic law〕The principle that the properties of the elements recur periodically as their atomic numbers increase.周期律:元素属性根据原子数的增长周期性出现的规律美国传统〔periodic table〕A tabular arrangement of the elements according to their atomic numbers so that elements with similar properties are in the same column.周期表:元素根据原子数安排的表,使有相似特性的元素在同一行中美国传统

