
单词 憎恨
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔-phobia〕The place seethed with Europhobia.那个地方的人极度憎恨欧洲。柯林斯高阶〔Anglophobe〕One who dislikes or fears England, its people, or its culture.仇英者,恐英者:憎恨或惧怕英国,英国人及英国文化的人美国传统〔Callisto〕Greek Mythology A nymph, beloved of Zeus and hated by Hera. Hera changed her into a bear, and Zeus then placed her in the sky as the constellation Ursa Major.【希腊神话】 卡利斯托:一位宙斯心爱的女神,被赫拉所憎恨。赫拉将她变为一只熊,后来宙斯将她送到天空中,成为大熊星座美国传统〔GAY〕Issues of racism, sexism, and homophobia were discussed. 种族歧视、性别歧视和憎恨同性恋等问题得到了讨论。朗文写作活用〔GAY〕Rose was criticized for the racist and homophobic lyrics in several of his songs. 罗斯因为他的几首歌曲里有涉及种族歧视和憎恨同性恋的歌词而受到了指责。朗文写作活用〔HATE〕I felt nothing but loathing for him after the way he'd treated me. 他那样对我,我对他只有憎恨朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕Homophobic attitudes are still very common among teenagers. 憎恨同性恋的态度在青少年中仍十分普遍。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕The band's lyrics have been criticized for being homophobic and racist. 该乐队的歌词被人指责具有憎恨同性恋和种族主义态度。朗文写作活用〔PREJUDICED〕The rapper has been accused of being misogynist and homophobic. 那名说唱乐歌手被指责厌恶女性,憎恨同性恋。朗文写作活用〔RICH〕They do not resent the city fat cats, but believe top businessmen deserve success. 他们并不憎恨城里的那些阔佬,而是相信最优秀的商人理应获得成功。朗文写作活用〔abhorrent〕Feeling repugnance or loathing.感到厌恶的,感到憎恨美国传统〔abhor〕To regard with horror or loathing; abominate.憎恶,厌恶:恐惧或憎恨;痛恨美国传统〔abominate〕To detest thoroughly; abhor.憎恶;憎恨美国传统〔allegiance〕The rebels now have to swear allegiance to a leader they hate.叛乱分子现在不得不发誓效忠于他们所憎恨的领袖。牛津搭配〔anathema〕One that is greatly reviled, loathed, or shunned.被污辱者,被憎恨者,被疏远者美国传统〔attendant〕Hatred is often an attendant of jealousy.憎恨往往与嫉妒相伴而生。外研社新世纪〔back story〕The back story of why she hates her father is a bit too contrived.她何以憎恨自己的父亲,这个背景故事编得太牵强。朗文当代〔being〕I hated him with my whole being.我从心底憎恨他。牛津高阶〔bile〕His article was full of loathing and bile.他的文章充斥着憎恨和愤怒。剑桥高阶〔circulate〕I deeply resented those sort of rumours being circulated at a time of deeply personal grief.我特别憎恨那种在人家伤心透顶的时候还在传播的谣言。柯林斯高阶〔clown〕She resented having to clown for white patrons.她憎恨为白人顾客扮演小丑。英汉大词典〔cold-blooded〕He hated whites from the age of six, when they cold-bloodedly murdered his father.他6岁时父亲被白人残忍地杀害,那时起他就开始憎恨白人。柯林斯高阶〔despiteful〕Full of malice; spiteful.憎恨的:充满怨恨的;憎恨美国传统〔despiteous〕Despiteful.憎恨美国传统〔despotic〕The people hated his despotic rule.人民憎恨他的专制统治。文馨英汉〔detestation〕Strong dislike or hatred; abhorrence.憎恶:强烈的不喜欢或厌恶;憎恨美国传统〔devour〕She was devoured by envy and hatred.她心中充满嫉妒和憎恨牛津高阶〔disdain〕She disdains gambling.她憎恨赌博。韦氏高阶〔each〕They hate each other.他们互相憎恨英汉大词典〔enemy〕One who feels hatred toward, intends injury to, or opposes the interests of another; a foe.仇人,仇敌:一个让人憎恨,意图伤害或反对他人兴趣的人;敌人美国传统〔glower at〕He glowers at us with hate.他憎恨地盯着我们。21世纪英汉〔hated〕He's probably the most hated man in this county.