
单词 性爱
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔Ashtoreth〕The ancient Syrian and Phoenician goddess of sexual love and fertility.阿什托雷思:古代叙利亚和腓尼基人的性爱与繁殖女神美国传统〔Eros〕Sexual drive; libido.性爱;性欲美国传统〔SEX〕A woman's sexual history should not be introduced in a rape trial. 审理强奸案的时候不应该公开一个女人的性爱历史。朗文写作活用〔Tantric〕Tantric sex密宗性爱外研社新世纪〔Venus〕Roman Mythology The goddess of sexual love and physical beauty.【罗马神话】 维纳斯:性爱和形体美的女神美国传统〔amatory〕Of, relating to, or expressive of love, especially sexual love.恋爱的,色情的:关于或表示爱情的,特别是表示性爱美国传统〔amorist〕One dedicated to love, especially sexual love.谈情说爱的人:奉献于爱情的人,特别指追求性爱的人美国传统〔amorous〕Strongly attracted or disposed to love, especially sexual love.色情的,好色的:被爱强烈吸引或耽于情欲的,特别是性爱美国传统〔bedfellow〕Sex and death are strange bedfellows.性爱和死亡奇怪地纠结在一起。柯林斯高阶〔bedroom〕My dad was embarrassed by the bedroom scenes in the play.剧中的性爱场面让我爸爸感到尴尬。剑桥高阶〔bedroom〕The play is a bedroom farce about a middle-aged couple.这是一部关于一对中年夫妇的性爱滑稽剧。韦氏高阶〔brew〕The movie is a potent brew of adventure, sex and comedy.这部影片将历险、性爱和喜剧有机地揉和在一起。牛津高阶〔congenitally〕He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.他生性爱说谎,而且通常债务缠身。柯林斯高阶〔congenital〕He was a congenital liar and usually in debt.他生性爱说谎, 老是债务缠身。外研社新世纪〔convoluted〕The movie has a fairly convoluted plot, involving who is sleeping with whom.电影情节错综复杂, 性爱关系扑朔迷离。外研社新世纪〔cut〕The sex scenes had been cut out of the TV version of the film.该影片电视剧版中的性爱镜头都给剪掉了。剑桥高阶〔cut〕They have cut some sex scenes from the film.他们已经将影片里的一些性爱场面剪掉了。麦克米伦高阶〔cybersex〕Sexual activity or arousal through communication by computer.网络性爱:透过计算机沟通所产生的性的行为或觉醒美国传统〔eroticism〕An erotic quality or theme.性爱性爱的性质或主题美国传统〔erotic〕Dominated by sexual love or desire.受性爱或性欲影响的美国传统〔erotic〕Everyone has some sort of wild, erotic fantasies.每个人都会有一些狂野的性爱幻想。外研社新世纪〔erotic〕Of or concerning sexual love and desire; amatory.性爱的:有关性爱与性欲的;色情的美国传统〔experimentation〕His stories about his sexual experimentation were more bravado than fact.他讲述的那些自己进行性爱尝试的事, 更多的是吹嘘而非事实。外研社新世纪〔explicit〕He didn't like the degree of sexual explicitness in the film.他不喜欢那部电影里性爱露骨的程度。牛津高阶〔explicit〕The film contains some very explicit love scenes.这部影片含有一些露骨的性爱镜头。朗文当代〔free love〕The belief in or practice of sexual relations without marriage and without formal obligations.自由性爱,自由性爱主义:赞成或发生没有婚姻或正式义务束缚的性爱关系美国传统〔hot and heavy〕They have a very hot and heavy relationship.他们的性爱十分火热激烈。韦氏高阶〔imagination〕There's a sex scene in the film which apparently leaves nothing to the imagination (= shows sexual parts of the body very clearly).这部电影中有一个十分露骨的性爱场面,没有留下任何想象的余地。剑桥高阶〔inclination〕My natural inclination was to say no.我以往生性爱说“不”。朗文当代〔inquisitive〕Mandy had an inquisitive nature.曼迪生性爱钻研。外研社新世纪〔lover〕He's a great lover.他是一个性爱高手。