
单词 性器官
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔asexual〕Having no evident sex or sex organs; sexless.无性的:无明显性特征或性器官的;无性的美国传统〔bisexual〕A bisexual organism; a hermaphrodite.两性器官;雌雄同体美国传统〔dioecious〕Having the male and female reproductive organs borne on separate individuals of the same species.雌雄异株的:在一个个体上产生雄性器官,而在另一同种的个体上产生雌性器官美国传统〔factor in〕Using a computer model they factored in the costs of transplants for those women who die.他们使用计算机模型,把那些死去的女性器官移植的费用计算在内。柯林斯高阶〔factor in〕Using a computer model, they factored in the costs of transplants for those women who die.他们使用计算机模型, 把那些死去的女性器官移植的费用计算在内。外研社新世纪〔flash〕A strange man flashed her on the subway.地铁上,一名陌生男子突然冲她暴露出性器官韦氏高阶〔flash〕He was arrested for flashing.他因当众暴露性器官被捕。韦氏高阶〔genitals〕The reproductive organs, especially the external sex organs.外生殖器:生殖器官,尤其是指外部性器官美国传统〔gynandromorph〕An organism having both male and female characteristics, especially an insect exhibiting a mixture of male and female tissues or sex organs.雌雄嵌体:一种同时具有雄性和雌性特征的生物,特别是那种雄性和雌性组织或性器官混杂的昆虫美国传统〔hermaphrodite〕Cal is a hermaphrodite, born with both male and female sex organs.卡尔是阴阳人, 天生就有男女两性的性器官外研社新世纪〔oral sex〕Sexual activity involving oral stimulation of one's partner's sex organs.口交:涉及从性伙伴的性器官上得到的口唇刺激的性行为美国传统〔phyllome〕A leaf or a plant part that evolved from a leaf.叶,叶原体,叶性器官:从叶子发育而成的叶子或植物部分美国传统〔pyramid〕Anatomy A structure or part suggestive of a pyramid in shape.【解剖学】 角锥性器官:形状象角锥的结构和部分美国传统〔reproductive〕Zoology A reproductive organism, especially a sexually mature social insect.【动物学】 母体:一种能繁殖的生物,尤指性器官成熟的群居昆虫美国传统〔sexual〕Of, relating to, involving, or characteristic of sex, sexuality, the sexes, or the sex organs and their functions.性的:(有关、包含)性、性欲、两性或性器官、性功能的或其有这样特征的美国传统〔unisexual〕Having only one type of sexual organ; not a hermaphrodite.雌雄异体的:只有一种类型性器官的;不是雌雄同体的美国传统He was found guilty of exposing himself (= showing his sexual organs in public) to schoolgirls.他被判决有罪,他在女学生面前露出自己的性器官剑桥国际