他可能是这个县里最遭人憎恨的人。柯林斯高阶〔hateful〕Eliciting or deserving hatred.引起憎恨的,憎恶的美国传统〔hateful〕Feeling or showing hatred; malevolent.憎恨的:感觉显示仇恨的;充满憎恨美国传统〔hateful〕I wanted to protect my father from my mother's hateful words.我想保护父亲, 不让母亲憎恨的话伤害到他。外研社新世纪〔hatemonger〕One who incites others to hatred or prejudice.煽动仇恨者:煽动他人的憎恨或是偏执的人美国传统〔hate〕I'm not a man hater.我并不憎恨男人。朗文当代〔hate〕I'm not a woman hater, I just don't like Joan.我并非憎恨女人,只是不喜欢琼。牛津高阶〔hate〕She gave him a look of pure hate.她非常憎恨地看了他一眼。剑桥高阶〔hate〕They absolutely detest each other.他们完全是相互憎恨牛津高阶〔hatred〕Her hatred of them would never lead her to murder.她对他们的憎恨也绝不会驱使她杀人。外研社新世纪〔hatred〕She felt hatred toward him.她对他感到憎恨文馨英汉〔hatred〕She looked at him with hatred.她憎恨地看他。文馨英汉〔hatred〕There was a look of hatred in his eyes.他的眼中有憎恨之色。文馨英汉〔hatred〕Vera wrote of her hatred for her mother.薇拉写到了她对母亲的憎恨外研社新世纪〔ill feeling〕A feeling of animosity or rancor.敌意,憎厌:敌视或憎恨的感情美国传统〔impunity〕The child cannot express his hatred of adults with impunity.这孩子要表达对成人的憎恨就难免要受罚了。外研社新世纪〔injustice〕They resented the injustices of the system.他们憎恨制度的种种不公。外研社新世纪〔kindle〕Their mutual resentment again kindled.他们相互间的憎恨重又滋长起来。英汉大词典〔laughable〕He has denied suggestions that he hates all English people, claiming the allegations are 'laughable'.他矢口否认那些有关他憎恨所有英国人的推测,声称这些指控是“荒唐的”。柯林斯高阶〔life〕He abhors the wheeling-and-dealing associated with conventional political life.他憎恨传统政治生活中的尔虞我诈。柯林斯高阶〔loathe〕She loathed being the child of impoverished labourers.她憎恨自己是贫困工人的孩子。柯林斯高阶〔loathing〕He looked at his enemy with loathing.他以憎恨的目光看看他的敌人。英汉大词典〔loathing〕She looked at her attacker with fear and loathing.她盯着袭击她的歹徒,既害怕又憎恨牛津高阶〔loathing〕She looked at him with loathing.她以憎恨的目光看着他。外研社新世纪〔mingle〕Mary looked at him, pity and disgust mingled on her face.玛丽望着他,脸上流露出怜悯与憎恨交集的心情。英汉大词典〔misandry〕Hatred of men.人类的憎恨美国传统〔misanthrope〕Jonathan Swift was presumed to be a misanthrope, a hater of his own species.过去, 乔纳森·斯威夫特被视为一个厌世者, 一个憎恨自己同类的人。外研社新世纪〔misanthropic〕The moral corruption he saw around him made him misanthropic.见到周围道德败坏的情况,他憎恨整个人类。英汉大词典〔misanthropy〕Hatred or mistrust of humankind.憎恨世人或不信任人类美国传统〔misogynistic〕The tone is bitter about women, almost misogynistic.语气中带着对女人的不满, 几乎算是憎恨外研社新世纪〔moralize〕As a dramatist I hate to moralize.作为一名剧作家,我憎恨说教。柯林斯高阶〔nakedness〕The naked hatred in the woman's face shocked me.那位女士一脸毫不掩饰的憎恨让我震惊。柯林斯高阶〔name〕He stepped back with a look I will never forget, hatred, disgust, you name it.他后退一步,脸上的神情我一辈子也忘不了——憎恨、厌恶,反正什么表情都有。 英汉大词典〔nature〕I began to hate her, though it isn't in my nature to hate.我生来从不恨别人,但对她我却开始产生憎恨英汉大词典〔odium〕The complainant has been exposed to public odium, scandal and contempt.原告遭到了公众的憎恨、非议与蔑视。柯林斯高阶〔offend〕To cause displeasure, anger, resentment, or wounded feelings in.使不愉快:使不高兴、愤怒、憎恨或受伤害的感情美国传统〔offense〕The act of causing anger, resentment, displeasure, or affront.