麦克米伦高阶〔lover〕He's a wonderful lover.他是个性爱高手。外研社新世纪〔lover〕One who loves another, especially one who feels sexual love.情人:爱另外一个人的人,尤其是感觉到性爱的人美国传统〔love〕They were into free love and avoided commitment.他们之间只是不言承诺的自由性爱关系。牛津搭配〔main man〕One's primary male lover.男朋友:最好的男性爱美国传统〔mind〕My naturally suspicious mind thought he might be lying.我生性爱怀疑,认为他可能在撒谎。朗文当代〔nervous〕He has a nervous disposition.他生性爱紧张。韦氏高阶〔notoriety〕The film achieved notoriety for its explicit sex scenes.这部电影因其赤裸裸的性爱场面而臭名昭著。外研社新世纪〔nowadays〕Nowadays people are rarely shocked by the sex they see on television.如今人们在电视上看见性爱镜头不太会感到吃惊了。朗文当代〔pedophile〕An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children.恋童癖者:对孩子有性爱恋的成年人美国传统〔philter〕A love potion.春药,媚药:一种导致性爱的饮料美国传统〔phone sex〕Sexually explicit talk engaged in by telephone, especially to enhance autoerotic pleasure.电话性爱,电爱:透过电话进行的性爱露骨交谈,尤指会促进自体性愉悦者美国传统〔prowess〕He's always boasting about his sexual prowess.他总是吹嘘自己的性爱技巧如何高超。剑桥高阶〔romance〕An artistic work, such as a novel, story, or film, that deals with sexual love, especially in an idealized form.浪漫作品:小说、故事或电影等内容涉及尤其是理想化的性爱的文艺作品美国传统〔sensation〕The sex scenes in the film caused a sensation.这部影片中的性爱镜头引起了轰动。朗文当代〔sex tour〕A tour to a destination where sexual services are available to tourists.性爱之旅:到某个目的地的旅行,该地提供旅客性方面的服务美国传统〔sexually〕The film contains sexually explicit scenes.该影片有露骨的性爱场面。外研社新世纪〔sex〕Movies containing scenes of explicit sex are banned.有露骨性爱场景的电影禁止上映。牛津搭配〔shocked〕People were shocked by the sex scenes in the film.人们对电影里的性爱场面感到很反感。麦克米伦高阶〔shocking〕The sex scenes in the book were considered very shocking at the time when it was published.这本书里面的性爱场面描写在当初出版时被认为是不堪入目的。剑桥高阶〔victorian〕Victorian attitudes to sex(= being easily shocked by sexual matters) 维多利亚时代的性爱牛津高阶Charles was offended because Amanda had rejected his amorous advances.查尔斯很恼火,因为阿蔓达拒绝了他的性爱要求。剑桥国际Evidence suggested that the AIDS virus (HIV) was spreading very quickly among the heterosexual community.有迹象表明爱滋病毒在异性性爱群体中迅速扩散。剑桥国际I'm not interested in hearing about your amatory experiences.我没有兴趣听你的性爱经历。剑桥国际It is not always easy to draw a dividing line between erotica and pornography.有时很难划分性爱文学作品与黄色书刊。剑桥国际It's a novel about a woman who demands her right to sexual fulfilment in a society that makes no such allowance.那是本关于一个女人要求有性爱满足的权利但却得不到她所处的社会允许的小说。剑桥国际The play contained several bedroom scenes.这部戏有几个性爱场面。剑桥国际The sex scenes in the book were considered very shocking at the time when it was published.这部书中性爱的场面在当初出版时被认为不堪入目。剑桥国际They said that they were going on holiday looking for sun, sand, and sex.他们说他们度假是为了追求阳光、沙滩和性爱剑桥国际To understand, you must not take part in the anti-establishment, free-love drug culture of the 1960s.要明白这一点,你不要参与到二十世纪六十年代的反叛现存秩序、自由性爱的吸毒文化中去。剑桥国际

