
单词 在历史上
例句 DEFINITIVE EXAMPLES 权威例句〔EVER〕It was the first attempt in history to assemble representatives of all the major regions. 把所有主要地区的代表都召集起来,这在历史上还是第一次。朗文写作活用〔EXIST〕Other examples of this type of romantic poem can be found throughout history. 其他的这类浪漫主义诗歌在历史上一直都有。朗文写作活用〔antecedent〕We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory.我们首先应大致看一下该理论在历史上的前身。柯林斯高阶〔assured〕Winners of the Nobel Prize have an assured place in history.诺贝尔奖获得者一定会在历史上占有一席之地。韦氏高阶〔assure〕This film had assured him a place in history.这部电影确定了他在历史上的地位。外研社新世纪〔ballast〕Historically, stone was used by sailors in the 1800s for ship ballast.在历史上, 石头在19世纪被水手用作船只的压舱物。外研社新世纪〔bracket〕Grant and Lee are bracketed in history.在历史上格兰特和李两人的名字总是被一起提及的。21世纪英汉〔constant〕In history, change is constant.在历史上变化是不断的。英汉大词典〔free〕For the first time in its history, the country has a free press .该国在历史上第一次有了新闻自由。朗文当代〔historically〕Historically, royal marriages have been cold, calculating affairs.在历史上, 王室婚姻一直都是冷漠而又工于心计的事情。外研社新世纪〔historically〕Historically, royal marriages have been cold, calculating affairs.在历史上,皇室婚姻一直是冷漠且处处算计的事情。柯林斯高阶〔historical〕The table compares historical exchange rates for five different currencies.这张表比较五种货币在历史上的兑换率。剑桥高阶〔historical〕There are no historical precedents for a President resigning in mid-term.总统于任职中期辞职在历史上没有先例。麦克米伦高阶〔historic〕Having importance in or influence on history.在历史上重要的,有历史影响的美国传统〔mark〕His mark on history, these appointments suggest, will be substantial.这些任命表明, 他在历史上的影响是实实在在的。外研社新世纪〔place〕He is assured of his place in history.他确信自己会在历史上留名。牛津高阶〔place〕His victory secured him a place in history.他的胜利确保了他在历史上的地位。牛津搭配〔reputation〕Franklin's historical reputation has fluctuated.富兰克林在历史上的名声起起伏伏。牛津搭配Georgia is historically a remarkably tolerant country.格鲁吉亚在历史上是一个相当宽容的国家。剑桥国际His place in history is now secure. 他在历史上的地位现在已经稳固了。译典通This day will go down in history. 这一天将被记在历史上译典通