冒犯:使产生愤怒、憎恨、不愉快或恼怒的行为美国传统〔passion〕A powerful emotion, such as love, joy, hatred, or anger.激情:强烈的感情,如爱、欣喜、憎恨或生气美国传统〔passion〕He hated them with passion.他强烈地憎恨他们。英汉大词典〔pathological〕His hatred of her was almost pathological.他对她的憎恨近乎病态。英汉大词典〔pique〕To cause to feel resentment or indignation.使生气:使憎恨或气愤美国传统〔place〕Her use of the word hate sounded strange and out of place.她用憎恨一词听起来怪怪的,不合时宜。柯林斯高阶〔rein〕She reined (in) the hatred about to run wild against him.她按捺住了差点儿一爆发便不可收拾的对他的憎恨英汉大词典〔resent〕The girls in the family resented all the attention that Peter was getting.家里的女孩儿们憎恨彼得夺走了所有人的注意力。麦克米伦高阶〔self-perpetuating〕The fighting between the different groups has become a self-perpetuating spiral of death and hatred.不同社会群体之间的斗争导致了死亡与憎恨的永无止境的恶性循环。剑桥高阶〔supercilious〕I hate his supercilious attitude.我憎恨他那傲慢的态度。文馨英汉〔towards〕He feels a lot of anger/hostility/antagonism/animosity towards his father.他很生父亲的气/对父亲怀有很大的敌意/对父亲心怀极大怨恨/非常憎恨父亲。剑桥高阶〔trace〕She showed not a trace of resentment.她一点儿也没有憎恨的迹象。文馨英汉〔usurp〕Ingham resented anyone trying to usurp his authority.英厄姆憎恨任何企图篡夺他权力的人。麦克米伦高阶〔venom〕She surveyed him coldly with eyes that spat venom.她冷眼打量着他,眼睛冒出憎恨的光。牛津搭配〔waste〕I hate unnecessary waste.我憎恨不必要的浪费。牛津高阶〔wreak〕To express or gratify (anger, malevolence, or resentment); vent.发泄:表示或使满足(愤怒、恶意或憎恨);发泄美国传统Fear of unemployment nowadays causes more people to stay in jobs that they hate.现今害怕失业使更多的人呆在他们憎恨的工作岗位上。剑桥国际He's a republican (= a supporter of government by the people), and hates monarchies.他是一名共和主义者,憎恨君主制。剑桥国际I consider myself a feminist, but I hate the labels and separatism.我认为自己是个女权主义者,但我憎恨形形色色的标签以及分离主义。剑桥国际I detest the sort of ads that use nauseatingly (= in a way that I do not like) cute children and animals.我憎恨那种利用乖巧得令人反感的孩子和动物来制作的广告。剑桥国际I hate and despise that kind of cruel behaviour.我憎恨并鄙视那种残忍行径。剑桥国际I have a vehement hatred of people who are cruel to animals. 我对残害动物的人怀有强烈的憎恨译典通It seemed strange to see the country's former president held up to such public odium.看到这个国家的前总统遭到公众如此憎恨,真让人感到奇怪。剑桥国际Orbach believes that the root cause of the so-called slimmer's disease is self-hatred and fear of rejection.奥巴赫相信所谓的减肥者疾病的根源是自我憎恨和害怕遭人拒绝。剑桥国际She hates the snobbery of the chattering classes.她憎恨闲聊阶层的势利。剑桥国际She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她用憎恨的目光看著他。译典通She said that she detests any kind of cruelty.她说她憎恨任何一种形式的残忍。剑桥国际The country is ruled by a detested dictator.国家由一个被人憎恨的独裁者统治。剑桥国际The fighting between the different social groups has become a self-perpetuating spiral of death and hatred.不同社团之间的争斗成为死亡与憎恨的永无止息的螺线。剑桥国际They abhor all forms of racism.他们憎恨任何形式的种族主义。剑桥国际They have a reciprocal loathing for each other. 他们互相憎恨译典通Those two hate each other-- just wait till they get together, then you'll see the sparks fly (= angry fighting).他俩互相憎恨----等他们在一起时,你就会看到他们激烈争吵。剑桥国际What I hate most about having flu is not being able to smell.我最憎恨流感是因为失去嗅觉。剑桥国际

